Rebirth Turn

Chapter 26: Exclusive photographer

After the filming of "The Wind Rises", Lu Yan went back to re-shoot a few commercials for the newly endorsed M company.

At the filming site, I accidentally saw Ren Yanfei again.

"Hi, Lu Yan, we meet again." Ren Yanfei greeted with a smile.

Lu Yan was a little surprised, "Ren Yanfei? Why are you!"

"The photos I took for you last time, the executives of M company said that they felt very good. So I was officially invited to be the chief photographer this time. Therefore, please continue to give more advice." Ren Yanfei said funny Did a western salute.

Lu Yan smiled, "Why, finally decided to settle down? Are you going to sign a contract with M Company?"

"That's not true," Ren Yanfei shrugged, "I still prefer the feeling of freedom. Besides, Company M doesn't need a dedicated photographer."

Then Ren Yanfei looked Lu Yan up and down, and joked, "Well, if you invite me, I might consider giving up a little freedom."

Lu Yan laughed, "It's an honor! It's just a pity that I can't afford an exclusive photographer right now."

"It's a matter of time. You can afford and need a dedicated photographer one day." Ren Yanfei was not just complimenting.

Lu Yan's eyes flashed, "According to your auspicious words, if there is such a day, I will definitely invite you to be my exclusive photographer."

Ren Yanfei smiled and said, "Then let's talk about it first. But the ugly words are ahead. Even if you are an old acquaintance, I will not be polite to you. My selling value is not low."

The corners of Lu Yan's mouth curled up, "Don't worry, it will definitely be worth your worth."

To be honest, Lu Yan was still very moved by Ren Yanfei's casual suggestion.

He has always liked photography, and as a successful actor, how to make himself better in the camera is also a knowledge. And every good photographer has his own style, the same scenery, the same people, the angles and effects of different photographers are not the same. If you can work with a photographer who has a good fit, the effect will naturally be better.

As a freelance photographer, Ren Yanfei's works can often appear in such influential magazines as National Geographic, which has already demonstrated his level. After the last cooperation, Lu Yan felt that they were still in good harmony. At least Lu Yan felt that the photos he took for himself were better than the professional photography team hired by M Company. Of course, it's not a technical problem, but a feeling problem. Apparently, M Company also felt the same way, so this time, Ren Yanfei was specially invited to be the chief photographer.

If there is such an exclusive photographer, it will definitely do more with less. After all, an artist is a profession with a high appearance rate.

However, Lu Yan is also very clear that such thoughts can only be thought about now. With his current wealth, he can't afford a dedicated photographer, but there is still a chance to cooperate occasionally.

So Lu Yan took advantage of the situation and left Ren Yanfei's contact information. Ren Yanfei also promised that when Lu Yan needed it, if he had time, he would be there with him.

Sure enough, it was really comfortable to work with a photographer who was highly compatible. Ren Yanfei was especially able to capture the better side of Lu Yan. Every angle of the cut, the softness of the light, all highlighted Lu Yan's aura and temperament. It is three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends.

After watching the samples, Lu Yan also felt very satisfied, and secretly made up his mind that he must reach that height as soon as possible and have his own exclusive photographer.

In three days, the rest of the commercials were filmed. In the past three days, except for sleeping, Lu Yan spent all his time in the studio. He didn't even leave during the meal time, and he didn't complain about the intensity of his work.

Ren Yanfei admired his professional attitude, and at the same time began to take his casual advice seriously.

In fact, not only the subject needs a photographer who understands them, a good photographer, but also a good model to create a good enough work. Ren Yanfei likes to travel around, and his works are mostly landscapes, and the characters who enter the country occasionally have their own characteristics. Before, I was invited by Gavin to help take a set of photos. He was not very willing, but he couldn't resist the request of a friend who had known him for many years, but he had an unexpected surprise.

Lu Yan is a very good model. He has a good grasp of the lens and understands the photographer's requirements. For the first time, Ren Yanfei felt that photographing people was so interesting, much more interesting than scenery that could not speak. So when M company invited him again, he knew that the subject of the photo was still Lu Yan, and he agreed immediately. Originally, he had already planned to go to the African savannah to shoot big cats.

The exclusive photographer he mentioned jokingly with Lu Yan before was really just casual talk at first, but Lu Yan seems to be quite interested, and he also believes that Lu Yan has this ability, coupled with his dedication With hard work, one day he will be able to stand at that height, so Ren Yanfei also began to seriously consider this proposal.

Many years later, when Ren Yanfei became a world-renowned photographer, looking back on that year, I am very fortunate that I made that suggestion at that time.

After the commercial was filmed, Lu Yan was taken into the recording studio by Qin Feng before he had time to take a good rest.

On the way, Qin Feng explained to Lu Yan, "Didn't you prepare yourself mentally before and find an opportunity to release an EP? During this time, I asked someone to write a song for you, and now I finally wrote it, and it happens that you are all free today. , let’s go to the recording studio to try singing together to see the effect, and if there are any deficiencies, we can make corrections in time.”

Lu Yan nodded, of course he remembered Qin Feng's promise to make him a real superstar, and he also remembered that Qin Feng said that a real superstar needs to thrive in multiple habitats. In fact, Lu Yan's biggest interest is still in movies. His dream is to one day make a movie that will attract the attention of the world. But he knows how difficult it is to achieve this goal, especially in his current capacity, so whether it's filming TV dramas, receiving commercial endorsements, attending various events, or making records, it's all in order to get closer to that goal. Lu Yan knew that for the sake of his dreams, he had no right to be willful.

Since the goal was the same and a consensus was reached, Lu Yan handed over all the work arrangements to Qin Feng. He believed that no one was better than Qin Feng in this regard, and he believed even more that Qin Feng would act for Qin Feng. He arranged it. But it wasn't until he entered the recording studio that Lu Yan really realized how well Qin Feng had arranged for him.

When Lu Yan and the others arrived, there were already two people waiting in the recording studio. The two were young, probably only in their thirties. One was dressed casually and unkemptly, and the messy hair made Lu Yan think of Li Ran; At first glance, I thought it was a scholar who came out of ancient times, and the book was full of flavor.

As soon as Qin Feng saw the two of them, he greeted them with a smile and apologized, "Master Xi, Muzi, I'm sorry for making you wait so long."

He glanced at them in white Tang suits and said slowly, "The time is just right, we arrived early."

The man with messy hair waved his hand impatiently, "It's alright, don't talk nonsense, someone brought it." With this tone, someone who didn't know what was going on thought that he had encountered a triad.

Qin Feng let Lu Yan move forward and said with a smile, "This is Lu Yan."

Lu Yan smiled and nodded to the two of them.

Qin Feng pointed at the two and said to Lu Yan, "These two are very famous. You may not have seen them, but you must have heard of their names. This is Bai Xi, known as Lord Xi; this is Lin Mu. , but he prefers to be called Muzi."

The white Tang suit is Bai Xi, and the messy hair is Lin Mu.

Of course, Lu Yan had heard of them. In fact, when Qin Feng opened his mouth just now, Lu Yan was already moved, and he did not really confirm it until Qin Feng officially introduced it.

As long as there is a certain interest in popular songs, there is no one who does not know the two of them.

One of them is the most well-known lyricist in the country, and the other is the most well-known composer.

It is rumored that Bai Xi has written songs for ten years, and has written more than 2,000 songs in total, with an average of 200 songs a year, and almost one song in less than two days. And of his more than 2,000 songs, one-third are well-known, and more than 300 of them are very popular.

And Lin Mu, although the time spent composing music is not as long as Bai Xi's writing lyrics, but in the past five years, half of the top ten golden songs selected by the most authoritative organization are Lin Mu's works.

These two people, no matter whose works are hard to find, and their cooperation, which is also called "dream combination", is the dream of all singers. It's just that in recent years, there are not many people who can ask them both to operate at the same time.

Lu Yan knew that no matter who sang this song today, it was destined to be a big hit. What Lu Yan didn't know was how much Qin Feng had paid in order to invite these two people.

Lin Mu looked Lu Yan up and down, and handed him a piece of paper with a handwritten song on it.

Obviously, Lu Yan's outstanding appearance did not add points to him, but made Lin Mu frown. He has seen many artists who perform and sing well. Generally, the more outstanding their appearance, the more unbelievable they sing. Forbearance, but his attitude was particularly arrogant, "Familiarize yourself with it first, and try to sing it later. Can you read the staff? Would you like me to change it to a numbered notation?"

"No, I can understand." Lu Yan smiled humbly, "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Lin Mu was a little surprised by his attitude, and his tone softened, "Hey, don't call Mr. Lin, it's weird, just call me Muzi."

"Okay, Mr. Muzi." Lu Yan smiled, being kind.

Lin Mu was obviously satisfied, "Then you should look at it first, and ask me if you don't understand anything."

Bai Xi just watched coldly, without saying a word.

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