Rebirth Turn

Chapter 35: unravel

Su Mo drove Lu Yan to a nearby hill with a good view.

The winding mountain road is neatly repaired. Although it is summer vacation, it is not a weekend. There are not too many vehicles at this time.

Su Mo drove the car to the top of the mountain. The altitude on the mountain was not very high, but it was still several degrees lower than the bottom of the mountain. The mountain wind ruffled his hair and the corners of his clothes, but his heavy heart gradually became lighter.

Su Mo turned off the car, and the two of them leaned against the slightly hot hood together, looking at the green trees along the way.

Su Mo pressed the corner of his clothes blown by the wind, and said slowly, "I always like to come here whenever I have troubles or encounter problems that are difficult to solve. The mighty power of nature will make human beings feel how much they are. Small, and those troubles and problems are even a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning."

Lu Yan asked, "So does Director Su often come here?"

Su Mo smiled, "Not very often."

"Because Director Su rarely encounters any troubles or problems?"

"It can be said that," Su Mo has always confidently said, "Most of the problems can be solved, and many troubles are just mediocre."

Lu Yan sighed slowly and said in a low voice, "If you are a mediocre person, how can you get rid of self-disturbance."

Su Mo turned his head to look at him and said earnestly, "Mr. Lu has never been a mediocre person."

Lu Yan smiled and lowered his head. After a long time, Shen Sheng asked, "Su Dong, have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you?"

"What do you think?" Su Mo asked back, without waiting for Lu Yan to answer, and continued, "Of course I did. Not long after I took over the Su family, everyone was dissatisfied with me, especially my uncles and cousins. In order to let me down, one of my cousins ​​actually bought the company's creative director and sold a very important design to a rival company. At that time, the Su family was turbulent because of the alternation of old and new forces. Shen may be doomed, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is life and death. At such a critical time, he was stabbed in the back by his own people."

"What happened after that?" Lu Yan asked. This wasn't the first time he heard Su Mo mention his entrepreneurial history. The last time he was in a coffee shop in the university town, they also talked about it. At that time, Su Mo's tone was so soothing and his voice was so calm, but Lu Yan could still imagine how difficult it was for the young Su Mo to support a company on one shoulder. And at that time, Su Mo, who was betrayed by his relatives, was there anyone else who comforted him like he comforted Lu Yan today.

"Later, I solved the crisis and proved my ability. After that, although I couldn't say it was smooth sailing, the voices of opposition gradually diminished. It was not only a crisis, but also an opportunity." Su Mo still said the truth. The wind was light, but in the end, he lightly mocked, "Many times, in front of interests, family affection is nothing."

"What about that cousin?" Lu Yan listened quietly, and then asked, "How is he, have you forgiven him?"

"How can I forgive." Su Mo raised his head, his eyes became sharp, "He betrayed not only me, but the entire family. However, after all, he also had the blood of the Su family flowing on his body, and he couldn't kill them all, so I exiled him abroad. Unless he is buried alive and dead, he will not be allowed to set foot in the country in this life, and he will not be allowed to participate in any business of the Su family. Otherwise, he will lose all support from the Su family to him."

Ruthless! Lu Yan thought to himself.

Su Mo, who said these words, unconsciously showed a chilling aura on his body, with an aura that looked down on the world, like a real king.

Lu Yan groaned slightly, "Compared to Su Dong, my experience is insignificant."

"How could that be?" Su Mo looked at him, the chilling air in his body was instantly relieved, and his eyes softened, "What happens to everyone is the most serious thing to the person involved. The important thing is not to Punishing yourself because of others’ mistakes, the more the other party wants to see, the less it will happen. If others don’t want you to have a better life, the better you have to live. In many cases, ignoring is the biggest counterattack.”

Lu Yan was silent for a while, and then said, "Su Dong knows everything about me and Xu Yongzhou."

Su Mo didn't deny it, "I know, Su Jue told me."

"Boss Su, he seems to be very dissatisfied with me." Lu Yan said casually.

"It's all because of me. I don't think there's anything wrong with our current relationship, but he doesn't seem to think so." Su Mo smiled apologetically, "He probably said some unpleasant things, I hope Don't mind Mr. Lu."

"If I say I don't mind, will I look stingy?" Lu Yan said deliberately.

"No," Su Mo said with a smile, "It's human nature to mind, but if you don't mind, it will show you are generous."

Lu Yan laughed genuinely, "Su Dong really can speak, so it seems that I have to be a generous person."

Yes, there is no need to punish yourself for the mistakes of others. Rebirth once, not for entanglement. Since things are destined to happen, wouldn't it be better to resolve them sooner? Since God has given him a chance to start over, he should naturally grasp it well. In this life, he still has that lofty goal, for which he should make unremitting efforts.

Thinking like this, Lu Yan relaxed, and the big stone that was on his chest was put down.

After I felt relieved, curiosity followed, and I couldn't help asking, "Su Dong, how did you know I was there?"

Su Mo smiled, "I guess."

"..." Lu Yan obviously did not accept this answer.

"You didn't say that I see people accurately, but I'm actually very good at guessing people's hearts. It's just that there aren't many people worth my effort to guess."

Su Mo's eyes were glowing, and Lu Yan could hardly hold back.

It was Su Mo who looked away first, "When I called Qin Feng, you were already out. I thought you were not in the mood to answer the phone at that time, but I analyzed it and thought that was the most likely place for you to go. I think you'll probably need to relax later, so I'll wait for you there."

"What if you guessed wrong?" Lu Yan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, similar to shock, but also a little moved.

"The truth is, I guessed it right, didn't I?" Su Mo said with a faint smile.

Lu Yan was speechless.

Su Mo stood up, took a few steps against the mountain wind, turned around and said to Lu Yan, "Lu Yan, you seem indifferent, but you are actually a very affectionate person. However, the path you choose is destined to be many times. You have to give up some things. One day when you reach your goal, maybe you will really realize what it means to be in a high place. The higher you stand, the lonelier you are.”

The previous sentence is very familiar. Lu Yan remembers that Young Master He once commented on Su Mo, so in fact, are they the same person!

"So, is Su Dong lonely?" Lu Yan asked.

"I'm very lucky," Su Mo smiled, "because I have good brothers and good friends."

Thinking of Su Jue, Li Ran, and Young Master He, Lu Yan couldn't help but said, "Because Director Su treats people with sincerity."

Su Mo didn't speak. He slowly took a few steps forward and said slowly, "No matter what time, Lu Yan, I'll wait for you here. Wait for you to approach or leave."

At this time, the two of them were very close. Lu Yan lowered his eyes slightly, and saw Su Mo's pale lips. Unlike Lu Yan's thin lips, Su Mo's lips were on the fuller side. water light.

It was these lips, the words they said were always so thoughtful and heart-warming, Lu Yan couldn't help but think, not knowing what a kiss would feel like.

A gust of mountain wind blew past Lu Yan's sudden and charming thoughts.

Lu Yan staggered a step quietly, if it was because of impulsiveness, then it would be too disrespectful to both of them.

That day, the two stayed on the top of the mountain until the evening. Like every time before, they didn't talk much, but they were very happy.

When he returned to the city, Lu Yan had completely let go of his frustration and sadness.

After all, tomorrow is the most important thing.

Gao Xizhe's new play is called "The Bureau", a rather suspenseful name.

After reading the script carefully, Lu Yan immediately became excited. For a reasoning fan, there is nothing more exciting than clever tricks and layouts. What's more, for such a suspense drama, the script is not the final word. During the shooting process, the director or even the actors may have better ideas, which may change the tone of the whole story. So this time, instead of being a bystander, it couldn't be better to be able to participate.

Many times, the charm of acting lies in this, which allows you to experience the different lives of different characters, as if your life has countless possibilities, and you have countless opportunities to come back.

Soon Lu Yan picked up and brought Song Hui into the crew.

Compared with Zhou Yingcai, Gao Xizhe is much easier to get along with. This cutting-edge director, who has been influenced by European and American styles, is open-minded, active in thinking, humorous and humorous, and informal. The most interesting thing is that he still has a beard on his face. At first glance, he thinks that Zhang Fei is in the world. Who would have thought that such a rough appearance has an extremely delicate and rigorous mind.

Gao Xizhe was very happy to see Lu Yan. On the one hand, he apologized for the audition, and on the other hand, he highly appreciated Lu Yan's performance during the audition. He patted Lu Yan's shoulder and said with a smile, "Li Ran heard that I asked you to film. At the time, I bragged about you for a while, saying that you had an excellent sense of drama, and that you entered the role very quickly. He was shocked when he auditioned on the first day. I didn’t believe it yet, I thought he was exaggerating. I didn’t expect to see you audition that day. Yes. Although the other young man is not bad, I still like you more."

Lu Yan smiled, "I understand the rules of the industry, and Gao Dao doesn't have to worry about it at all. Speaking of which, I'm still a Gao Dao fan, and I like Gao Dao's movies very much. It's really great to have the opportunity to work together this time. Honored."

Gao Xizhe has a better impression of this young actor with good acting skills and humility. When Li Ran recommended it to him, he thought it was good. Li Ran is not easy to praise people, not to mention his professional vision. He was also a little apologetic for the small setbacks that followed, but he was the biggest investor, so he couldn't do anything about it. Fortunately, he chose Lu Yan in the end, so he didn't have to worry about it. He was also very satisfied with Lu Yan's attitude. It was indeed rare for young people in this circle to be so calm.

After the movie actually started shooting, Gao Xizhe once again deeply realized how important and worry-free an excellent actor is to a director.

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