Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 288: Incoming calls from HSD

Chapter 288 Washington's Call

"Ha ha…!"

Looking at the son and daughter who were shaking their heads in the cradle and pouting from time to time, Wang Zheng couldn't stop the smile on his face!

Seeing that he likes children so much, Molly Bevin's pretty face can't help but reveal the inseparable happiness from the inside out!

It's a pity that this sweet happiness didn't last long and was interrupted by the sudden ringing of the phone!

Taking out his phone and looking at the caller ID, Guo Shouyun frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Molly Bevin asked.

"things related to work!"

"Then go get busy! Alicia and I are enough to take care of these two little guys!"

Although she has just returned from the hospital, Molly Bevin is just as clear about the big thing of 9.11, and she knows even better that her husband is busy because of this sensational event in the United States!

After hesitating for a while, Guo Shouyun nodded.

"I'll return soon!"


After a light kiss on his wife's bright forehead, he kissed the little guy in the cradle who was staring at him, and then he turned away reluctantly!

To be honest, what he wanted most at this moment was to be with his little baby. Although they can't speak yet, as long as he sees them, Guo Shouyun feels that there are no worries! What a wonderful and happy feeling to be a dad!

After leaving the room and walking to the adjacent study, Guo Shouyun dialed back.

"Carl, why do you have time to call me at a time like this?"

As the most trusted think tank of Bush Jr., Karl Rove at this time should be very busy with 9.11!

"Calling you from a busy schedule. Congratulations, Bruce! Father is a divine and wonderful character!"

"Thank you!" Thinking of his two children, Guo Shouyun showed a happy smile again on his face.

"I really want to see my godson now, but unfortunately the White House is a mess right now, I really can't get away!"

"It's okay, Carl. The door of Guo's house is open for you at any time! You are welcome to be your guest anytime!"

"This is the happiest thing I've heard in the past few days!" After a pause, Karl Rove's tone suddenly calmed down, "Bruce, why don't you ask me about New York?"

Guo Shouyun understood what he meant. "Carl, I have seen what I should see. I have seen it in the news. As for how Washington handles this matter, it has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to cause trouble!"

Guo Shouyun, who has experience in his previous life, knows very well what will happen next. Therefore, he has never used his connections to spy on the White House's handling of this matter like other consortiums, so as to make targeted arrangements in advance to obtain wealth!

"Now Citi, Morgan, Merrill Lynch are all long oil, gold, copper and other futures, as well as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and other arms companies' stocks!" Karl Rove pointed out.

Guo Shouyun's pupils shrank, the other party was indirectly reminding him that the United States had absolutely committed war!

"Carl, the previous battle with Citigroup and the others on gold futures has consumed a lot of energy, so I want to live a quiet life in the next time. In addition, rather than making money, now I hope to be a good father and reconcile Husband!" Guo Shouyun said without hesitation.

"Really? You know this is a rare opportunity to make money?"

"There will be more opportunities to make money in the future! But the opportunity to accompany your family to grow will be one less opportunity!"

After hearing the determination in his tone, Karl Rove nodded.

"Well, I respect your decision! ... By the way, I have something to tell you! Jeffrey Gilling committed suicide!"

Guo Shouyun's expression froze. Since the full-scale battle with Citigroup in the gold market, he has not paid attention to each other for a long time. What surprised him even more was that Jeffrey Jilin, the CEO of Enron with a high heart would choose such a way to end his life! Thinking of the way the other party was in front of you and pointed at the country back then, it was really good luck!

After taking a breath and calming down the complicated mood, "Where's An Ran?"

"$33 billion in debt and no one wants to buy this mess, so 'bankruptcy' is the only way it will end! As for the time, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, who knows!"

"Where's the government? Enron is a world-class energy company with a book value of $80 billion. Could it just watch her go bankrupt?"

"If it hadn't been for 9/11, maybe the government would have given it some help, but now...!"

Although Karl Rove didn't finish speaking, Guo Shouyun was very clear that Washington's full attention had been on the war in Afghanistan that was about to start. By contrast, the collapse of Enron has become insignificant.

Guo Shouyun raised his eyebrows, and after thinking for a while, he didn't ask what he wanted to ask!

But Karl Rove is obviously an experienced guy, and he is absolutely world-class in terms of insight into people's hearts, who can train Bush Jr. from a wealthy second-generation idler to a president!

"Bruce, do you have any thoughts on Enron?"

Hearing this, he pondered for a while, and after thinking of the close relationship between himself and Karl Rove, he did not hide it any more.

"I thought about buying it a few months ago. But when I was negotiating, I had a bad time with Geoffrey Gilling, so the plan was shelved!"

"How come I never heard of you?"

"It's not a good thing to be rejected. How can I tell it? In addition, it was an acquisition intention at the beginning, and it was not really put into legal procedures, so there is no need to write about it!"

"I see. ... Now what? Now is a good opportunity to acquire Enron! And no one is competing with you!"

"As you said before, the current Enron is a mess that nobody cares about. So, I can't give you a definite answer whether to continue the acquisition or not!"

"Understandable! You can think about it for a few days. If you want to acquire it, you can call me, and I will try my best to help you!"

Even though Washington's energies are now on 9/11 and the war that followed, they also don't want to see Enron fail. After all, this is the top 20 company in the United States that controls 20% of the country's energy transactions. Once it falls, it will be bad news for the national energy industry. As a representative of Bush, Karl Rove also hopes that his backyard can be as stable as possible when the war breaks out. Of course, with his personal connections and connections, he also has some personal goals. But this is normal, and who is willing to work hard for something that is not good?

"I'll give you an answer as soon as possible!"

"That's good! ... Honestly, Bruce, you should have signed a contract with Citi earlier so you can make more money!"

"I think so too. It's a pity that Citi's price is too high. And things in New York are beyond my expectations!" Guo Shouyun said with narrowed eyes.

He would not tell the other party that his gambling with Citi was just to divert the other party's attention and disrupt the other party's total rhythm, and he did not intend to sign a gambling contract at all.

"Yeah, no one thought about New York!" After a pause, "But even so, you made a big profit this time!"

"No, Carl. We all made a lot of money, to be precise!"

Karl Rove was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Yes, we all made money!"

He put more than 2 million US dollars in the Thunder Fund. Combined with the current gold price, this investment has earned him two or three times the pre-tax profit!

"If I had known earlier, I would have voted more!"

"Karl, we still have many opportunities for cooperation in the future!"

"Yes, yes! Bruce, knowing you is the luckiest thing I've ever had in all these years!"

"Me too, Carl!"

After the two smiled at each other, "Okay, let's talk about that for a while today. The White House is already busy with a pot of porridge!"

"Well! I will deal with An Ran as soon as possible!"




After hanging up the phone, Guo Shouyun sat on the chair with his phone and thought for a while, then found a number in the address book and broadcast it.


A serious female voice came from it.

"how are things?"

"I'm basically familiar with the company's affairs. The Redding project I'm in charge of has already started the land leveling work, and the plan is very smooth!"

Guo Shouyun nodded. The Reading project is the first major project of Pan Pacific Group's five-year 60 million megawatt power plant construction plan. The designed power generation capacity is 2,200 megawatts, and the total investment is 2.8 billion US dollars. It is currently run by Rebecca Mark, the former Queen of Enron and now the vice president of Pan Pacific Group.

After several months of investigation, this shrewd and capable woman is indeed very good. Have the ability to become the CEO of a top big company!

"Do you know about Jeffrey Gilling?"

"I know!" After a moment of silence, the other party said.

How can it be so easy to let go of the person who once wanted to be replaced.

"What about the Enron company?"

"Always been following!... You mean...?"

Such a shrewd woman as Rebecca Mark naturally heard Guo Shouyun's overtones.

"The factors that once prevented us from acquiring Enron have disappeared, so I want to know through you whether Enron is still worth continuing to acquire."


"Yes. After all, no one around me knows it better than you!" Guo Shouyun affirmed.

Rebecca Mark frowned slightly, and after a long silence, "Enron, as the top energy company in the United States, of course has the value of acquisition. However, if the controlling party asks too high a price, I do not recommend acquisition!"

"What price do you think it's at right now?"

"$1 token buy and take charge of all of Enron's debts!"

"One dollar?" Guo Shouyun said in surprise.

The result was beyond his expectations.

"Yes! Now Enron is on the verge of collapse. Once it collapses, with Enron's current asset value, it is estimated that 60% of its $33 billion debt can be repaid! So, we can fully use this Ask for more as a condition! The token purchase of $1 is only the most basic, and we can even ask for a deferral of repayment!”

After thinking for a while, Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "It seems that you are the right person for this call!"

"Boss, I am willing to be the person in charge of the negotiation team for the acquisition of Enron!" Rebecca Mark said with a hint of fiery in her tone.

Although she has now become a senior executive of Pan Pacific Group, she has not entered the core decision-making level of the group. This obviously does not satisfy Rebecca Marks' ideals, or ambitions! The acquisition of Enron is the best opportunity. Because, within the entire Pacific Group, she is the only one who is most familiar with Enron's situation. Once the acquisition is successful, she is the best person to take charge of the Enron Group. Even if the Enron Group and the Pan Pacific Group merged in the end, she was enough to hold the real power of a major subsidiary and enter the core decision-making level.

Guo Shouyun did not refuse Rebecca's request. In fact, even if the other party didn't say it, Guo Shouyun would explain it. After all, no one under her was more familiar with An Ran than her.

There is a saying: 'Know the enemy and know yourself, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles'. The importance of intelligence is especially important in negotiations.

"You arrange the things at hand first, and then go to New York! I will arrange for someone to meet you there!"


Rebecca Mark said excitedly.

After hanging up the phone, Guo Shouyun stood up. This time, the harvest from the gold market has to have a place to go. At present, the most suitable one is Enron!

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