Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat

Chapter 24: wanderer home

  Chapter 24 The wanderer returns home

The Fang family's house is a large yard near the river. The structure of the roof can be seen in some Chinese style, but the layout of the house is a bit European style, but the area around the middle of the yard has been tidied up like a Jiangnan water town. the taste of.

After the car stopped, Fang Lang asked Captain Blackwell to get out of the car and enter the house for a cup of coffee. The captain said that considering Fang Lang had been away from home for so long, he should not disturb Fang Lang's reunion with his family, and he would make a special trip to visit home tomorrow. After tugging at the door a few times, seeing the firm attitude of the other party, they no longer insisted. They just agreed to come to the house for coffee tomorrow, and they left a jeep at the door of the house, got in the car and left.

   When Fang Lang turned around and looked at the door of his house, he saw his family staring at him blankly at the door. When he turned around and saw his face clearly, his mother, Yang Xiu'er, had already run over with tears in her eyes.

Fang Lang didn't say anything, put down the luggage in his hand, knelt on the ground with a plop, and slammed his head three times to his grandfather, father, and mother, and shouted: "Grandpa, parents, unfilial son Fang Lang I'm back, let me kowtow to you."

  Fang Lang didn't know why he knelt down and kowtowed directly. Thinking about it, it might be the original owner's natural reaction, and he expressed his apology for occupying the original owner's body.

Mother Yang Xiu'er had already run over, grabbed Fang Lang's arm, and looked at her son's flushed forehead and kept muttering: "My son! You are back, you are back." While talking wiping tears.

  Fang Lang was also said to have red eye circles, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, Mom, it's because my son is ignorant, which made you worry."

  Mother just kept wiping away her tears, and said in her mouth: "Just come back, just come back, hurry up, come in the house quickly! Tao, come quickly and help your brother with the luggage."

Looking at his younger brother who was called by his mother, Fang Lang was not polite, and casually threw the luggage in his hand to his younger brother Fang Tao and said, "Tao'er, you haven't seen you in the past two years, but you have grown a lot taller! You have grown up!" Young man. No one has bullied you for the past two years since my brother left!"

Fang Tao, who took the luggage from Fang Lang's hand, staggered under the weight and almost lost his footing, also said with a smile on his face: "Brother, you are back, huh! This bag is heavy enough. No one bullied me! Brother Xuewu and they all protected me when I was in school. We are not many Chinese, and we are very united in school. Now after Brazil entered the war, those Japanese classmates also stopped.”

   "That's good. If there are still people who bully you, you tell my brother, and my brother will directly lead the soldiers to clean them up." After speaking, he patted his brother on the shoulder and walked towards the grandfather and father at the door of the house.

   came to grandpa, held his arm and said, "Grandpa, I'm back, your body is still strong!"

The old man is already seventy-three years old, but his body is quite strong. He has to punch once a day. As the old saying goes, seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles for the elderly. Longevity. Based on Fang Lang's observation, the old man dare not say that he will live another ten years, but there is no problem at all if he lives five or six years.

"Old man, I have a very strong body. I punch every morning, and I can eat and sleep. You stinky boy, you are promising, and you have learned to run away from home. The old man thought that his eldest grandson was gone, so it was embarrassing." A few tears." The old man said very open-mindedly.

   Fang Lang thought in his heart, now your grandson doesn't know if he is gone, but don't worry, I will help him to be filial to you.

   "I'm sorry, grandpa is unfilial to his grandson, so I let you worry about it."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back safely! Talk to your dad! Don't quarrel anymore, you know?" The old man patted Fang Lang's hand that was holding his arm, and turned to Fang Lang who was standing beside him. Father winked.

  Fang Lang understood, and said to his father with an old face, "Dad, I'm back. I'm sorry, but my son is not good. I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye. I made you worry."

  Father Fang Xinshan, under the discipline of his grandfather, is a traditional and conservative person with a strong family concept. After his grandmother passed away, his grandfather no longer took care of the family affairs. Therefore, the actual head of the family is the father.

  In Fang Lang's impression, his father has always been very strict and believed that filial sons are born under the stick, so the two brothers Fang Lang and Fang Tao were often asked to follow the family law since they were young. But after his father's stick education, they are indeed two sons with completely different personalities. Fang Lang has never been afraid of being beaten, and has been mischievous since he was a child. Protected, so he was not beaten and died halfway.

The younger brother Fang Tao is a monkey who was frightened by killing chickens to warn monkeys. He was scared by his father's way of teaching his brother when he was a child, so he didn't dare to resist. He was very obedient and became a good boy. Classmates bully. When Fang Lang was at home, someone bullied his younger brother, and it was Fang Lang who beat him up in the past. Gradually, everyone knew that he had an older brother who was like a demon king, and no one dared to bully him. This is why Fang Lang would ask him if he had been bullied as soon as he came back.

Fang Lang could see that his father's eyes were slightly red, and the fist in his hand was clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched again, obviously trying to calm down his mood. His mother was worried that his father would say something hurtful again, and stood by his father He grabbed his hand and patted it lightly.

  Finally, the father just said "Go into the house!" and took the lead, turned around and entered the small courtyard.

  The mother next to him was obviously relieved, followed behind his father, waved again and again, grabbed Fang Lang's arm and walked home, as if afraid that Fang Lang would run away again.

  After everyone entered the house, they moved out a few stools in the living room, and gathered together to learn about Fang Lang's current situation. Fang Lang also picked up some easy things to talk about, and he didn't dare to talk about his injuries. He just said that he saved an American on the battlefield, and then the other party helped find a relationship and transferred Fang Lang away from the front line. Now he is in charge of managing a group of people. A transport ship, responsible for traveling between Brazil and Italy, so I have the opportunity to go home to visit relatives.

After listening to it, everyone was relieved. Only the old man followed the grandfather to experience the turmoil in his hometown and knew the dangers on the battlefield. The experience must not be as light as Fang Lang's description, but the old man will definitely not be in front of his family To expose Fang Lang's avoidance of the seriousness.

Just when everyone relaxed, my father said: "The sea is not safe, there are German submarines everywhere, have you forgotten why Brazil joined the war? Isn't it because German submarines attacked Brazilian transport ships?" ?"

  After hearing what his father said, the mother's heart rose again, and she looked at Fang Lang worriedly and said, "Son, is that so? Then can we not go!"

Fang Lang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard his mother's words. He was about to comfort him, but his father said: "Women, what nonsense, do you think being a soldier is the same as being at home? Do what you want, and don't do it if you don't want to If you don’t go, you will be arrested and shot as a deserter.”

His father's words made his mother tremble in fright, and tears were about to come out of her eyes again. Fang Lang said quickly: "Mom! Don't worry! Now my son's ships are operating under the heavy protection of the **** fleet. The warship is very safe. Besides, the Allied forces have counterattacked into the European continent, and the Axis powers have few days left to jump around. I guess the war will end within this year."

  In order to dispel his mother's doubts, Fang Lang accidentally revealed the history. But he doesn't mind, because first of all, this is his family, and there is nothing he can't say. Secondly, everyone on both sides of the war now knows in their hearts that the balance of victory has been tilted in favor of the Allies, and victory is only a matter of time.

Fang Lang's words really aroused his father's interest, and he rarely asked Fang Lang: "How do you know that the war will end within this year! You, a soldier, don't listen to the propaganda of the army. These are the officers, encouraging you Desperately advertised like this on purpose.”

   Unexpectedly, his father would be so knowledgeable, and he was not guided by the overwhelming publicity outside. This gave Fang Lang a new understanding of this feudal parent who had never been out of St. Paul.

   "What eyes do you have, kid? Why am I wrong?" Father Fang Xinshan found that Fang Lang was looking at himself with a strange look, and couldn't help but said.

  (end of this chapter)

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