Chapter 415 Puzzle

   Several members of the Morgan family glanced at each other, and the patriarch of the Morgan family, Charles Morgan, waved to Fang Lang with a smile on his face, and said indifferently:

   "We are friends, so don't pay too much attention to these etiquettes."

   As he spoke, he actually handed out a beautifully packaged gift box, and continued to Fang Lang:

   "Today is your housewarming, I hope you like this gift."

   Fang Lang was taken aback when he heard the words. This is not in his hometown, and he didn't want to do any housewarming. He just wanted to hold a simple dinner to thank the partners of Universal Group and at the same time achieve his goal.

   Unexpectedly, this Charles Morgan would prepare a gift for himself, which surprised Fang Lang. No one else prepared a gift for themselves, and it seemed extra special when the other party handed him a gift.

   This forced Fang Lang to treat Charles Morgan differently.

   "Haha. Thank you for the gift! Then I won't be polite."

After speaking, he accepted the gift with a look of anticipation, and began to unpack the gift in front of Morgan and the others. After opening the package three times, five times and two times, he found that inside was a porcelain with a diameter of nearly 20 centimeters. plate.

  Five peaches and three bats are painted on the front of the plate, which symbolizes good fortune and longevity at first glance. When you turn the plate over, you can see three other peaches and two bats behind it.

   Counting it in detail means eight peaches and five blessings. This kind of implication is quite good, and the bottom payment is impressively written in the year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty.

  Although Fang Lang doesn't know the name of this porcelain, he can be sure that this must be a genuine product and it is worth a lot. After playing with it fondly, he raised his head and said to Charles Morgan:

   "This gift from Mr. Morgan is really beautiful! I like it very much."

  According to Western customs, when someone sends a gift, it is indeed necessary to open it in person and express your love for the gift. This is different from home.

  Charles Morgan said with a smile on his face after hearing Fang Lang's words:

   "Hehe. As long as you like it, this Qing Yongzheng famille rose plate with eight peaches and five bats. I specially asked Chinese professionals to choose it for me. It is said that it has a good meaning."

  Although this gift is of great value, Fang Lang will not hesitate to accept it due to the relationship between the two families.

   "Haha. Thank you very much."

   After speaking, he glanced at Lilith and Mr. Morgan's female companions, and said to Mr. Charles Morgan:

   "Let's go in and talk! Mr. Marshall and Mr. Alvin Rockefeller have arrived."

  Charles Morgan was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked back at Eli Morgan and Harken Morgan calmly. They were not surprised that Marshall they invited appeared here.

   Even Fang Lang didn't receive them at the door, they guessed that they must be with Marshall.

However, the existence of Alvin Rockefeller was obviously beyond the expectations of several people, which made several people feel alarm bells in their hearts. It seems that during this period of time, the Morgan family dragged Fang Lang and did not reply, and the other party was not waiting silently ah!

  However, a few people don't mind the existence of Rockefeller. After all, although everyone supports different parties in the political arena, there is no hatred among businessmen.

  For example, the European support plan this time is a feast for all capital in the United States. Of course, the Morgan consortium and the Rockefeller consortium will work together to promote the smooth progress of the plan.

  Anyway, taxpayers' money is used to purchase goods from consortiums to support European revival. No capital would refuse such a good thing, right?

  Hearing that there are only Marshall and Alvin Rockefeller in the reception room now, it is obviously a situation where we are talking about business. In this case, it is obviously not suitable for the female companion brought by myself and others to appear.

Therefore, Charles Morgan patted his wife who was holding his arm and introduced to Fang Lang. Ellie Morgan and Harken Morgan also introduced their female companions respectively. Fang Lang pulled Lilith to do it to everyone gave an introduction.

  After the introductions were completed and they knew each other, Charles Morgan winked at his wife, and then directly took Lilith's hand and said:

   "Miss Lilith, the men have business to discuss, why don't you show some of us women around your manor, how about it?"

  Hearing this, Lilith cast her gaze on Fang Lang, and after seeing Fang Lang smiling and nodding, she said with a smile on her face:

   "It's my honor, Mrs. Morgan, please come with me."

  The female companions of the other two also smiled at the men, and after a salute, they followed Lilith and left.

   Seeing this situation, Fang Lang smiled and said to several Mr. Morgan again:

"Please come in!"

The housekeeper Zolph Henry on the side pushed open the door of the reception room, and several people walked in with smiles on their faces. Wan Chongxin nodded to the housekeeper Zolph Henry after the door was closed. Turn around and go downstairs, go to the banquet scene to stare.

  At this moment, Zolph Henry, the housekeeper, was really shocked. He knew that Fang Lang had invited members of the Morgan family to this banquet, but he didn't expect that three members of the Morgan family would come.

  Although he didn't know the identities of these people, depending on the situation, any elderly man might be the patriarch of the Morgan family.

  He has never heard of when the old patriarch of the Morgan family would bring his lover to a banquet, and more importantly, he brought a rare piece of antique porcelain to his new boss.

  Based on his understanding of Huaguo antiques, he can roughly estimate the value of this piece of porcelain with just a glance. This is definitely a valuable collection.

  Would it be a simple person who can let the head of the Morgan family personally deliver gifts?

At this moment, the image of Fang Lang, the new boss, in the mind of the housekeeper Zolph Henry has once again been raised a bit. With the existence of such big figures, the boss's invitation to the president to attend the banquet will definitely not be a sentence empty talk.

   Even, in the United States, where capital is king, Fang Lang, who can invite the two largest consortiums in the United States to be his family members at will, may be the person the president wants to curry favor with!

  At this moment, Zolph Henry, the housekeeper standing at the door, straightened his back very much. With such a master, his self-confidence burst instantly, and his whole temperament seemed to have been sublimated.

  Even standing by the door and waiting for the master's call became something that made him feel honored. It took a while to realize that I should go in and prepare tea for the guests.

  By the time he knocked on the door with tea, the few people inside had already exchanged greetings, and the host and guest were seated.

   Regarding his arrival, everyone didn't show too much, but continued to chat casually, only to hear the gray-haired Mr. Morgan casually say to Marshall:

   "I haven't had time to congratulate you, Mr. Secretary of State!"

   Fang Lang was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect Marshall to be appointed Secretary of State at this time. No wonder the other party would come back from China, so it seems that the other party did not return to the country because of the failure of the mission in Hua country.

   Regarding this, Marshall just smiled, waved his hands indifferently and said:

   "It's too early to congratulate me now. It won't take effect until Mr. Truman is officially appointed. If it really comes to that time, I will need the strong support of all the bosses."

  Everyone in the reception room smiled knowingly after hearing this.

   "Sure, sure! Our project also needs Mr. Marshall's full push, doesn't it?"

  Even Alvin Rockefeller, who supported the Republican Party, answered in a timely manner.

The housekeeper Zolph Henry listened to the conversation of several people, his face was calm, but his heart had already set off a huge wave. It turned out that this Mr. Marshall was not simply a retired general, but he would soon serve as the U.S. military commander. Secretary of State heavyweight.

   This kind of news that has not been known to the outside world is already well known among the big shots, and it seems that there are some great plans that are being pushed forward.

Obviously, his boss is one of the important participants in this plan, which made him take a breath, quickly poured out the tea for several people, politely signaled to everyone, and left the meeting quickly guest room.

  Knowing that everyone in the reception room was discussing something, it must be a big project, so without hesitation, he handed over the tea tools in his hand to a servant, and then emptied out everyone nearby.

   After all, the fewer people who know about such an important matter, the better. If it is heard by a disobedient servant, it will cause big trouble if it spreads.

   At this time, he only believed in himself, so he stood far away in the corridor outside the reception room, making sure that he would not hear it, and at the same time, he would never allow anyone else to approach the reception room.

  Of course, everyone in these rooms didn't know about it, and they didn't care. After all, they were discussing things on Fang Lang's territory. If it spreads out, Fang Lang will be responsible.

  If Fang Lang, who is the master, can't even control his servants, he will not be eligible to participate in their gatherings.

  Charles Morgan glanced at Alvin Rockefeller, then casually glanced aside with a smile on his face, and after taking a look at Fang Lang, who seemed to have everything under control, he slowly said to Marshall:

   "I heard that there is still a project that no one has taken over, right? Since we are friends, if Mr. Marshall needs help, you can tell us as much as you want, so that we can all refer to it."

  After saying this, Alvin Rockefeller first focused his eyes, and his eyes stayed on Fang Lang's face for a moment. After finding that Fang Lang was also frowning, with a vigilant expression, he turned his eyes to Marshall again.

   Fang Lang naturally noticed the other party's gaze. He understood Alvin Rockefeller's scruples. After all, he was invited by Fang Lang to attend the banquet this time.

  Originally, Alvin Rockefeller just wanted to establish a certain relationship with Fang Lang. Unexpectedly, I met several members of the Morgan family and the incoming Secretary of State.

  Originally, the current U.S. government is run by the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is simply supported by the Morgan consortium, just like the relationship between the Republican Party and his Rockefeller family.

   Marshall, who is about to take office as the US Secretary of State under the Democratic Party, is naturally a loyal ally of the Morgan family. Under such circumstances, Charles Morgan's words sounded to Rockefeller's ears, no matter how he looked at them, it seemed like a trap waiting to be drilled by himself.

   Fang Lang, who invited him this time, naturally aroused his suspicion.

   Fang Lang naturally knew this well, but at this time he could only smile wryly. After all, his purpose of inviting Alvin Rockefeller was also to create pressure on the Morgan family.

   I didn't expect Marshall to come to this dinner party suddenly. Now it seems that this arrival must be intentional by the Morgan family.

   Fortunately, I invited Rockefeller, otherwise I would have to face the strong pressure from the political and business circles of the United States alone.

  Marshall was also slightly taken aback when he heard Morgan's direct-to-the-topic words, but he quickly reacted, and his eyes swept over the faces of Fang Lang and Rockefeller.

  As a politician, he does not want to offend two other powerful capital parties at the same time. But now the topic that Morgan brought up is indeed a problem that he urgently needs to solve.

  After pondering for a while, Marshall still gritted his teeth, bit the bullet and squeezed out a smile:

   "There is indeed such a thing. Since several of you are here, I will share it with you. If you have any good ideas, please don't hesitate to let me know."

   Neither Alvin Rockefeller nor Fang Lang spoke, but looked at Marshall with a smile on their faces, as if waiting for his next words.

  Harken Morgan, chairman of Morgan Corporation, laughed and said:

   "Mr. Marshall, please feel free to speak up if you have any difficulties. All of us sitting here will definitely support you with all your strength."

   This sentence directly represented both Fang Lang and Rockefeller, but no one said anything at this time, and everyone just waited quietly for Marshall to speak.

   Seeing this scene, Marshall knew that there was no need for him to be reserved any longer. He coughed lightly and said slowly:

   “The purpose of this European aid plan is believed to be very clear to everyone, so I don’t need to repeat it here.

  According to our previous contacts with European countries, in addition to solving the food and clothing accidents of the local people, we also need to find ways to quickly restore the local economy.

   But if we want to restore the economy, now we have encountered a problem, that is, bridges and roads in European countries have been severely damaged by wars, and almost none of them survive.

  If you want to quickly restore the economy of various places, you must solve the traffic problem. But the local government has been unable to invest in these infrastructures.

  And it is impossible for our US government to invest huge sums of money to build these infrastructures for other countries. This is going to drive taxpayers crazy, so we need someone to step up and take on Europe's road transport restoration. "

  His meaning is very clear. The European aid plan needs to be concerned about the attitude of the American taxpayers. It is impossible to invest the money of the American taxpayers in Europe to help them build infrastructure.

  This will make American taxpayers rebel. And this kind of infrastructure project is obviously a thankless task, and now everyone is willing to take over, so the government is now very troubled.

   But Fang Lang heard these words, but he became a little confused. What's the situation? What's the matter with road traffic construction? It's a thankless business?

  Think about the various road and bridge companies in the hometown of later generations, they are not making a lot of money. Those toll road or expressway companies are not rich and powerful, and they can collect money while sitting.

   Could it be that there are no toll roads in European and American countries at this time? This is impossible! As far as he knows, toll roads have appeared in European and American countries very early!

  (end of this chapter)

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