Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era

Chapter 18: amazing performance

   Chapter 18 Amazing performance

   Various roles in the group have their own advantages, but the riskiest among them is being a leader.

   In this role, it is very easy to overturn because of uncontrollable field, and often face the competition of timekeepers trying to control the field to perform.

   But if he can hold the scene, the leader can also be very good.

  Tao Zhizhi wanted the rapporteur. As the last person to speak, directly facing the interviewer to make the final statement would allow him to take advantage of his calm temperament.

  This kind of advantage, used as a leader to guide discussions, may not have good results.

   What if these people just want to argue?

   Not to mention there is an X factor, Yamane Yokohisa.

The first guy who introduced himself just now probably wanted to set up a more proactive and cheerful person, and said, "Let's start by identifying the timekeeper? It needs to be more convenient to wear a watch. Is anyone willing to take on this role? ?"

  Tao Zhiming didn't wear a watch, but this guy did find a good entry point, and this speech was very efficient.

   Does he want to be a leader? An attempt has been made to lead the discussion.

   Soon, a girl with a watch tried to say, "I can be a timekeeper."

   Yamane Yokohisa said immediately, "I can too."

   didn't say much, but with a more resolute tone, he formed a momentum.

   In the end, in the chair of the person who spoke first, Yamane Yokohisa was confirmed as the timekeeper by voting.

   In just a minute, everyone seemed to have tacitly agreed that he would be the leader.

   At this time, Tao Zhiming said: "Let me be the rapporteur. I will truthfully describe everyone's speech and final conclusion, and show the results we have achieved as a team, please trust me!"

   Truthful statement plus trust card, if someone obviously objected at this time, it would seem that the awareness of teamwork is too poor.

  Tao Zhiming got the role he wanted in one sentence.

After    one more record-summary was identified, the discussion began.

The topic of    is very clear, there are 5 alternatives, there is a total budget, and there is a final goal: to form a unified plan.

   Tao Zhiming was the last to report, but he did not give up his speech during the discussion.

   "…The idea of ​​​​participating in sponsoring the school celebration, although there are many outstanding people participating in that occasion. But if it is not an exclusive sponsorship, it will not make people remember Sumitomo very well..."

   "The establishment of the bursary more conveys the image of Sumitomo's responsibility for public welfare. To produce a very good recruitment guidance effect, there is also a long period of time..."

   "The influence of sponsoring the activities of the club is too small. We all have the experience of participating in the activities of the club. In fact, different good people are like two worlds..."


   Listening to their respective exchanges, all in all, they are not without opinions. Students who come to Sumitomo to apply for jobs are somewhat skilled.

   But Tao Zhiming suddenly spoke in a tone of participating in the discussion: "I want to add a background, I believe it is very important."

  The person who was the leader by default said: "Student Tao Dalang, please explain in detail."

Tao Zhiming said: "The economic situation is so prosperous, we can't just consider the static situation. The situation of recruiting students in recent years is different from the previous years. The financing channels have been broadened, and the amount of funds that can be used by major clubs is greatly abundant. , the talent war will be more intense in the future, this is also a change that needs to be considered, right?"

   These words caused everyone to enter into a short period of thinking, Yamane Yokohisa said: "It is true. I am afraid that the plan that can highlight Sumitomo's strength needs to be given priority..."

   Tao Zhiming pointed out this element, and just continued to listen to the discussion very intently.

   But obviously, this point is the main reason why this question is brought up for discussion.

  Sumitomo itself, as a first-class company, no longer needs to emphasize the issue of image and influence.

   Instead, it is how to deal with other competitors smashing money and drawing cakes to lure students. Therefore, since the title indicates that it is Sumitomo, it is a defensive question.

   To defend instead of attack.

   Tao Zhiming added this opinion, which means to correct the direction of the discussion, and it hits the nail on the head.

   Among the four interviewers, one of them looked at him without a trace.

Sure enough, after a little thought, someone suddenly said: "Continuous activities have a longer-term effect. Sponsoring club activities can be designated as a method. The club regularly organizes lecture-style activities in the school, and please work to Sumitomo's. Seniors return to school to share. After entering Sumitomo, their decent status and income, important cases they have participated in, and colorful Sumitomo life have gradually formed a "choose Sumitomo, choose a broader future, and a more imaginative life". impression…"

   He seemed to be so excited that he couldn't stop talking, but Yokohisa Yamane immediately said: "Due to time constraints, this classmate from Tsukuba hasn't spoken much, so please give him some ideas."

   in disguise prevented this person from talking freely, and also gave others a chance to show it.

The    group meeting was going on in this atmosphere.

   All want to present themselves, compete with others, and act as a “collaborative” atmosphere of meeting as a team to discuss issues.

  Tao Zhiming was a little surprised, and there was no situation of endless disputes in his imagination.

  This is the 1980s, when Neon's most outstanding group of students came out of the university.

   Maybe it's because of the relative "kindness" in the cultural genes, but it is undeniable that, unlike Okita Kyoko, they know more about some taboos in interviews.

Although   Tao Zhiming's role is the final summary statement, it does not mean that he cannot express his opinions in free discussions.

   He often doesn't talk at length, but he always uses a sentence or two to prompt others to push the plan in a more detailed and innovative direction.

   Vaguely, he already has the strength to "guide the discussion framework" than that leader.

   Everyone felt this. Yamane Yokohisa looked at him with more complicated eyes, while others and the interviewer deepened the impression they formed when Tao Zhiming introduced himself: This guy has a broad vision and clear goals!

   After 20 minutes of free discussion, it was Tao Zhiming’s turn to make the final presentation.

Tao Zhiming stood up, did not look at any records, and said calmly: "During the 20-minute discussion, we first came to a clear conclusion that the goal is not the students of the school, but to use this incident to create as much as possible. Publicity effect. The mission is to demonstrate Sumitomo's strength, sincerity and potential through cooperation, and to convey the impression that 'Sumitomo is a good choice' to students in top universities. During the discussion..."

He clearly identified the names of the other seven people and their valuable speeches, and finally said clearly: "So, we suggest that the cooperation should be in the form of an organized competition. The main funds are used for events and awards, to mobilize the sense of honor and enthusiasm of the university community, and they will complete the publicity within the university."

"As for Sumitomo, part of the funds will be used to amplify the influence of this competition award. At the same time, outstanding members who have graduated from various universities and worked for Sumitomo can use their role as mentors to make students feel the sense of Sumitomo's staff. status, wealth."

"The 5 million yen jackpot, although it accounts for half of the budget, is itself a news point for publicity because of the huge amount. It will form a strong sensational effect and be very attractive to students. Matching Sumitomo's image and status. We can save a lot of media costs by producing news. The presence of Sumitomo's president at the awards can also become a symbol of honor."

"In addition, it is my personal last addition. For students who enter the final stage, although they are still in the second or third grade, Sumitomo can express their intention to be admitted in advance. Once this becomes an unspoken rule, Sumitomo will outperform its competitors. Go ahead and target the best potential students a year in advance."

   He finished his speech and sat down.

   entered the final interviewer's question.

The first question    asked was Tao Zhiming: "Expressing your intention to be admitted one year in advance is a rule-breaking thing. Moreover, the time until graduation is longer and the uncertainty is greater. How to solve this problem?"

Tao Zhiming said confidently: "Things that break the rules will continue to appear. Sumitomo does not need to completely solve the problem of uncertainty. It just needs to let the group of outstanding students confirm one thing: Sumitomo can make exceptions for talents. This kind of exception , is a source of honor and a sense of achievement for students, Sumitomo's image and influence have been established. Whether they can finally enter Sumitomo is not the purpose of this activity itself, but the effectiveness of the work of Sumitomo's personnel department. "

   The person who asked the question was noncommittal, but there was a clear smile in his eyes.

   Can you instantly clarify the essence of the interviewer's question and give a very effective answer?

   Good sentence breaking the rules will keep coming.

   This is really not important.

   Rules are meant to be broken.

   A few years ago, where would you give gifts to those who were selected for admission?

   This man gave an amazing performance.

  Compared with other students, he is already a general who can stand alone.

   (end of this chapter)

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