Chapter 685 Explosion

  —"The last time Ms. Sayu went to Yusuke's apartment, I didn't receive any notice from everyone. If that's the case, why should I disclose my affairs?"

  Facing Huisuo's rebuttal, Shiwa let out a short sneer with her nose.

   "Do you understand what you're talking about? It's my right as a girlfriend to bring someone to Yu-chan's side. Is there any reason for me to take into account you, an outsider who is neither relative nor familiar?"

   "I never said Kasumigaoka-senpai must take care of me. Of course I understand that reason, and I won't complain about it, let alone make any selfish and willful unreasonable demands."

  Hui paused at this point, then put on a resolute tone and said:

   "However, I am also related to the matter of Ms. Sayu. Even if Kasumigaoka-senpai refuses to admit it, this will not change at all."


  Shi Yu curled her lips in disdain, but did not deny this objective fact.

  Although she is reluctant to admit it, as a person who personally experienced someone's decadent period, Hui did have a vital positive influence in it, which cannot be ignored.

  She didn't think it was due to the other party alone, after all, there were also help from herself, Xiao Jianao, Ying Lili, and Mangzhu Brothers.

   But relatively, she also had to admit one thing—

  That is, without this girl, someone would not recover so quickly.

   When faced with Kato Yusuke's self-destructive state at that time, Kei was the only existence that could affect it.

  Perhaps since that time, the heroine has already obtained the special ticket to happiness, and she can only be regarded as a lucky one.

   'This feeling really sucks...'

  Shi Yu bit her lower lip lightly, unconsciously stretched her hand to the teacup, and drank tea in a muffled voice.

   "May I ask, Kato-san."

  Kanoko Hasami suddenly opened her mouth, filling the blank space and attracting everyone's attention.

   "About our going to Kato-kun's apartment, I'm a little curious about your thoughts."

   "Are you angry that Xiaoshi didn't invite you; or do you feel sad that you were excluded by everyone; or are you dissatisfied with Kato-kun for not telling you immediately?"

  She raised three fingers one by one, and asked with great interest: "Among these three options, which one is the most difficult for you to mind?"

  Hui was taken aback for a moment, "Eh? Why do you ask...?"

   "Because you are obviously very concerned about this matter, otherwise you wouldn't go hiking with Kato-kun, right? That really doesn't seem like a decision you would make with a cautious personality." Kanoko Hasami asserted.


  Hui crossed her hands on the coffee table, a little silently, "...It's actually not that complicated, I just hope that Yusuke can come to me to report, contact, and discuss problems when he encounters problems."

   "Huh? No, why did the conversation suddenly become like workplace culture?" Ying Lili couldn't help complaining.

   "Yes, but, "Journalists" is recognized by the society and is the most effective way of communication. "Hui said irrelevantly.

   "Tsk, this set of rhetoric again..."

  Shi Yu clicked his tongue in annoyance, and put down his cup heavily.

"You just said earlier that you don't want others to judge your love, are you going to slap yourself so soon? Your words, deeds and logic have completely contradicted each other. You just enjoy being in an ambiguous state with Yu-chan, and let him always Is it all about you?"

   "I didn't think that way! I just—"

   "Just what?"


  Megumi shook her head lightly, after all, she didn't say the second half of the sentence—"I've just been waiting for Yusuke to confess."

  Her eyes dimmed for a while, and her fingers clenched unconsciously.

  If possible, more than anyone else, she hopes to end the ambiguous state with that person as soon as possible, but this is not something she can decide alone.

  Kanoko Hasami pinched her chin thoughtfully, and said strangely: "If I didn't misunderstand outrageously... Kato-san actually hopes that Kato-kun can contact you and report everything to you?"

   "Eh? What, what? Is what Xiao Jianao said true? Megumi!" Eriri asked in disbelief.

   "That, that's because... Yusuke and I still have a supervisor-supervised relationship... Is this normal?"

   "The supervisor and the supervised? What is that!? I have never heard of it!"

   "This, this..."

  Hui picked up the teacup hastily, drank tea to hide her embarrassment, then put down the cup with a "click" and deliberately put on an impatient expression.

   "After all, what we were going to discuss today was about the future, right? Why did it become a matter between me and Yusuke?"

  Shiyu snorted coldly: "Who made Kato-san you hide so many things?"

   "I didn't..." Kei stretched out his hand to the teacup again, defending weakly.

  So Shi Yu continued to ask: "Oh? Don't you come to cook for Yu-chan every week? Didn't you secretly act behind our backs? Didn't you secretly spend the night in Yu-chan's apartment?"

  Ying Lili: "Stay overnight—!?"

   "That, that is..."

  The sudden revelation made Hui a little confused, embarrassed and didn't know how to respond, but Shiyu didn't give her any chance to breathe.

   "It's useless for you to pretend to be garlic. You sent the shampoo at Yu-chan's house, right? And there's a bath towel in the closet, right?"

   "Well... I will not make any comments on this matter, nor will I make any reactions!"

   "Liar, there are so many things I don't know about Hui..." Ying Lili murmured, a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden shock of news.

   "Is there any problem? Don't you all have your own bond and time with Yusuke? Will you all disclose it?" Hui said a little coldly, trying to end the topic.

   "Are you jealous?" A sadistic smile appeared on Shi Yu's face.

   "So, don't just think about it..."

   "Oh? Then do you dare to swear? Swear that you and Yu-chan are innocent friends, you haven't taken any steps, and you haven't done any physical contact between lovers, such as kissing?"

   "Megumi? Have you ever kissed Yusuke—??" Eirika yelled.

   “…I already said I wouldn’t make any comments?”

   "Don't say that, Kato-san~" Kanoko Hasumi said with a smile, "We won't ask further questions, you just need to answer "yes" or "yes", and please be sure to talk. "

   "Is there any difference between the two responses...?"

  Contrary to the excited performance of the two, Hui's attitude became more and more indifferent.

   "Excuse me, please tell me how many times I have to reject this topic before it ends."

  Shi Yu asked: "Do you find it difficult to answer?"

   "Because no matter what I say, it will reveal my personal privacy, won't it? So I won't answer, this topic will stop here..."

   "In other words, in your opinion, is it better to keep the suspicion of kissing Yu-chan?"


   "In your subconscious, as long as you deny the fact of kissing, there is basically no secret at all. Can I understand it this way?"

   Renjian Kanoko's eyes lit up, and she sincerely praised: "Wow~ It's really a little poem!"

  Ying Lili held her head in distress, puzzled, "Wait, Kano, how do you understand this...?"

  So Shiyu further explained:

   "In other words, Kato-san actually thought this way from the beginning to the end—

  I hope that Yu-chan can regard her as a special existence, and firmly believe that she is Yu-chan's true destiny. "


   Facing this direct accusation, Hui's face turned slightly pale, her lips were tightly pursed, and she bowed her head in silence.

   "Eh? Wait a minute, eh—? Hui her, really, do you think so...?" Ying Lili muttered, a little unwilling to believe all this.

  Once this assumption is established, it means that what Shiwa told her before is true—her best friend will not allow anyone to share her love.

  Shiyu chased after her and asked, "Did you hear that? Kato-san, Sawamura is asking you? Aren't you going to answer her?"

   A short silence.

   "... so what if it is?"

  The girl raised her head slowly, with a slight sullen look on her face, and stared directly at Shi Yu.

   "No matter what I think about Yusuke, it's my own business. It doesn't make sense for everyone to use a magnifying glass to observe it? Can Kasumigaoka-senpai stop meddling in my business?"

   She said in an uncharacteristically strong tone, the anger in her heart had already reached such a level.

   "Heh, how lucky you are to speak to me in such a condescending tone, Kato-san."

  Shi Yu narrowed her eyes, and the fierceness in her heart turned into a voice.

   "Obviously you are a cunning, selfish woman who is not even polite to her close friends, and only wants to eat alone. Why are you pretending to be harmless here? You shameless mine girl—!"

  Her voice echoed in the living room, and it seemed that even the air was shaking slightly, full of rage.

  Even under such circumstances, Hui still chose to confront each other head-on.

   "What's wrong with being selfish? Isn't love supposed to mean that both parties treat each other wholeheartedly? It's Kasumigaoka-senpai who has the problem—!"

   "This is modern society, why can you accept that kind of thing where many people go out together? I really don't understand what you are thinking at all... This kind of thing is so weird—!"




  Silence dominated the living room, and the tense air enveloped everyone, making everyone feel parched.

  Hannami Kanoko and Eiriri looked at each other, and there seemed to be the sound of tragic gunfire in their minds, rumbling.

  Shi Yu was silent for a while, then spoke again with a blank expression.

"That's just your idea, Kato-san. We didn't force you to do anything. If you don't want to, you can just leave Yu-chan like this, but you chose another way, so we can only treat you as enemy."

   "But, Kasumigaoka-senpai... In the games we make, although there are many female characters, there will always be only one person who can be with the male protagonist in the end. This is an absolute setting."

   "That's why you don't want to give up the male lead to anyone? Whether the other party is an elder, a senior, or a close friend?"


  Hui agreed with a sigh, and there was a sense of firmness in the weak voice, and said from the bottom of her heart:

   "I think this is the nature of the heroine. No matter how much she values ​​friends and partners, when friendship and love are placed on both sides of the balance, she must choose the hero..."

  Her eyes are slightly moist, her cheeks are smudged with a faint blush, and her delicate lips are slightly opened and closed, inexplicably exuding a dazzling light like a heroine.

  Shiyu's eyes flashed in a daze for a moment, and she was a little distracted by her casual amorous feelings, while the other two also had expressions similar to hers.

  She collected herself, cursed a vixen secretly, and then deliberately put on a straight face to break the atmosphere.

   "Are you still insisting on this statement? Why don't you tell me that Yu-chan has accepted Sawamura now?"


  Megumi's body trembled imperceptibly, her eyes subconsciously focused on Eirari, "Yusuke, accepted Eiriri...?"

  Ying Lili was a little at a loss for this, she blushed and lowered her head not to look at her.

  In contrast, Shiwa declared happily: "In this way, your wishful thinking will almost come to naught, Kato-san~"


  Hui muttered, suddenly thinking of the scene on Mount Fuji, her face lost all color.

  Shiyu keenly captured this change, and her smile became more and more proud.

   "Oh ~ you look shaken? Well, no wonder you are so flustered.

  From the moment Sawamura and I met, I felt fate from Yu-chan;

  Xiao Jia experienced a lot of setbacks before she and You Jiang got married;

  Even that Benizaka Akane and Shinjo-san have their own chances.

  Compared to us, Kato-san, there is no drama between you and Yu-chan~"

  'This is already a unilateral bully...'

  Kanoko Renjian thought so, and winked at Shiwa desperately, trying to stop her from beating the dog in the water.

at this time-

   "Those, what's none of my business...?"

  Hui picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, and deliberately spoke in a calm tone.

  “To everyone, Yusuke may be a unique and different person, but to me, it’s okay if he isn’t that special... Rather, I don’t really want him to be that special at all..."

  She stared down at the teacup, trying her best to suppress the surging emotions in her heart, her eyes began to heat up, and her voice trembled slightly.

   "Maybe you will not be able to accept it, and you may feel disgusted with me, but... what does this have to do with me—!"

  Shiyu's pupils shrank involuntarily, the words he was about to say got stuck in his throat, so he could only let Hui continue to speak.

   "I never thought that Yusuke had to be special. He didn't need to be so handsome, good at sports, or good at studies... I just want him to be ordinary..."

   "So, Yusuke... Yusuke... is my Yusuke. The others... I don't care so much—!"

  Accompanied by the sudden raising of the voice, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time also burst at this moment, and rushed out of the girl's mouth mixed with sobs.

   There was silence all around, everyone was dumbfounded watching Hui's sudden outburst, and lost his voice.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha…"

  Hui smiled slightly masochistically, tears fell down his face like broken beads, causing ripples on the calm water of the teacup.

   "I'm sorry... I still said the ugly words... Uh, huh, huh..."

  Her shoulders trembled, her nasal voice and tears continued to swell in her sobs, her voice was full of loneliness and sadness, but she continued to speak.

   "Maybe I... really can't feel fate from Yusuke like everyone else. Maybe there is no drama between me and him..."

   "But... I just like him like that, I liked him long before you knew him..."

   "Obviously what I'm after is just this kind of ordinary happiness...why, I have to endure those setbacks? Why... I have to watch Yusuke accept you one by one! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

  Big tears poured out of his eyes, which had already surpassed the level of sobbing.

  Megumi was crying so disregarding his personal image, venting his grievances that were terrible in every sense.

   Facing her crying, everyone was a little at a loss.

   Ren saw Kanoko's wry smile, empathy gradually came to her heart, and she hesitated to speak.

  Eriri widened her eyes in astonishment, opened her mouth, swallowed unconsciously, and suddenly remembered what Sayuri Sawamura had reminded her about the girls around Kato Yusuke being too irritating.

  Even Hui, who is usually calm and breezy, now exudes a heavy obsession that makes people feel suffocated. It really makes people afraid to accept it...

  Suddenly, Shiyu broke the silence with a sneer.

   "I didn't expect you to confess to this extent. According to Kato-san, you will never win. No matter how much Yu-chan likes you, he will never give up on us."

   "That kind of thing, there is no need for Kasumigaoka-senpai to worry about it..."

   "Tsk, your arrogant attitude means that you think that others are nothing to worry about, and firmly believe that Yu-chan will choose you in the end?"


  Hui silently wiped away her tears, her attitude softened a little.

   "Sorry, let's put that kind of thing aside for now... Since the purpose of our gathering today is for the future, I want to discuss one thing with you."

  She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and solemnly made a proposal that was beyond everyone's expectations.

   "Sister Kasumigaoka, I hope you can act as a representative and consider joining forces with me."


   I haven't been in a good state recently, so I've put it on a little bit, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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