Reborn Into Star Wars

Chapter 17 - All Is Lost

[Shalla's POV]

My Master and this Grand Inquisitor guy seemed to get along really well. Though their greeting was formal, it seemed more like a reunion between two brothers. When the Grand Inquisitor turned his attention towards me, I repeated to myself what I was supposed to say 'Emmett confronted me on Coruscant while searching for Bridger, seeing my potential he offered to train me'

He gazed at me for several seconds, but said nothing. He turned to Emmett his eyes making it obvious that he was smiling "So, you've taken on an apprentice. Darth Bane is Rolling in his grave" my master grinned "Yes, the rule of two has become rather irrelevant." Emmett chuckled for the first time in a while.

The Grand Inquisitor's gaze rested on me once again "What form of dueling does she use?" Emmett looked toward the Second Brother "Form Five. What about him?" the masked man looked at his companion. "he uses Form Two, Makashi. I believe it would be very beneficial for your apprentice were they to spar" my master's smile grew wider "I couldn't agree more."

[Emmett's POV]

We were in the training room. Shalla and Inquisitor Onassis in the middle, while me and The Grand Inquisitor were to the side.

My apprentice started with a power swing directed at her opponent's torso, but Onassis dodged easily. Onassis fainted to the right, and Shalla fell for it, she countered a strike that didn't exist and this left Onassis in a great position. using his saber like a rapier, he disarmed Shalla, but he didn't stop there. he outstretched his open arm and Shalla screamed in pain.

he was using the force as some kind of cruciatus curse.

I went to reach for my lightsaber, but Grand Inquisitor Cosmos drew his first and took a step forward, his lightsaber was standard issue as far as Inquisitor lightsabers, his blade was red and he had a ring hilt. "Sorry, my companion can get a bit out of hand, I will deal with him" I relaxed slightly 'I'm starting to like this guy, maybe I could recru-' but he didn't go towards Onassis. Instead he swung backwards, sliding on his knees he hacked at my lower legs. I tried to jump back, but it was too late, the lower half of my left leg was hit, and I heard a *thump*

That thump was me, I looked toward my leg to assess the damage, and then I realized, my leg had been cut off. I fumbled away from my attacker, towards the wall, so I could attempt to get myself upright. luckily the blade had cauterized my leg as it was cut, otherwise I would be bleeding to death. I had almost reached the wall when The Grand Inquisitor picked me up by my collar. "you're not getting away from me. We know you're a traitor, I can even feel Ezra's life force on this ship, despite him trying to hide it. Now, I'm going to throw you into the airlock and flush you from the ship. I would kill you with my b.a.r.e hands, but I have a slimmer of hope that you will survive, I would love to see you like this once more.

He dragged me into the airlock, left and closed the inner doors, I was in too much shock to do anything. Through a porthole in the door I could see him remove his mask, revealing a face I had seen many times before, my own. he pressed the button to open the airlock's outer door, and I was flung into space.

I used the force to protect me from the void, and I clung to life with everything I could muster as I floated to the nearest planet.

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