Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 226: Hide (medium)

The last time Hu Yue took a reporter from Liaoyang Daily, Wang Er's brother and younger Zhang Erwen came to A Coruña, and the two exchanged mobile phone numbers. After Wang Ai took out the phone, she was connected after a few calls. As soon as the matter was said, Hu Yue didn't dare to give advice directly, but let Wang Ai wait, and she immediately reported to the leader.

From the reaction of Hu Yue, Wang Ai knows that this time the request is still necessary. Twenty minutes later, Hu Yue called: "We do not block you in principle, but the situation is a bit complicated. You'd better come to the embassy. Our leader will explain to you in person."

Wang Ai bowed his head and calculated the time: "Saturday, is it convenient? Say you have a holiday on Saturday? I have a school holiday on Saturday and I just have time. I have too many classes this year."

Hu Yue smiled over the phone: "Oh, OK, it's still early anyway. By the way, didn't you have a match on Saturday?"

"Well, yes, but I called the team doctor banned, huh."

"Oh, I have won the championship anyway, and I have to prepare for the Champions League final. Alas, your team will have to rest almost every time, right?"

"Isn't it? In the past few days, the team of the B team is very happy. We haven't played in the main three games. The substitutes in the team are not enough. So they will be adjusted from them. It's very enthusiastic to play a game at Riasso. "

The two talked for a while before putting down the phone. In Spain this year, Wang Ai's life was without Huang Xin, without Leoni, without Ozil, Mertesacker and a lot of Chinese teammates. Although Laco's teammates are very friendly and many people have become friends, but the age difference between them is very large, and they can't play together, so they are lonely.

As for Constance, there was not the impetuousness of Leonie at the time, a timid look, it seemed that he was not resistant to beating, so the relationship between the two was not as fast as Leonie's progress.

On Saturday, Wang Ai arrived in Madrid by plane, and Hu Yue greeted outside the embassy. The two entered the door with a few jokes and met Ambassador Qiu, the Chinese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Spain.

Ambassador Qiu's scholar is very strong, and he stretched out his hand: "Welcome to you, Xiao Wang! This year, oh this season, I have your name in my ear every day, young age, great! Come, sit!"

Wang Ai sat down smilingly. As a Chinese citizen working in Europe, the nominal direct leader is actually the ambassador, so Wang Ai is brief, but there are some formal reports to Ambassador Qiu. Of course, it is relatively simple. Mainly schooling and "employment" in A Coruna.

Ambassador Qiu smiled and waited for Wang Ai to finish. The two had fulfilled a set of work procedures, and then officially mentioned the issue of the Crown Prince wedding.

Ambassador Qiu didn't say much, but just said: The embassy supports Wang Ai's attendance at the Crown Prince's wedding, and there will be no obstacles. For the celebrity stars of our country to be able to attend major celebrations of foreign dignitaries and foreign governments, our foreign affairs organizations basically support it. From the attitude of the Spanish royal family and the government towards China, it is generally OK. Even our foreign affairs agency itself has to send someone to participate. In the country, we have to go out and celebrate with the Spanish Embassy in China.

After the details, Ambassador Qiu did not specifically say, the two chatted for a while, and Wang Ai came out. For specific matters, Hu Yue and Wang Ai want to know that she has been clearly informed by the leadership. As an international student who had originally studied in Spain, Hu Yue has lived in Spain for more than ten years and is very familiar with the local customs.

"There is nothing special about clothing, as long as it is not a fancy dress, anyway, men's clothes are just that."

"Can Chinese-style youth uniforms work?" Wang Ai asked tentatively.

"Yes," Hu Yue affirmed.

Wang Ai nodded. The full name of the youth clothes was "May 4th Youth Clothes." Although it was not as vivid as the symbolic meaning of the Zhongshan suit, it also had a somewhat political taste.

"Then our embassy go with me?"

"No!" Hu Yue shook his head: "The people who go to our embassy belong to the government, and you belong to the civilians. Even if the royal family invites you to fancy your unique Chinese celebrity status, you are also a member of the sports star. I understand that the guests of the Crown Prince ’s wedding are basically divided into five categories: other royal guests in Europe are one category, and they can also be considered relatives; foreign dignitaries, which are in the political world, and our embassies are also among them, but at the level Low, usually with ambassadors from other countries; local governments in Spain send people and they will give some symbolic gifts; business people and cultural stars. Although we are all Chinese, we belong to different Guests, just like the National Day parade, it is not that you two are familiar and you can casually take a seat. You can take the opportunity to chat with some well-known cultural and sports stars in Spain and even Europe to expand your social circle. "

Wang Ai nodded and shook his head: "My desire to expand the social circle is not very strong. They are too old to say anything."

Hu Yue smiled: "Then wait a few years, you will grow up and say. By the way, you need to bring a female companion."

"Oh, okay, this is just an invitation."

"Yes, it's all written. Besides, people are married. It doesn't look good if you go alone."

"Oh!" Wang Ai rubbed his hands. Although he didn't take the royal family seriously, the girl was easy to have a romantic association with the words "prince and wedding". Why not call Xu Qinglian?

Hu Yue inspected her eyes and opened her eyes: "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Hey! I don't know, it's fine anyway."

"Domestic? Foreign?"


"It's a pity then, I suggest you choose a local female partner to participate, not necessarily a girlfriend. Europeans are very common for this kind of thing."

Wang Ai accidentally looked at Hu Yue: "Are you worried that the two Chinese people are easily treated by the guests as alternatives?"

Hu Yue nodded: "Your situation is very special, so we have to be careful. It ’s not just these guests, but also some media. You know that European media are ... Excessive, if you have a European For a female companion, there will be a lot of problems. "

Wang Ai nodded with regret. This kind of ritual activity is better not to be extravagant. As for Xu Qinglian, wait for the future, wait for yourself to be stronger, anyway, the European royal family will hold several weddings each year.

After further discussion with Hu Yue on some details, Wang Ai returned to A Coruña. He was going to invite Constance, his European assistant, to accompany him to attend. It should be a little girl who wants to come to the Seville countryside Is it caper?

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