Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 343 Who is stronger between me and the black angel? (third change)

"Minister, how are you feeling now?"

The doctor in his thirties who graduated from Dongda University was nervous, carefully measuring various indexes of Takeo Moribe.

He already knew what happened in the ward just now, but it was just a little bit close. If the guards were slower to withdraw the flames, the little nurse would have died.

Supernatural beings are like hedgehogs, even if they attack unintentionally, they will still hurt those around them.

However, the supernatural body organs are also the same as human beings. He thought that the Minister of Defense would have a big furnace in his body.

"It feels very good."

Moribu clenched his left hand into a fist, as if endless flames could flow from every blood vessel in his body.

"It's better than ever."

Is this the increase in strength? Under the same conditions, the current him can beat at least five of his previous selves.

His own strength has grown, does it mean that the fox demon has also recovered?

Shoubu's heart trembled, he hadn't forgotten that the fox monster was a sealed monster.

There has always been such a chaotic role in the body, Takeo Moribe has no sense of security, not for himself, but for his surroundings.

He was afraid that one day the bomb in his body would detonate and blow everything around him to pieces.

"Minister of Defense, where's your prosthetic limb?"


Shoubu, whose thoughts were interrupted, froze for a moment.

"Ah, it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk about it." Doctor Dongda waved his hand, "It's just a little curiosity of mine."

"I just heard that your arm was broken before, but then I saw in some video materials that your right arm was intact again, just wearing a glove, and now..."

In fact, this is not what the doctor wants to know, and what he studied in medical school is not a major in this field, but this is just a cliché for him.

The government knew very well how Shoubu's right arm was cut off, so they kept separating Shoubu and Meisha deliberately, trying not to let the two meet each other.

So some people still showed great concern for the right arm that had appeared and was damaged later. Where did the guard get it? And whether it has the conditions for mass production?

If this kind of flexible prosthetic technology is cracked and promoted, the market it brings will be too big, hundreds of billions of dollars is just a joke.

It is conceivable that the largest order must come from the army of the previous country, and the problem of disability is still a big problem that plagues the modern army.

"That prosthetic limb was given to me by an adult, but it broke later. Since it is very precious, after it broke, I just kept the posture of the broken arm."

Saying that, Moribe moved his right shoulder.

"And only supernatural beings can control prosthetics with special skills."

He didn't find it too inconvenient, anyway, he still had his left hand, and he could extend the flame arm from his right arm during the battle.

"That's right, it must be very precious."

The physical examination is still going on, Shoubu's health is good enough to participate in next year's Olympics, but next year will be the Olympics, how many people dare to come and participate.

While talking, a supernatural policeman from the Supernatural Headquarters from Osaka came in.

The supernatural policeman bowed lightly, and said respectfully: "Minister of Defense, there is a press conference in the afternoon and I need you to go. Here is your speech."

"I also hope you understand that you have been in a coma for such a long time, and there are many false speculations from the outside world. You need to appear to calm people's hearts."

After being in a coma for such a long time, it is really not an unfounded guess. Even the big shots who know these things are a little discouraged, but now that they have woken up, everything is easy to talk about.

The Ministry of Defense is a positive figure erected by the government, and there is nothing wrong with it.

If the Shoubu hadn't woken up all this time, there might be another 'shadow warrior' thing going on.

"I see."


"Is this the end, today's test."

Shilong Dadou didn't hold a demon sword in his hand, it was just an ordinary sword worth tens of millions.

Dozens of homogeneous steel plates were scattered in front of him, all of which were cut into countless small pieces by him in an instant.

Just an ordinary sword without the demon sword can do this, and its strength is unfathomable and unpredictable.

"It's almost done, Shi Long first..."

"Give me an accurate statement, I don't want to hear about it, and there is no need to carry out such a boring test." Shilong Dadou put the knife into the scabbard, "Waste time, I need to deal with supernatural Monsters don't walk on steel plates."

'This guy……'

The operator next to him pulled the corner of his mouth and forcibly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

It doesn't work if you don't suppress it. To Shangfeng, Shi Long is much more important than him.

After winning the demon sword, Shilong Dadou's disposition was released, and he was more domineering than what he showed in the dojo. This domineering and brutal nature is Shilong Dadou's nature.

He doesn't need the respect admired by thousands of people, those are illusory things, and Shilong Dadou, who was born in a famous family in Ishikawa County, never lacks the respect of others.

He has learned sword for more than 30 years and kept sword for more than 30 years.

What Shi Long wanted was a chance to test his edge!

He, a born beast.

Completely looks like a war madman.

"I heard that there is also a supernatural minister named Takeo Moribe?"

"Where is he now, can he fight me once."

"Who is stronger, me or him?"

For the equally powerful Shoubu Takeo, Shiryu Daito will still respect him.

If not, with his arrogance, he would not have lived to be in his thirties.

It was out of respect that he couldn't wait to fight.

This mentality is very similar to that of a child who wants to show off when he gets a toy.

"It's hard to say the strength of the Minister of Defense..."

Can you beat the current Shilong? This operator is not sure, Shilong's swordsmanship is too monstrous, as long as Shilong gets close to him, the head of the defense department will be in danger.

"Then, black angel? Baiheruo?"

The operator wanted to roll his eyes at this stone dragon, he really didn't know what to do.

How about your little swordsmanship against the black angel? It is clear that the endless and strange arrangements of the black angels have not been allowed. Up to now, they have not yet determined the specific abilities of the black angels. In short, it is very tricky.

And he didn't know where he was hiding, he was just a sinister poisonous snake.

Just when the operator was thinking about how to answer without getting angry or losing face, the mobile phone in his pocket responsible for contacting the headquarters rang.

"What? Is there such a thing?"

"Okay, okay, I see, yes."

The operator put down the phone, and looked at Shilong Dadou strangely.

The establishment of Shilong Dadou has just been assigned to Tokyo's supernatural hall, but the next step is to decentralize it to the local level. Although Tokyo has a population of more than 10 million, the remaining land has 100 million people, so it is impossible to ignore it.

"Mr. Shilong, your mission is here. Miss Mochizuki Misa will assist you this time."

"This is your first mission, please be careful..."

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