Record of Chaos

Chapter 282: Deduce the number of days

   There is a river in the west of Yuntian City, named Canliu River, which is only about twenty steps wide. However, there are dense arch bridges on the river, and all kinds of bamboo and wooden buildings on both sides, simple and elegant. In the courtyard downstairs, the flowers are beautiful and beautiful. The beauty of singing and dancing, the fragrance of wine, will never end. This is exactly the fireworks Liuxiang run by the ancient family, named "Drunken Life and Dream of Death".

   The three elders of the ancient family have their own preferences. The third oldest, Gu Zhongyou, especially likes to live deep in the fireworks and willow alley, concealed in the beauty of wine. This is his way of practice.

   It's just that he is sitting in a cubicle next to the window, the blue curtain is hanging down, the formation is closed, and the sound of singing and dancing around can't be heard.

   He stared blankly at the dark green jade formation in front of him, with a little bit of aura on the formation, almost sucking in all his spiritual knowledge.

   This authentic plate is called "Qiankun Treasure Plate", which is a strange treasure of the Three Realms, and has the magical effect of seeing the secret of heaven. The ancient ancestors of Yuntian City were able to gain a foothold in Yuntian City, occupying almost half of the city's territory. It has been passed down for thousands of years, and it can be said that it is completely the result of this plate. It's just that this piece in Gu Zhongyou's hand is not a genuine product, but a copy.

There are only two copies of    Qiankun Treasure Plate. Originally, the boss of the ancient family owned the genuine product, but the second and third one each held one. Gu Zhongyu's piece was passed to Gu Wentian early, and he hadn't asked about these mundane things a long time ago. But he did not expect that Gu Wentian died in the Jade Palace's Self-Birth Stele, and the imitation of the Universe Treasure Plate was also lost.

   Once Gu Wentian died, there was no one in his line. Gu Wentian is his grandson. He also has a son named Gu Xuanxian, the father of Gu Wentian, the elder of the Cuiyu Palace, but he has not been out of the Cuiyu Palace for more than ten years, his life and death are unknown. In desperation, he had to borrow the imitation of the second child of the ancient family, and personally managed to retrieve the core of the tree emperor from Gu Wentian.

   The Universe Treasure Plate cannot directly perceive the secrets of heaven, and it is extremely restricted. This imitation of him can only be calculated within a hundred miles and several months before and after. But this plan was enough for him. He must infuse mana, connect the formation with his divine consciousness, and then be able to invest in it with divine will.

After    entered it, he seemed to be in the formation.

   Here is also a world, but this world is like a chessboard, with nineteen lines in vertical and horizontal directions, with a total of 324 grids. Each character is reduced to a bright spot falling on this chessboard. The different brightness of the bright spot shows his fortune. The bright spots of different colors are connected together to form the fortune of the entire force that is continuous like a cloud.

   These characters and forces are causally linked and confront each other, and their fortunes increase and decrease, and the development direction and ending of an event can be roughly estimated.

The result of    is not fixed, but is constantly changing. The strong point of the ancient family is that it relies on this insight to see the first opportunity, intervene in a timely manner, and guide the ending in a direction that is beneficial to its own side. They use this to control the world's momentum, and do nothing to lose.

   But the calculation of this disk relies heavily on the control of the information by the predictor. The more clear the estimator, the more vivid the reflection on the array, the more correct the result can be calculated.

   Conversely, the more the estimator is not clear or does not know the matter, the more ambiguous its role on the array becomes, and it becomes a huge variable, leading to various accidents beyond the calculation.

   For example, Gu Wentian was in the battle of the Zisheng Tablet. Everything was under control. The estimated outcome should be that he successfully obtained the inheritance of "Aoki Longevity", killed the King of Cloud, and refined Lian Ping into a puppet he secretly controlled. In this way, the third line of his ancient family can get the support of King Xia and control the Jade Palace with one hand.

   But how could Gu Wentian know that Lian Linghui was not dead, and he was still promoted to the Golden Core Goddess among the self-growing roots. Such a huge variable overturned all the calculations of the imitation of the Qiankun treasure plate, and also took his life into it.

   Gu Zhongyu also knew that this must have been a shocking change. So he used all the power he could use, staring at the every move of Danyang Ge Lianping and others. Bai Xuanjue entered Yuntian City with Gouzhao and the others, and he sent people to stare at him, not letting go of a single detail.

   The more detailed the information he knows, the closer the result of the calculation will be to the truth.

   Fortunately, Lian Ling did not leak water, and he was cautious enough. Gu Zhongyu has not discovered the existence of Lian Ling as the biggest variable. But even so, he found that the situation in his formation had undergone many changes that he had not anticipated.

  According to his original calculation, the core of the tree emperor must be on this group of disciples sent by Danyang Pavilion. Danyang Pavilion must be prepared to send them so confidently and boldly. If his disciples of the ancient clan put all of them in a desperate fight, half-way interception, no matter how the formation is set, they will fall into the trap designed by Danyang Pavilion, and they will be completely destroyed.

   But another method is different. He informed this matter to Muluo, who was eager to obtain the core of the tree king and was ready to take the throne to replace the tree king. Then Muluo led a group of Dryads to intercept and kill the group of Zhuji disciples.

   Whether he succeeds or fails, he is watching the fire from the other side. Either Muluo succeeded in obtaining the tree core, and his ancient tribe rested assured. Either the hidden methods of Danyang Pavilion of Cuiyu Palace were forced to come out, and his ancient tribe would surely succeed in one fell swoop if they took advantage of the fire to rob.

   Of course he hopes that the tree clan will succeed, and at the same time, Bai Xuanjue cannot be exposed. It's also simple, he just dragged Bai Xuanjue here to eat, drink and have fun every day, just staying out.

   Originally, what was calculated by the formation was such a simple ending, but unexpectedly, a new change was introduced by an inexplicable variable. Not only did the ending he hoped for has not yet appeared, but more and more forces were involved.

   He did not expect that these disciples from the Jade Palace, after escaping an attack by Muluo, were actually taken by the Su family of Yun Tiantang, and then sent to the Wang family to disappear. Immediately afterwards, Muluo led someone to destroy the king's family.

   He really couldn't figure out why the Su Wang family suddenly attacked the disciples of Cuiyu Palace? Obviously there are variables that he had not anticipated.

  According to his eyeliner buried in the Wang family, the leader of the disciples who held the Danyang Pavilion was Wang Shuhua, the lady of the Su family. These disciples were all sent to a secret place in the Wang family, and then disappeared.

   Gu Zhongyou thought to himself that Wang Shuhua was so daring that he sent all these people to the deep cave.

  Mingxue matter is unknown to others, but his elders of the ancient family can't be more clear. Back then, the ancient family and the Su family competed for the right to operate the teleportation array, and it was these three elders who were the main force.

   A plan that was originally simple is now more and more involved. Not only the tree clan was involved, the Su family and the Wang family were involved, and it seemed that the disciples of the Five Elements Shui Deyuan in the Dark Cave were inevitably involved.

   Gu Zhongyu injects these causal matters into the array with divine will. Suddenly countless paths and endings were calculated, it was like a sky full of stars, dazzling people.

   The more people and forces involved in the formation, the more possible development routes and results. Any little variable can lead to completely different results. It's like a big tree with incomparably many branches and branches. The tree is full of fruits. Which one is the real ending?

   Although Gu Zhongyu couldn't come up with a correct solution, he thought of something after he got involved in the Mingxue.

   This matter was also injected into the array, and the complicated results changed. Although there are still many results, it is obvious that most of the results are beneficial to the ancient family. It is not only beneficial, but also beneficial.

   The so-called lost East, reaped mulberry. Even if they really became a big enemy of the tree clan because of the core of the tree king, if they can get the full protection of a big sect like the Five Elements Sect, they may not be immune from this disaster.

   Besides, the enmity with the tree clan is only a small part of the result. Most of the results are both. They can not only form an alliance with the tree clan, but also gain control of the entire Yuntian City and receive the full protection of the Five Elements Sect. UU reading www. uukanshu. No matter what Danyang Pavilion of Cuiyu Palace thinks like com, their ancient people in Yuntian City are as solid as a rock.

   There is actually another beneficial result here. It's just that if you seek full profit, it will bring unnecessary risks. That is to say, in order to win ten points, there is a 30% probability that you will lose everything. But if he only wins by seven points, there is a 90% probability that it will be done. So from the beginning, he ruled out that profitable thing, intending to hand it over.

   There is another one. To implement the path he envisioned, he had to use a hole card that the ancients had mastered for many years but had not been used.

   It's just that if this hole card is not played at the right time, it is impossible for their ancients to gain any benefits. So although this card has been in their hands for seven years, they have not been able to use it. And to use this secret, Gu Zhongyou can't be the master alone.

   He immediately used the ancient unique method of divine communication, and reported the matter to Gu Zhongfa, the master of the ancient family of Yuntian City. Divinely, the ancient Zhongfa is also using the genuine Qiankun treasure plate to calculate. They don’t need much words at all. There is a direct connection between the Qiankun Treasure Plate and the imitation. Gu Tianxin entered the divine sense into the treasure plate and knew everything immediately.

   Although there are so many results, from the first glance of the ancient Zhongfa, most of the endings are beneficial to the ancient family. Although the very few results are not good for the ancients, they do not hurt the roots.

   "This matter is feasible!"

   Old Zhongfa old man kept his promises.

With the permission of the family, Gu Zhongyou smiled indifferently. In his calculations, this matter was not feasible with his own power. Bai Xuanjue and Xing Ziming, the elder of the Five Elements Sect, must be pulled into the water. But it is too easy.

   He thought of Xing Ziming who was trapped in the dark cave. Now that he is asked to come to this drunk life and dream to die for a while, he must be looking for it?

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