Record of Chaos

Chapter 572: Start with the extremely cold leaves, and the Moon Crow will visit Yinlong Mountain by

   No matter where it is, the cashing of thousands of taels of blood spirit stones is not an easy task.

After experiencing all the ups and downs of the chief of the city’s defense chief **** and fell into the Mao Keng inexplicably disappeared, the financial officer was blasted and seriously injured, and the warehouse door lock could not be opened due to accidental failure. A white strip was replaced with a genuine red blood spirit stone.

   After all this was done, it was already dark. Gou Zhu hurriedly came to the city, where the stench was everywhere, and the gutters were crisscrossed, filled with oil slicks and biological internal organs, in a market where countless butcher shops gathered.

  The inhabitants in the depths of the demon world are different from the human world. They do not grow food. Everyone and monks usually live on wild beasts and wild monsters hunted by wild monster hunters and eat meat. So butcher shops are everywhere.

  The wild monsters have organs gathered by remnant spirits from time to time, which can be used to refine magic weapons or directly used for cultivation, and they are often traded here. So the meat market is also Genshi.

  The beast tide is approaching, hunters have been out hunting less and less, butcher shops continue to open fewer and fewer shops, and the lights are sparse at night. You don't want to miss the opportunity.

   He went straight to a shop that was still lit with dim lights, took the sharpening stick on the chopping board, and tapped the shiny chopping board. This is the secret sign of the Genshi transaction.

   Sure enough, a dirty curtain inside the house lifted, and a chubby greasy man walked out. Seeing the shame, he grinned and said:

   "I have searched the whole Kapok city up and down, including the official city. There are only two pieces left, and they are all here. Looking at the regular customers, the two pieces are packaged and sold for you, a total of 1,600 taels!"

   After he finished speaking, he took out a jade box of creatures, opened a slit slightly, and a powerful icy air poured out. Sweeping through the divine consciousness, it has been determined that there are two "extremely cold silver leaves".

After some bargaining, it cost 1,200 taels of blood spirit stones and hundreds of blind wolf beast cores that can only be secretly traded in the demon world. Not only did the battle of the night blind mountain and the beast core inventory obtained in the demon world be confounded. All were emptied, and there were only a hundred taels of blood spirit stones left on his body.

   The butcher shop owner is also very satisfied. If the Extreme Cold Silver Leaf was purchased by the Xijia people, it would be worth up to two hundred taels of blood spirit stones. They left a small amount, hoping to make a fortune.

   "What about the news?" Gouzhu took the jade box of the creatures, but did not leave immediately. According to the rules of this market, every time a deal is traded, the store will give away some secretly circulated secret messages.

   "Don't fool around with the news of the tree prince, this has long been spread all over the street."

"Brother, my brother's shop is so unbearable? My news is always worth a lot of money, you absolutely can't hear it outside!" The fat man stopped counting money, muttered dissatisfiedly, and then he said The "secret" news.

   "Some brothers who risked their lives to go hunting said that this year's animal tide is later than in previous years, but it is very strange. All the red-haired baboons are stuck in the south of Yinlong Mountain."

   It is not good news that the beast tide stays in one place, but it may be a sign of disaster.

   Hungry beasts will continue to devour local creatures, even trees and weeds will not let go. After eating up everything they can eat, they will not starve to death, but will start to devour each other.

   A hundred red-haired baboons swallow each other. If only one is left, it is enough to reach the strength of the monster beast, which is similar to the strength of the Xudan monk. Its coat is orange and is called the orange-haired monster.

   Ten orange-haired demon baboons can swallow each other to create a transforming demon whose hair color turns blue. It is called the green-haired demon baboon, and its strength is equivalent to that of a monk in the Purple House.

   If they swallow each other like this, the five green-haired demon baboons can turn into even more terrifying purple-haired demon baboons with the power of the golden core demon.

   The beast tide gathered by two million red-haired baboons is theoretically enough to swallow four hundred purple-haired demon baboons with golden core strength, and it is almost enough to destroy the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou!

   Of course, this is only an ideal extreme situation, and it is actually impossible to happen.

   The monsters, transformation monsters, and the spirit consciousness of the big monsters produced by swallowing each other in the tide of beasts are extremely primitive. Most of them are like wild monsters, but they are driven by hunger to constantly search for food, without wisdom. But it is also harder to deal with.

   This news is really more frightening than the return of the demon king's son to the demon world. Gou Zhuo suddenly felt that Kapok City was in danger and had to prepare a way of escape. But it is not easy.

   Kapok City has a teleportation array that can be teleported to several demon world cities thousands of miles away, but once the city is in a crisis, hundreds of thousands of people want to teleport it all away.

   The teleportation array fully turned on the continuous teleportation, and only a thousand people could leave. At that time, there will be chaos, and they will compete with each other for teleportation opportunities, and it is possible that none of them will go.

  Leaving Kapok City with a large teleportation talisman, going to somewhere within a hundred miles of the demon world is also very dangerous, but it is better than staying in the city and waiting to die.

   As for the inexplicable son of the tree emperor who suddenly appeared, he didn't worry much about it.

  The son of the tree prince sent by the ghost owl clan is almost a fake. It may be the ghost owl and the dark night king who is deliberately trying to provoke civil unrest in the tree clan. They don't need to do it, and the elders of the Kinobe will never allow him to successfully ascend the throne.

  He can continue to hide in the dark, sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, and watch the situation change. Wait for Lian Ling to bring the tree clan's inner response. By that time, Kinobe and Ghost Owl had already been fought hard, and other tribes of the Tree Clan might have been involved.

   The more chaotic the situation, the more opportunities they have to help Mu get back what they should have.

   But he must make Mu Fei calm and calm, and don't impulsively cause trouble. Otherwise, if they are exposed early, Kinobe will definitely take precautions. He could guess without thinking that Mu Fei was already violent now, and might jump out to kill at any time.

   Fortunately, Lian Ling let Tong Yao, who is a veteran, walk with them, obviously to curb the impulsive Mu Fei.

   Under the curtain of night, he hurriedly walked towards the courtyard in the bamboo forest.

   There was no fog or snow this night, and there was only a full moon in the clear sky, slightly red, as if stained with blood.

The three crows slid silently over the top of the head along the treetops, flew out of the fence on the edge of the city, and went all the way until they flew over the ridge of the Silver Dragon Mountain Range, and stopped on a half-mountainside densely covered with pine forests in the southern foot of the mountain. Three young men in black clothes, two men and one woman.

   Although most of their bodies look no different from humans, the backs of their hands are densely covered with long black feathers. They are members of the Moon Crow tribe who live in Kapok City.

   Moon Crows are naturally good at flying under the faint light of the moon, and often take on the duty of patrolling the inside and outside of Kapok City.

  Before the beast tide comes, they will inspect the Silver Dragon Mountains night and night to monitor the situation of the beast tide. Once they find that the tide of beasts has a tendency to cross the Silver Dragon Mountain Range, they must early warning.

   One of the delicate and delicate women, her black night clothes was tightly wrapped around her body, especially her fair complexion. She pulled the sleeve of the tall man next to her, and said anxiously.

   "Brother Gang, we have all crossed the ridge. If we hit the animal tide, it will be dangerous!"

   " I am here, what are you afraid of?" The tall man is named Yuegang, who is especially heroic at this time. Tsukitaki unknowingly leaned closer to him.

   Yuegang looks rough, but the eyes cast towards the dark night are calm. He took a few breaths and said, "This fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, but I don't know where it came from?"

   Their inspection mission had ended, but a strange smell attracted them, and they flew directly to the southern foot, a place rarely inspected.

   "Maybe the scent of flowers and plants? So it is everywhere." Yuetaki muttered softly, "Isn't it better for us to go back quietly as if nothing is smelled?"

   "The city lord said, patrolling the Silver Dragon Mountain at night, don't let any abnormalities go!"

  The man walking in the front is called Yueying, the captain of this team. His facial features were much softer than Yuegang, but his words were tough, and he relentlessly refuted Yuetaki's suggestion.

   After a while, a faint human voice that seemed to be coming from a far distance came over, appearing from time to time as if drifting in the wind, making Yuetaki shudder, which was already very timid.

   "Did you... have you heard anything..." she hesitated for a while and asked courageously.

   "I heard it. It's a woman calling for help." Yuegang whispered back.

"Woman? Help? It won't be..." Yuetaki suddenly remembered something and said, "A few days ago, we had to find the body of the former surnamed Mu. She is a female... Could it be that? ..."

   She felt surrounded by inexplicable chill.

   Yueying shot a cold light in her eyes, looked around, and said coldly: "Of course the body will not call for help. Since she is shouting, it means she is not dead!"

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