Red Alert 1895

Chapter 343: Street Rat (Part 2)

At the same time, many members of the Xingzhong Society who were preparing to commit crimes and blasting were also arrested, and these were the people who carefully observed them, and finally sent out a lot of sneaky people, and then They were also arrested through various methods. And once the power of the people is mobilized, I am afraid that these people will really be able to hide. After all, the power of the common people is infinite. As long as the common people can be mobilized, then every common man is an informant for the police, and even those members of the Xingzhong Society who are preparing to blast cannot hide their identities. Those members of the Xingzhong Society were arrested and interrogated one after another. As for those people who have done meritorious service, they have also received different degrees of rewards. Some received bonus certificates, some were transferred to work in state-owned factories, and some even directly became foremen and other leaders, which was the first step in their official career.

And those members of the Xingzhong Society don't look very good either.

"Chairman Chen, the people we sent out have all been arrested. They have all entered the interrogation room of the Taiwan police department. Institutions under the National Defense Leading Group, and then they were interrogated with special punishments, we don’t know how long they can last.”

"Indeed, many people have actively cooperated with the warlord Wang Guorui to search our strongholds, and we have already had five strongholds removed. Even many strongholds will be illegally endangered, because these strongholds are likely to be hidden. Can't help it! Many of our people are extremely resentful towards us now. Take the initiative to help that warlord Wang Guorui to attack us!"

Chen Shaobai immediately said angrily; "Our revolution is all for the people! Why don't the people understand us?"

"Chairman Chen, the common people think that we destroy factories and farmland. It is to let the country purchase the products of those foreigners, and then make China an economic colony. But they still say that we even signed a traitorous treaty in order to win power and seize power. Taiwan was sold to Japan, northeast Mongolia and Xinjiang were sold to Russia, Tibet was sold to Britain, and Guangdong and Guangxi were sold to France.”

"Bastard. This is definitely a rumor, definitely a rumor!" Chen Shaobai said angrily.

"However. Some people believe these words! Because we destroyed the factories, many workers lost their jobs, and the destruction of the farmland made the hard work of many farmers go to waste, and this reduced their income. So they do not support us."

Chen Shaobai also said angrily: "Could it be that such a small amount of income is more important than our great cause of revolution? Don't they just support our revolution? Don't they know that our revolution is for them? Our revolution is successful. Then they can all elect their own leaders to lead them!"

And these revolutionaries don't know at all that for ordinary people, the revolution is actually more important than food. Ordinary people are busy with three meals a day, how can they have any revolutionary beliefs. Even if they don't have faith, they won't have this or that idea at all. Their belief is survival. The ideal is to have a full meal.

This is the problem that material civilization determines spiritual civilization. If material civilization cannot be guaranteed, how can it be possible to have lofty ideals? As for these revolutionaries, although Wang Guorui also admitted that many of them were ordinary revolutionaries who simply worked hard to save the country, even at the expense of their own lives. But most of them are from wealthy families, and most of them are "rich peasants". If there is no certain economic basis. How could they be able to study abroad, and how could they be exposed to various advanced ideas if they didn't go to study abroad. How can you feel the feudal backwardness of the country?

So as far as the current era is concerned, a large part of the revolutionaries are from relatively high-level backgrounds, and even many revolutionaries in the later red regimes were from wealthy families. Of course, it was precisely because of the wealth of their families that these people came into contact with various revolutionary ideas and had the idea of ​​saving the country and the people. Wang Guorui also respected this. But they revolutionized, but they didn't know how to use it, and they didn't know what the people needed. In this case, their revolutionary methods are also very ignorant, and they actually want to succeed by destroying.

If they hadn't done sabotage, Wang Guorui wouldn't have cracked it down so severely, but they used this method of sabotage to carry out the so-called revolution, then Wang Guorui would absolutely not tolerate it. Many of these revolutionaries are not down-to-earth. They don't know that the issue of food in the eyes of the people is far more important than a democratic republic. They use their own thinking to measure the thinking of more than 90% of the population in China. It is a ghost that such a revolution will not fail. It is not for the great man who can accurately recognize what more than 90% of the peasants need, then even the revolution of the red regime will not be able to succeed. Only by figuring out what the people need can we gain the support of the people, otherwise it will be nothing but rootless water.

Although Wang Guorui didn't plan to create a democratic republic quickly, he was able to give the people a stable job and a long-term cultivated land, so that they were willing to obey Wang Guorui's leadership. So these ungrounded revolutionaries declared that they wanted to overthrow the feudal warlord Wang Guorui, of course he would not allow it.

Of course, this is also related to Wang Guorui's propaganda. Wang Guorui promoted Xingzhonghui as a comprador class, they wanted to destroy China's national industry, and wanted to force China to buy foreign products. Moreover, Wang Guorui deliberately put **** on their heads, claiming that they would sell a lot of land in order to gain power, which made the people in the country angry. Because such a traitorous organization is even more traitorous than the Qing Dynasty. And all of this is the result of being slandered by Wang Guorui.

Wang Guorui directly mobilized the propaganda department to spread rumors, and Wang Guorui also attached great importance to the role of propaganda long ago, because propaganda is the mouthpiece of the government. Do things yourself. At that time, whoever wants to make a bad name will have an extremely bad reputation. It can even guide the people to cooperate with the government, and then let the people continuously gain cohesion for Wang Guorui, and unite with Wang Guorui to fight together.

"President Chen, many people are coming here soon, they seem to know that we are here!" someone said immediately.

After hearing this, Chen Shaobai immediately started to run away. Because he knew that if he didn't run away, he might face the result of being arrested. If you want to say how powerful these high-level executives of Xingzhonghui are, they definitely don't have them. But they are very good at the ability to run. So he left here quickly, and then walked through the previous tunnel. And this tunnel is completely unknown to others, let alone those outsiders.

"Come in!" said the captain of the gendarmerie.


"Captain, the people inside have already escaped from the tunnel!" the military police said.

"Damn it, it's still a step late, let me enter the tunnel and chase me!" said the gendarmerie captain.


With a loud bang, the tunnel was blown up immediately. It is already impossible for those gendarmes to enter the tunnel to hunt them down, and this Chen Shaobai is obviously very proficient in such things as running. Blow up the tunnel in time to prevent the enemy from chasing up from the tunnel. So after he entered the tunnel now, he immediately blew up the tunnel, and then the tunnel couldn't hunt him down. Next, he will run away and continue to lead the Taiwan branch of the Xingzhong Society to fight against Wang Guorui's "brutal rule".

"Master Wang, we are incompetent, we failed to catch that Chen Shaobai!" said the captain of the gendarmerie.

Wang Guorui also said indifferently: "Whether you can catch it or That's another matter. Anyway, Xingzhong Club is now in our Taiwan, and it's already a rat crossing the street—everyone is screaming and beating. And they are currently We couldn’t catch more than a hundred key members, and the others were all peripheral personnel of small fish and small shrimps. And those key members just slipped through the net of more than ten people, and they couldn’t be re-established in a short time. Therefore, As long as we can maintain the support of the people, it is impossible for them to succeed. As long as we mobilize the people and let them help us search for them, then they will be completely invisible. Therefore, there is no need to worry about Chen Shaobai running away. Because If there is no Chen Shaobai, then they will still have Li Shaobai and Zhang Shaobai, but if they lose the popular support, even if Dapao Sun came in person, it will be useless!"

The Revolutionary Party is not grounded at all at the moment, and they don’t know what the people need. They are a group of people who are full and don’t know that the hungry are hungry. They don’t lack food or clothing, so they are so enthusiastic about the revolution. They have good intentions, but their methods are completely wrong. So Wang Guorui naturally wouldn't worry about them gaining the support of the people, so as long as Wang Guorui maintained the popular support, he wouldn't be afraid of how many storms they could cause. But next, the most important thing is to be able to make the people hate them, and then once the people hate them, it is impossible for them to have the opportunity to continue to develop. People's will is useful even if it is said to be useful, and even if it is not useful. People's hearts can't be reflected when the wind is going smoothly, but once the situation is not good, he will immediately show it. If Xingzhong Society has no support from the people, then they are just water without roots. (to be continued)

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