Red Alert 1895

Chapter 546: Taking over the capital (Part 1)

About 20 kilometers away from the capital, more than 100,000 troops are preparing to rest here for the last time before entering the capital. ≧, due to the long and rapid march, the formation has been messed up a lot, and many people even went to the wrong unit. This kind of wrong troops on the battlefield and during the rapid march is not a minority, on the contrary, there are many such cases. However, because of the invention of the military rank system, this allowed those scattered troops on the battlefield to gather as quickly as possible, and then become a new formation.

And Taiwan has also implemented a military rank system, so that those separated troops can find the commander with the highest rank around them in time for temporary reorganization. However, after arriving outside the capital, a reorganization must be carried out first. This will not only allow the soldiers to get a physical rest, but also re-regulate the discipline to avoid accidents. So everyone also stopped to reorganize, and after the reorganization was completed, they would all enter the capital.

"This time when we enter Beijing, everyone must restrain the troops and don't do anything that violates military laws. There have always been legends that after Li Zicheng entered the capital, the army massacred, and then saw the flowers in the capital The world is also addicted, and it starts to enjoy itself, regardless of the Manchu iron cavalry outside the pass. Of course, this is just a legend, and we don't know the real history. Some legends are caused by the rebels, and some legends are caused by the plague. However, we are also teachers who must not forget the future. Since we have entered the capital, it represents the image of our new political group in Taiwan. We must leave it to the people of the capital. A good impression. The impression of the people in the capital determines the impression of the people in the world, so we must leave a good first impression. I will tell you now that if you enter the capital and violate the military law, you will be punished. Wait a minute, do you understand?" Wang Guorui emphasized first.

"Understood!" Several army commanders said together.

next. Wang Guorui announced the order, and then said: "I will let some troops enter the capital to be responsible for occupying the capital and taking over the defense of the capital. The other troops will go to Tianjin to fight against the foreign devils."

"Master Wang, let our first army go. Our first army should be responsible for occupying the capital. Our first army is a veteran army, and we should follow you, Mr. Wang, to occupy the capital, so that our faces will be bright!" Chen Liyan said.

Chen Liyan also hoped to be among the first to enter the capital. If he could become the commander who captured the capital, he would definitely be famous in history. When the dynasties changed, everyone hoped to be the commander who captured the enemy's capital, so that they could obtain a very great merit, because this was the achievement of destroying the country! The credit for destroying the country is huge, and everyone hopes to get it. This kind of credit is fully qualified to raise one's title by one level. Even ordinary soldiers. They also hope to be the first to attack the capital. And the following troops naturally hope to be the first batch of troops to enter the city. This is the most exciting thing, and the credit and rewards are also the greatest.

"Master Wang, our second army also hopes to be the first batch to enter the city. Our second army's combat effectiveness is not bad, and our second army can fully undertake the responsibility of maintaining law and order in the capital. Moreover, my surname is Zhu, and I belonged to Zhu Ming back then. Descendants. Back then Zhu Ming was massacred by the Manchus, so I just hope to lead troops into the capital. Then I can avenge my ancestors." Zhu Yuan also said immediately.

Others scolded Zhu Yuan for being shameless. In order to get the first batch of opportunities to enter the city, this guy actually arranged for himself a descendant of the Zhu Ming Dynasty, so that he could seek revenge from Man Qing. But this Zhu Yuan claimed to be a descendant of the Zhu Ming Dynasty, but no one had any proof. Moreover, the children of the Zhu family in the Zhu Ming Dynasty were very fertile, with hundreds of thousands of people in the late Ming Dynasty. That was simply horrific. So Zhu Ming's clan is actually worthless, but this Zhu Yuan actually took the initiative to talk about it, this is obviously nonsense.

"Master Wang, I, Feng Wentian, think that I have served in the General Staff, and I have always been in charge of strategic planning. And I am very familiar with every plant and tree in the capital. I have even looked at the map of the capital hundreds of times, so I'm doing it for today! So, Lord Wang, let our third army enter the capital, and my third army will definitely be able to take over the defense of the capital as quickly as possible." Feng Wentian, the commander of the third army, said.

This time it was fun, Chen Liyan was playing the veteran role, Zhu Yuan was playing the sympathy card, but Feng Wentian was competing for so-called familiarity with the capital, so everyone had their own reasons. However, after Wang Guorui thought about it, he still made his own decision.

"Let the guards and I go to Beijing together, and then temporarily form the first army, temporarily form the second army and temporarily form the third army, led by Hu Wei, chief of staff of the Northern Expedition Army, to stop and annihilate foreigners." Wang Guorui said.

After hearing this arrangement, everyone knew Wang Guorui's intention, that is, he hoped that he would personally gain the reputation of entering the capital. As the founding king of a new dynasty, who else is more qualified than him to be the first to enter the capital? Especially to command this large army to take over the city defense of the capital, that is a very great honor. That Wang Guorui came to direct the army to attack in person, of course, this is very face-saving, and it is also something that is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. Therefore, Wang Guorui does not intend to give up such a huge honor to others. He personally commanded the guard division to be in charge of the attack, so that he could guarantee that he could get credit.

"Master Wang is wise!" Li Guodong said immediately.

Even in Li Guodong's dreams, he never imagined that this pie fell on his own head, this is really too lucky. Although Wang Guorui was the main commander of the attack on the capital, Wang Guorui was definitely just a nominal one. The real commander was actually him, the commander of the guard division. Although it will be recorded in history that Wang Guorui is the supreme commander, he himself cannot escape. What's more, people with discerning eyes in future generations will definitely be able to see that Wang Guorui is just a commander in name, but he is actually in charge of commanding. This kind of credit is still his, and the chance of leaving his name in history will not be too small. And his own qualifications are not enough, and he is not considered the top person in all aspects, so he was really happy to get this opportunity.

And the reason why he was able to get this opportunity is that he is the commander of the Guard Division, the Guard Division is also the future Imperial Forest Army, the emperor's personal soldier! But now he has decided that he must take the role of the Imperial Guard well, and in the future he can be the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard for the rest of his life. As the commander of the Imperial Guard who protects the emperor, his status is very lofty. In many countries, the commander of the Imperial Guard is held by the person with the highest military rank. This not only represents the trust of the leader, but also represents the great responsibility.

"Okay, everyone, get ready to do something right away!" Wang Guorui said.


Soon, Hu Wei took more than 100,000 temporarily organized First Army, Second Army, and Third Army to Tianjin. Their responsibility will be to resist the attacks of foreigners. These more than 100,000 foreign invaders were also delayed to Tianjin, but according to the current situation, the guerrillas responsible for the delay suffered heavy casualties, so they must be supported. These guerrillas are all heroes. They delayed the foreigners for almost a month with backward equipment and various means, buying a lot of time for the Taiwan army. These guerrillas were the real first effort. If they didn't delay the foreigners, then the foreigners could attack the capital, and then they would definitely cause huge losses. At that time, the Empress Dowager Cixi would definitely "move the capital". Once the capital was moved, the Manchu regime's control over the world would be further reduced. At that time, it was very difficult for Taiwan to coerce the emperor to make the princes, and the plans would be disrupted.

Now that the army has finally arrived, of course it is necessary to support it as soon as possible. As for Wang Guorui, he will attack the capital of the Qing Dynasty, the capital, so that only after the capital is occupied, can he obtain enough capital to coerce the emperor to command the princes.

"Guardian, go forward with Lord Wang and enter the capital!" Li Guodong shouted.

"Come on!"

Soon the guards also surrounded the outer city of the capital, and the defenders in the capital didn't know what to do. Facing the menacing soldiers of more than 20,000 Guards Division, they didn't know how to defend and how to defend.

What's more, the guards have cannons, and the thick barrels of those cannons make the defenders of the capital feel very headache. They hoped to send someone to the inner city to ask for instructions, but the inner city had already been occupied by Taiwan's special forces, and the communication between the inner city and the outer city was completely cut off. So everyone is now facing a very tragic result, and they don't know how to deal with the Taiwanese troops outside.

"My lord Wang ordered you to surrender quickly, and then our Taiwan army came to the king. Our Taiwan army came to the king. Now we are going to enter the capital to protect the capital, so please open the door and let our Taiwan army enter the capital to rest." Immediately, soldiers with loud voices shouted with loudspeakers.

The defenders in the capital were also disgusted by the reason of the Taiwan army, because they said they were King Laiqin, and they entered the capital to rest. Sima Zhaozhi's mind in Taiwan is well known to everyone, as long as they enter the capital, they will inevitably turn back to the hostess, and the imperial court will be under their control. Therefore, to open the door is to rebel. However, if they don't open the door, can they hold it? (To be continued..)u

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