: Unify the World (End)

Later, when all the countries in the world sent their own resources to the Star Empire, Su Xinghe no longer hid.

He directly took out the Star Destroyer Cannon that had been prepared long ago, and under the shocked eyes of the world.

That one shot directly eliminated the asteroid, and the asteroid crisis has been completely resolved.

The main reason was that Su Xinghe saw that there was no more money to be fished for, so he stopped harvesting wool.

But we have to take action directly. People from other countries are not fools.

When they saw this scene, an idea suddenly came to their mind.

That is to be fooled. It is obvious that the Star Destroyer Cannon of the Star Empire has been prepared for a long time.

As for why it has not been brought out for a long time, it is very simple. It is just to absorb the resources of countries around the world.

Thinking of this, the leaders were undoubtedly very angry, just as they were preparing to launch an attack together.

The next moment the news made them almost faint from anger because of the news they received.

During this period, the Star Empire had already sent troops to their country.

That’s right, at the same time Su Xinghe invited leaders from various countries to witness this miraculous moment.

He ordered Klapka to dispatch tens of millions of soldiers from the Star Empire, and then equipped them with tens of millions of individual combat mechas.

It’s almost like the mortal army in the novel is fighting against the practitioners.

There was no room for resistance at all. As for the various leaders, they were all controlled by Su Xinghe’s call.

And let them sit in the Star Empire and enjoy this wonderful battle.

Under the eyes of everyone, their own country’s army was simply crushed after encountering the soldiers of the Star Empire.

There is no way to fight back. It is at this time that some countries can no longer hold on.

It happens that these countries that cannot hold on still possess nuclear weapons, and they have pressed the nuclear weapons reflex button.

The target was the Star Empire, and he thought he could perish together with the Star Empire.

But who would have thought that the nuclear weapons he launched were like scrap metal and did not explode at all.

Seeing this scene, almost all national leaders felt numb.

At this moment, no matter how stupid they are, they know the reason. It must be the Star Empire.

After all, the Star Empire can build such a large Star Destroyer Cannon under their noses, so it is not impossible to disable their country’s nuclear weapons without anyone noticing.

At this time, almost all national leaders looked desperate because they had seen the fate of their countries.

In less than two days, Su Xinghe had conquered all the countries on the Blue Star.

At this time, Su Xinghe finally achieved his goal and unified the entire Blue Star.

The next step was to head towards the stars. After unifying the Blue Star, Su Xinghe sent his people to various locations around the world.

To take over the territories of the original countries, on this basis, the territory of the Star Empire has covered the whole world.

It is worth mentioning that during this process, people in many countries still did not resist because the gap was really too big.

What’s more, for many ordinary people, as long as they live a good life, they don’t seem to care about who the people above are.

In this way, the entire Blue Star was managed very well under the management of the Star Empire, and Su Xinghe treated everyone equally.

At this moment, Su Xinghe stood on a building in the Star Empire, looking into the distance.


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