The commander of the 5th Division of the Japanese Army was Major General Jishige Ninomiya, who was temporarily transferred, because the former commander of the 5th Division, Terauchi Shouichi, was transferred to the 4th Division to stabilize the division that had ruined the majesty of the Japanese army, and was transferred to Goryeo with the 4th Division to stabilize the situation.

And Ninomiya Jishige was not in the same boat as Muto Nobuyoshi and others, but with his own soldiers.

When he saw the enemy's heavy artillery bombarding his own fleet, causing two troop carriers to be sunk and more than 2,000 soldiers falling into the icy sea and being left alone, while his own fleet had no choice but to withdraw, Ninomiya Hoharu loudly reprimanded the navy for its incompetence and spent so much military spending, but let the soldiers of the Imperial Army lose everything in vain! What about their naval guns! Did they grow up eating cow dung? Why didn't they fight back!

Although Jishige Ninomiya roared many times and ordered the Ministry of Communications to send a message to question the fleet commander Itakura Keito, he received a joint notice from Muto Nobuyoshi that he must pull out this sea area as soon as possible!

The Japanese support fleet, which had not yet entered the Port of Arthur, fled in a hurry, even with the Kwantung Prefecture Detachment.

Because Naokuni Nomura found out, the range of these heavy guns seems to have increased again!!

On average, eight heavy shells fell on the fleet for each salvo per minute, giving the Japanese fleet the feeling of being facing a salvo from an unseen huge battleship!

The 210-millimeter shells that had entered the extra-long barrel of the Paris cannon were accelerated with the power of a 300-millimeter heavy cannon! In just 10 minutes, four transport ships were sunk one after another, and an entire wing of soldiers was lost in the icy sea! Not only that, but a Japanese destroyer was hit, and without even a chance to rescue it, it was directly blown out of the stern, and the whole ship quickly tilted and sank into the sea within seven or eight minutes.

Two shells even fired at the heavy cruiser Nachi, one near and one far away, and the two shells landed less than 50 meters to the left and right of the heavy cruiser Nachi, and the Japanese troops on the entire ship panicked.

Muto Nobuyoshi and the others were also in a cold sweat, feeling that death was not far from them!

Fifteen minutes later, the converging Japanese fleet finally sailed out of the firing range of the giant cannon, and countless Japanese soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon Muto Nobuyoshi and others discovered a new problem.

At this time, the fleet was already more than 70 kilometers away from Dalian, and the enemy's huge artillery stopped firing, and according to the information of the Lushun Headquarters, Pulandian and Dalian were still in their hands, which means that the enemy was at least shooting from Tianjia Town and Wafangdian, which were more than 130 kilometers away?

With a range of one hundred and forty kilometers, Muto Nobuyoshi finally knew what Nomura Naokuni meant by the careful Paris cannon that he replied in the telegram.

This desperate range was only possible with the super cannon that was made out by Germany during the First World War!

But those Parisian cannons have long since been disassembled! Why do you see them in the Far East!

Could it be that the Lucia of the North House secretly supported this army, so they copied a few Parisian cannons?

But no matter how you think about it, Muto Nobuyoshi thinks it's impossible, according to the calculation of each round of shelling, the enemy has at least eight Parisian cannons, and even if Lucia supports it, it is absolutely impossible to give them so many heavy artillery!

So why exactly?

After the two fleets met, the Kanto Prefecture Squadron was formed, and the commander of the fleet was Rear Admiral Keito Itakura, the captain of the heavy cruiser Nachi.

At this time, only two heavy cruisers, two light cruisers and four destroyers, as well as twenty transport ships, remained adrift in the vast sea.

At night, many senior officers and generals on the heavy cruiser Nazhi gathered together, looking at the information detected by the seaplane and the information sent by the Lushun Command, and everyone's face was gloomy.

Twelve seaplanes of eight warships have already been explored, Dalian and Jinzhou are still in the hands of the Kwantung Army, Pulandian artillery is under fire, and the army of China is being engaged, and the enemy's heavy artillery is really coming from more than 130 kilometers away!

Moreover, in order to investigate the battle of Pulandian, the seaplanes of the naval aviation were also shot down by the fighters of the Zhina, and only four escaped, so that the generals finally knew one of the reasons why this unit was not easy to fight.

At this time, Tianjia Town, sixteen kilometers away from Pulandian.

The fields here have been dug and turned into endless artillery positions, from 105mm howitzers to 150mm guns and 240mm guns brought to the front from the Mukden Arsenal.

Thousands of artillery members of the Zhenbei Army were gathered here, and more than 300 cannons were tilting their fire towards the Pulandian battlefield to cover the attack of their own soldiers.

At the end of the artillery position, on the west side of the South Manchurian Railway, the eight terrifying behemoths that had been relocated, the Paris cannons, emitted a faint smell of gunsmoke, and had stopped firing.

With the map provided by the Red Alert system and Xun Le's own artillery porter amplification effect (+15% attack, +15% accuracy), even if it is more than 100 kilometers away, it can sink several Japanese warships.

In the evening, night fell, and the battle in Pulandian came to an end for the time being.

Two divisions of the Zhenbei Army took the north of the bay, and the more than 6,000 Japanese defenders of the city were repulsed to the south of the bay.

Xue Lin couldn't wait to attack Dalian and Lushun and regain this land that had been lost by the Manchus for more than 30 years.

But in the middle of the night, the latest battle report suddenly came, the Japanese fleet of 20 troop carriers rushed to Dalian, Xun Le commanded the Paris artillery bombardment for more than 30 minutes, knocked out three troop carriers, but the other troop carriers still rushed onto the beach in Dalian, after the stranding of the Japanese soldiers jumped directly from the boat, in Dalian to reorganize the army.

The 5th Division still landed!

"Who is the division commander of this Fifth Division? With such determination and perseverance?" Xue Lin raised his head and took a breath of cold air after looking at the intelligence and Jiang Baili who were busy on the map for a while.

Braving half an hour of heavy artillery bombardment, they rushed to land on the beach, losing more than 3,000 people, plus the more than 2,000 people in the afternoon, this is a wing that has been defeated!

Xue Si handed over the intelligence documents in time: "It's the newly transferred Rear Admiral Jishige Ninomiya, and there are also the newly transferred Kwantung Army Commander Muto Nobuyoshi and Chief of Staff Hashimoto Toranosuke and others on this fleet. "

"In addition, our intelligence officer in Shanghai sent back news that the base camp of the island nation had begun to issue new treasury bonds. "Another piece of news.

Jiang Baili pointed his finger at the Yalu River: "Has Dandong taken it down?"

A staff officer reported: "The battle in Dandong is fierce! The 1st Brigade of the 3rd Division of our army took Jinjiangshan yesterday, and this morning the 5th Infantry Brigade and the 4th Cavalry Brigade of the 3rd Division of the Japanese Army were in place to support and launch a counteroffensive.

"What about the support troops?" Xue Lin frowned and asked, "Wasn't the Fifth Division transferred, and what about the Independent Cavalry Brigade?"

"The two brigades of the Fifth Division have already arrived in Fengcheng and are expected to arrive at Jinshan Town in two hours! The Independent Cavalry Brigade has just taken Zhuanghe in the evening and is resting! It is expected to arrive in Dandong tomorrow afternoon!"

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for flowers!

Because it's important, say it twice!

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