Red Heart Survey

Chapter 810: Companion

Withdrew from the Illusory Realm, Jiang Wang had already reached the 71st place in the Inner Mansion Realm of the Sword Discourse Arena in the past few days, and it seemed that he would soon be able to fight Zuo Guangshu again in the matching battle of the Sword Discourse Arena.

It is faster to explore the inner palace with the current spirit power. The second inner palace has more than three hundred. Among them, two secret treasures have been discovered, which are not satisfactory, and Jiang Wang gently let them go.

Another way to increase strength in a short period of time is the instant Dao technique engraved by the Second Inner Palace.

Each inner palace has only one chance to engrave and instantly cast Taoism, and most powerful people will not choose Taoism that is mastered by too many people. In this choice, "rare" is better than "powerful".

Because no matter how strong the Taoism is, as long as it is studied more, it may be cracked.

When Jiang Wang gathered the big and small heavens in the Tongtian Palace earlier, he engraved the flame flower and the five-qi bound tiger respectively, one was given by Dong A, and the other was given by Chong Xuansheng. At that time, he didn't have any resources, and when it came to fine Taoism, there was no room for him to be picky.

But then Jiang Wang grew up fast, became solid and strong at a high speed, and gradually became qualified to be picky.

There is a saying in the practice world, "Every time you open a mansion, it is like opening another palace."

In addition to adding a new source of human power, every time you knock on an inner mansion, you can also engrave another instant Taoism.

When Jiang Wang was in the First Inner Palace, he carefully chose the Deadwood Jue. This is a very targeted Taoism, let alone talk about it. The choice of Taoism in the Second Inner Palace is naturally very important.

After thorough research on some Taoism techniques, the activation time can be shortened as much as possible, but even if it is within one breath, it is still not as good as instant.

When a master fights, life and death are often in an instant.

But worthwhile and rare Taoism is hard to come by.

In addition to practicing hard and diligently, during this period of time Jiang Wang also repeatedly studied with Chong Xuansheng the method of saving Zhu Biqiong, made many plans, and made many preparations. However, I have not personally observed the offshore islands, so I cannot make a final decision.

Early in the morning, Chong Xuansheng happily called Jiang Wang outside the door: "Brother Wang! Someone is looking for you!"

Jiang Wang paused his exploration of the inner mansion, and asked as he walked out, "Who is it?"

Chong Xuansheng's voice narrowed: "A woman!"

Jiang Wang pushed open the door and saw three people standing side by side outside the door.

The obese Chong Xuansheng, the fourteen in black armor... Lin Youxie wearing a blue square scarf.

Jiang Wang wanted to close the door immediately, but now seeing this green card gave him a headache.

"Master Jiang!" She actually greeted warmly first.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Chong Xuansheng was on the sidelines with a strange expression: "I can't see it, Xiao Jiang, you're a flower, and you've got all the love debts! When did you know each other?"

Jiang Wang glanced at Fourteen helplessly, which meant——you don't care?

Unfortunately, fourteen eyes did not squint, and under the cover of the black helmet, no expression could be seen.

On the contrary, Lin Youxie glanced at Chongxuansheng with a smile, his expression was very peaceful: "Mr. Chongxuan, we are pure colleagues."

Jiang Wang was afraid that Chong Xuansheng would talk nonsense and cause trouble for nothing. Zheng Shangming reminded that this Lin Youxie was not without background, and he was not easy to mess with.

So he hurriedly said: "Captain Lin! You came here to look for me early in the morning, what's the matter?"

"My lord." Lin Youxie cupped his hands: "Did you forget your mission?"

She also reminded: "Golden Needle Gate."

Jiang Wang suddenly felt bad: "I have my own discretion in this matter, and I will be leaving soon... Does this have anything to do with Lin Catcher?"

"Why not?" Lin Youxie smiled brightly, showing his white teeth: "This case is the responsibility of the lower official and Mr. Jiang together!"

"...Why doesn't this officer know about this matter?"

Lin Youxie was full of smiles, and shook out a piece of paper: "This is the seal of the Metropolitan Inspection Office. It has the seal of the captain of Beiya on it. Master Jiang can check it."

"Let me take a look!" Chong Xuansheng suddenly stretched out his fat hand from the side.

Of course he wouldn't be as confused as Jiang Wang was worried about. In fact, when Lin Youxie came to the door, he had already asked people to investigate. He would make jokes beside him, but he didn't want this woman to affect Jiang Wang's offshore islands. trip.

Lin Youxie didn't back down, let him take the seal away, and just smiled and said, "Remind Mr. Chongxuan, destroying official documents is a felony. Besides, I can have as many copies of this kind of official documents as I want."

"Don't worry, Catcher Lin, my master's hands are always steady!" Chong Xuansheng was not embarrassed when he was told, and even smiled.

He looked at it seriously, and then passed it to Jiang Wang: "It seems to be true."

This is of course true.

With Lin Youxie's relationship background that makes Zheng Shangming jealous, it is not difficult to get such an official document.

However, as the person who was entangled, Jiang Wang was helpless.

"...I can do it myself," he said.

"Master Jiang is a genius, of course he can! Even Yama, who has no gate to hell, can't escape your eyes, let alone a mere traitor from the Golden Needle Sect?" Lin You said evilly, "I'm just learning from you!"

...Jiang Wang really regretted taking credit for tracking down Yama.

It is also King Qin Guang and King Chujiang, so why bother?

Now let Lin Youxie find something to talk about, and he can always talk about it.

"This is the first green card task that I face alone, can I let this officer handle it by myself?" Jiang Wang's tone was a little subdued.

He really didn't want to get along with Lin Youxie, a shrewd Qingpai headhunter, he wouldn't be too happy if his secrets were dug out casually.

But Lin Youxie just smiled and didn't answer at all: "I have been waiting for several days, and I saw that the lord has not moved, so I came to ask. Of course, the lord has his own opinion, and the official can leave at any time. Learn from the adults."

Can't agree...

Jiang Wang had a terrible headache.

He still couldn't figure out how he was targeted by Lin Youxie.

"Cough!" Chong Xuansheng coughed: "Brother Jiang Wang, it is inevitable to go to some places with complicated information to handle cases. For example, Hongxiuzhao, Tianxiangyun Pavilion, etc., you may go around to collect information. ! Sometimes it may be more convenient to be alone.”

He just gave Jiang Wang an idea. Ask Jiang Wang to use brothels and other places to make Lin Youxie retreat when he knows it is difficult.

"It doesn't matter." Before Jiang Wang could speak, Lin Youxie had already taken up the topic with a smile.

"I have been working on cases for many years, where have I not been? What scenes have I not seen? Master Jiang, just go and ask for information."

She intentionally added an accent to the word "inquiry information".

"Just study next to me!"

This women's youth card is almost unreliable, and it seems to be far more 'informed' than Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he couldn't help but sighed: "Are you sure you want to go with me?"

"As for the responsibility, the subordinate officials will never hesitate to do so!" Lin Youxie pointed out.

Jiang Wang stared at her for a while, and made a decision: "Okay! It's better to hit the sun than choose the day, then we will set off today!"

Anyway, what should be discussed has already been discussed, what should be prepared has also been prepared, there is no need to wait in Linzi any longer.

Lin Youxie just smiled, without any fear: "Obey!"

Chong Xuansheng looked at Fourteen and found that Fourteen was also looking at him. After all, nothing more to say.

He believed in Jiang Wang's decision, just as Jiang Wang believed that he would have no problem with the rest.


On the last day of February, Jiang Wang, the fourth-rank green brand of Daqi, set off for the offshore islands to deal with the Jinzhenmen case.

The companion is Lin Youxie, the head catcher of Wupinqing brand.

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