This thing is not a storage space, nor is it so exaggerated, but the sealing scroll has the advantage of determining the size and size of the sealing thing according to the strength of the sealing spell, and it just so happens that the Thousand Hands Source is very good at this.

Therefore, even if there are many things here, even if the Thousand Hands Source only brings a few sealing scrolls, it is enough to hold a lot of things.

He just stood like this, and the root ninja under his control were busy, moving the boxes and valuable-looking things in front of him one by one, and after almost a certain point, he would cast a sealing technique to seal those things into the scroll.

Time passed, that is, less than ten minutes of effort, most of the things in this space were all loaded, and the rest were some things that were not very valuable, just when the scrolls were also used up, Senjugen thought about moving, and those busy root ninjas stopped.

Qianshou Yuan was satisfied and nodded slightly.

“This trip didn’t come in vain, almost.”

As he said to himself, he came to the dark ninja codenamed Deer and stretched out his palm to his heart.

A spell appeared, and then quickly rushed towards the inside of his chest, he wanted to plant a spell mark on this guy’s heart, and this spell mark was much more powerful than the other party’s spell mark in the heart of the Thousand Hands Source.

Reciprocal retaliation, Qianshou Yuan felt that there was nothing wrong with doing so.

Then, the Taisenju Source, the root ninja codenamed Deer, bowed his head and looked at him.

I saw that this person trembled slightly, and then turned around without saying a word, and walked back along the road.

After doing all this, Senjuyuan chuckled.

“Looking forward to meeting next time.”

Senjugen disappeared again and walked towards another location, leaving only the eight root ninjas guarding the gate standing in place, motionless, like a stake.

The root ninja, codenamed Deer, walked silently all the way back to his room, opened and closed the door, and then silently lay down again, his eyes closed, and he didn’t know whether to fall into a coma or fall back into a deep sleep, and there was no movement.

A moment later, Senjugen came to the door of the deepest part of the base, where he felt a powerful chakra.

In the observation of the white eyes, the person inside was wearing loose black hair and was busy with something on a desk.

There is obviously a person lying on the table, and there is still a Chakra reaction on his body, but it is very weak, the most important thing is that this person’s Chakra has no fluctuations, that is, the person is dead, but the body is still alive. And the body has become deformed, and in some places something like a tree trunk has grown, which looks very incongruous.

“Sure enough, at this time, the big snake pill has already begun to cooperate with Tuanzang.”

Orochimaru seemed to sense something, turned around sharply, and looked at the closed door with a gloomy face.

“Noticed? Sure enough, ninjas who have been in battle for a long time will be very sharp in this regard. ”

Senjuyuan didn’t mean to ask for the pavement, turned around, and left without any stopping.

Feeling that sense of voyeurism disappeared, the big snake pill’s face became gloomy, and he didn’t care about the people on the desk, and left directly along a secret passage.

Senjuyuan did not attract anyone’s attention, returned along the same road, and soon walked out of the underground base.

Coming to the outside world, after leaving the thick tree for nearly 100 meters, he put up two fingers and made a seal.

In the underground base, in the warehouse where valuables were stored, the eight people standing like wooden stakes trembled violently, and the next moment suddenly returned to their senses.

All eight wore masks, but it was not difficult to see from their movements that they were horrified in each other’s hearts at this time.

They were unknowingly controlled by someone, and then looked at the scene, they instantly knew what was wrong.

The next moment, a sharp whistle sounded throughout the underground base.

In an instant, the entire underground space remembered the sound of dense footsteps, one sound after another, quickly re-emerging towards the location where the eight people were, and the entire base came to life in this instant.

All this Qianshou Yuan didn’t care much, in fact, he wanted this effect.

“It’s just a pity that Shimura Danzo guy is not in the base, otherwise, I would have liked to meet him.” But there are still many opportunities in the future, I hope to surprise that guy this time, I really want to see the guy’s face in person. ”

With this thought, Senjugen returned to his own residence in the Senju Clan.

I went out and did something, because the depression accumulated by the passive hand of the heart was suddenly reduced by half, and the mood was much more relaxed.

“Well, the idea is clear, it’s time to take this opportunity to draw a wave.”

Thinking about it, Qianshou Yuan opened the system panel.

[Host: Senjuyuan].

[Source point: 8].

[Ability: Conceptual Level].

The source points have accumulated to eight points, and eight basic draws can be played.

Qianshou Yuan thought about it, but still decided to come to a bigger one, after all, if the basic lottery is all excellent grade ninja knives, it is not of much use to him, and he can’t be a ninja wholesaler, so that he can get a few bucks?

Having just ransacked the root base, Qianshouyuan didn’t care about such a small amount of money, so he decided to directly take out the five origin points for a lottery.

As soon as the mind moved, there was a sudden change on the system panel.

The light is brilliant, like smoke and fog.

When everything dissipated, a box appeared on the panel, with a dull seed in the middle.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the withered Chakra species, which can be claimed at any time.] 】

(Bosses, what opinions can be mentioned in the comment area, don’t let the author feel that he is playing a single machine, in addition, continue to ask for flowers and ratings!!! )

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