“Let me see first.”

Qianshou Yuan opened one scroll after another and flipped through them on the spot.

I have to say that even if what Tsunade said is only a small part of the accumulation of Senju over the generations, but this small part alone is also a great inheritance in the outside world, and the ninjutsu inheritance of many ninja clans is not necessarily comprehensive here.

It is indeed mostly B-level ninjutsu, Senjugen even saw two B-level wooden dun from it, a wooden dun named Mudun Four Pillars, the other is Mudun Mulong Biting Explosion, and there are many other five Chakra nature change techniques here, among which there are mostly water dun, I think it should be the second generation Hokage Senjutsu technique.

Unfortunately, these collections are not of much use to the Thousand Hands Source, and such ninjutsu knowledge can only be regarded as adding a little bit of the Thousand Hands Source itself.

Fortunately, he did not force it, but patiently read it.

On the other hand, after doing this, Tsunade returned to the courtyard of the mansion, looking at the flowers and plants in the flower garden in the courtyard, for some reason, he only felt that he was in a very comfortable mood today.


Somehow, she felt that the vegetation in her eyes had a more active vitality than before, and she could feel this vitality.

It was a feeling she had never felt before, and it was somewhat novel.

Ninjas believed in their feelings, especially those spirits that had been tempered after life and death, and under this feeling similar to the sixth sense, Tsunade approached the flower garden and reached out to gently stroke a flower.


Frowning slightly, Tsunade couldn’t tell what it was like, but somehow, at this time, she had a feeling, as if she could give birth to these plants in front of her as long as she wanted to.

“Wouldn’t you?”

Tsunade got up, biting his red lips lightly, carefully looking at the flower garden in front of him, and then looking around, and finally taking a deep breath.

The next moment, I saw that her hands were sealed, her movements were not fast, and each seal was quite stable and standard.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of clicking.

In the flower bed in front of her, a flower suddenly began to grow, extremely fast.


Tsunade only felt that his mind was confused, and the whole person was stunned, without the supply of Chakra, the rapidly growing flower also stopped, but now that one flower is already more than one person tall, the flowers are gorgeous, with a strange fragrance.

Tsunade subconsciously took a step back, covered her mouth with one hand, and widened her eyes, obviously this scene in front of her shocked her, and it seemed to be a little unbelievable.

She trembled her hands, looked down, looked at her own, and the expression on her face was like crying and laughing.

“Mu Dun, I awakened Mu Dun? It’s true? ”

Tsunade took several deep breaths in a row, his chest rising and falling, and it took a long time before he finally suppressed his feelings.

She thought of something, stretched out her hand and directly ripped off the flower, and then tore it to pieces in three or two strokes and threw it into the flower bed.

After destroying the corpse, she looked around again and saw that her actions had not been discovered by anyone just now, so she relaxed slightly.

Mu Duan’s strength has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, as a descendant of a thousand hands, Tsunade’s understanding of Mu Dun is not low, but in the past, he did not awaken Mu Duan, and only knew the foundation of Mu Duan, but now he suddenly has Mu Dun blood inheritance, which makes Tsunade feel a little surging.


Tsunade’s figure disappeared in place, heading towards the outskirts of the village without any hesitation, she wanted to take a good look at whether she had really awakened Mu Dun in herself.


Deep in the middle of the forest.

Heavily wooded and densely vegetated, it’s a great place to experiment with wood.

After Tsunade appeared here, he first carefully probed his surroundings to make sure that there was no one, then took a deep breath to calm his mind.

“The Art of Wood Cuttings.”

Tsunade slapped the ground with one hand, and the next moment, the ground in front of him bulged, and sharp wooden thorns rushed out from the ground, filling the area in front of him in a blink of an eye, and from a distance, it looked like a trap made of dense wooden thorns.

At this moment, Tsunade finally determined that he had indeed awakened Mu Duan.

Tsunade wanted to cry, a dream she had dreamed of for many years had finally come true at this moment, something she had never thought of anyway.

“What the hell is going on? Why did I suddenly awaken Mu Dun at this time? ”

Tsunade carefully recalled, she did not feel that it was due to her own talent, because it was unrealistic, if she could awaken Mu Duan, it is estimated that she would have awakened herself, not until now.

As a medical ninja, her understanding of the human body is far beyond ordinary people, and her understanding of blood succession is not shallow, and she knows that Mu Dun is not such a simple blood succession.

Tsunade’s body froze, as if he had thought of something.

“That fruit!”

She remembered the fruit that Senjuyuan had given herself when she drank last night.

Recently, only that thing was strange, Tsunade didn’t think much about it at the time, and he forgot about it afterwards, but now that looking back, it seems that only the fruit seems weird.

She could even remember the peculiarity of eating the fruit, the process of melting in the mouth and then turning into chakra.

“Could it be that Mu Duan’s awakening relied on that fruit? If this is the case, then when the grandfather awakened Mu Duan, was the process also like this? ”

Tsunade suddenly fell into thought, his brows furrowed.

“Anyway, Mu Dun can’t let others know for the time being, by the way, if the awakening of Mu Dun really depends on that fruit, then what about the source? Did he eat it? ”

Thinking of this, Tsunade couldn’t sit still a little and slammed a punch into the ground.


The ground shook, the earth flew over, and in a blink of an eye, the ground in front of him was destroyed, and all the wooden thorns were smashed into pieces.

Tsunade flashed again and disappeared from place, she needed to make sure with Senjugen as soon as possible.

(Ask for flowers, score !!! )

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