Reincarnated With A Undead System?

Chapter 2 - The slaughter.

The soldiers stood there in horror as did the priest... Although, That was their first mistake it wasn't their last. The head Still hanging from the tree starts to smile, "No! NO! You may not have his SOUL!" A loud feminine voice was heard all were Shocked to find a woman standing their playing a game of tug oh war with a blueish green thing... Coming out of the body of their comrade. "DOMAR!?!" The priest yelped in shock. However this proved to be a bad move by the priest for Domar lost hold of the soul by being called out as a goddess. "NNNNNOOOOOO!!!" Domar was pissed, for as the soul returned to the body it convulsed and stood up. It started to walk towards its head, Which was laughing menacingly. Of course right around this time a third voice was heard, "Now, Now, Why are you screaming madam? If you think I'm stealing his soul from you your mistaken. After all I can not bring back those who wish to stay dead. I may only call fourth the souls of those with regrets and attachments to this world. His are rather strong thus he came back, Oh well now how should I put this... As a death knight. He can also be called a Dullahan. If you so wish that is after all his species."

Fenrir smiled for you see in his pasted life those he loved had a habit of dying before he could save them. This time however, He wasn't powerless. As the Goddess stared at him she started to cast a divine spell but Fenrir wasn't a moron. Nor was he powerless, 3 hours before. After Diving into the mass grave he Received two notifications. {Host has completed an achievement, [Head first]}


[Head first]

Details: Dive head first into a pile of corpses

Reward: 20 Death Points, A random skill, 10 sep.

(Death points are NOT a currency they are more like reputation points or infamy, the more you have the better for talking to monsters and undead creatures.)


The second was, {Host has found an abundance of death energy also known as sep. Would host like to absorb this sep?} 'Yes.' This was part of his plan and as the system gathered the energy he ask, 'Can I already use death magic?' {Yes host as it is a racial ability the host can already use it.(bleep! bleep! Host now has access to his stats! would you like to see them?} AS a smile broke out on the face of Fenrir, A thought crossed his mind, 'Yes.' {Showing now.}


Name: Fenrir

Title: N/A

Race: Reaper

Sep: 20,810

Death Points(DP): 20.

Str: 15

Int: 30

Dex: 15

Con: 20



[Necromancy] A form of magic that allows one to raise the dead or commune with them.

[Raise Dead] A sub spell of necromancy. Allows user to bring a recently dead resentful spirit back to the world of the living in the form of a random undead.

[Reapers bite] A racial form of necromancy involving the living and dead. If a reaper wishes they may "bite" a corpse or living being turning them into an undead or reaper. (Note: Only works on willing subjects.) Lvl: max

[Call of Undeath] The call of a king. All undead head this call, Necromancers will feel the pull of faith towards the user all undead in the world will also bow their heads in acknowledgement of the user. Lvl: max

[Communion with the deceased] Allows user to commune with the Recently dead. Lvl: 1 max souls 1.

[Death magic] an elemental magic that allows one to cast great hexes, curses, and even large scale death spells if one so wished.

[Vampiric touch] This skill does not come from vampires however it does take the life force of the target and feeds the user as well as heals targets are only those that are touched. Lvl: 1 Slow drain.

[Zombie curse] Commonly confused for raise zombie this spell causes one to loose metal capabilities and attack all others who upon contact with the cursed teeth or nails shall also began to attack those around the. Lvl: 1 max targets 1 person.

[Never Die] A racial skill. You shall never age nor die of any poisons or curses. However this does not include regeneration. Thus if you are incinerated or blown to pieces you shall die, but if your just decapitated or pierced through the heart you shain't die.

[Godly laws] Few know about these laws. Fewer understand them. This skill lets you do both.

[Law 1] A god/Goddess may not Interfere with the mortal world directly.

[Law 2] A god/Goddess may not force a decision of their believers only guide them with prophecy.

[Law 3] A god/Goddess may only issue a challenge to another God/Goddess if both have champions of equal level.






[Achievements] 1 New


'Holy hell hole in a pickle jar! what is up with those skills! and my int stat Like damn!' Fenrir stood there. as his system did all the work that's when he realized something, 'Hey system what about my random skill?' There was no lottery spot or anything similar {It will automatically be applied to the hosts stats. Hence the [Godly laws] skill.} That made more sense. After awhile the system informed Fenrir that it had completed the absorption and would continue to do so automatically when ever he came across death be it he killed something or someone killed something. also any undead he ruled would also absorb this energy to grow more powerful though he shall get 25% of all death energy absorbed by the undead.

Fenrir then said. "Rise all of those who resent their deaths come forth those who hold a grudge or regret. And live forever as My undead soldiers!" The mass grave, The pile of dead bodies started to shift and rise... One by one every solider there stood once more in an orderly fashion. enemy's stood side by side as comrades. {Host as completed the achievement [Bad ass! To bad no one was looking.]}


[Bad ass! To bad no one was looking.]

Details: Say or do something bad a.s.s or cool with no one around to witness.

Reward: Passive skill, [Looking good] Every time you raise an undead solider their armor shall change to that of your kingdom. (As of now a pure black coloring) It will also effect weapons and rust.


Even as Fenrir read this notification the soldiers before him where covered by a black mist changing their armor to match the description in the skill. It was a beautiful site. At this point he only had about an hour and a half left to set up an ambush for the hunters so he began commanding his troops. As for the smile and Red eyes that would be one of the stalkers... they are the assassins of the undead. They do not eat, breath, blink, nor fear anything. They make no sound, many victims of their twin blades (daggers or swords) only saw the flash of that pearly white smile before their heads would fly. Back to present.

"STOP! You may not directly interfere with the mortal world!" Fenrir called upon the laws of the gods. This proved effective as the goddess's spell fizzled out as she cast it. She was shocked, Horrified even. Fenrir smiled at the Dullahan as he held his head under his arm and walk over to stand behind him. "Now Domar I recommend you go warn the other gods and goddess's that a new king shall rise!" A cunning smile rose upon the lips of the reaper even as he stood facing a goddess. He dealt no fear... Neither did his undead for they had just began their slaughter of her troops. Screams rang out in the forest as Domar could only leave horrified by what she just witnessed. All of those loyal followers slaughtered like hogs, Heads torn from shoulders, necks ripped out with teeth... It was a gruesome sight. Worse when she rose to the heavens what greeted her was a man in an all black visage smiling a horrifying smile. That's when a horrifying realization hit her. "YOU SENT DOWN A CHAMPION! THAT'S BREAKING YOUR OATH!" She screamed at the skeleton man who only smiled wider. "No. I have yet to break my oath. After all I said that I would return after my name had been long forgotten upon this world... It has been around 4 millennia sense the last of my believers where eradicated. Thus I have returned."

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