Reincarnated With A Undead System?

Chapter 8 - A "Dead" cult

Fenrir turned around and looked at the hand holding the head of the dead "Goddess" It was rather funny. The look of horror and surprise on her face, It's well know to Fenrir that a head remains conscious for up to ten seconds after being removed from the body. So that look was completely genuine...and perfectly beautiful. But what made it better was that the hand that caught the head threw it back at him.

The wraith Pulled himself from his grave, Standing about 5'6 in height he was a broader man,made of skin pulled taunt on bone , eyes from a purple flame, armor and blade wielding both he stood before me calm as a tree in the breeze solid as a mountain. "So, Your love won out then?" the wraith looked at him and simply stared. "Come now ya purple eye'd warrior. You can speak." Fenrir rolled his eyes at the wraith. As the wraith looked at Fenrir he said. "Why should I speak when speaking has no effect." Fenrir nodded, "That's fair. Anyway it seems you'll get your revenge sooner than I thought." As a portal formed under the wraith and Fenrir.

In a locked space controlled by a cult of "death"

303 men and women stood in a circle around the body of a young woman who seems to be in her eternal rest. As two men and one woman stood around her body with knifes raised above their heads again for the second blow as the first was deflected by some sort of barrier. Yet as their blades fell one blade bit into flesh and two into steel. As a purple portal grew below the girl and two being's stepped out. "Oooohohoh! what's this? An enchanted dagger? Wonderful! Profits! Profits! Now who dies first?" Fenrir said as he removed the dagger from the hands of the man that stabbed him, "How about... You?" he removed the mans head from his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and said, "I don't remember your name but the rest are all yours my purple eye'd friend. The Wraith simply smiled then laughed.

A few moments later...

Everyone is dead except the other two who where on the alter. They fraught hard but Fenrir stood on the side and watched as the Wraith fraught the two of them. Last time he died because of his stamina, This time he's undead he has no stamina. At this point he's playing with them like toy's. Laughter could be heard from the Wraith as he played with the two who where still trying to figure out who no What he was. The lady finally had a good idea she yelled, "WHO! NO WHAT ARE YOU!" And Fenrir was inclined to answer. so he laughed and waved wraith back before starting.

"I will first say that I'm rather ashamed that you worshipers of "death" Don't even know the different types of death." Their eyes widened. "I mean while Wraiths are uncommon they are not nearly as rare as what you've been worshiping this entire time." He said as he walked towards the sleeping girl, "After all it's not everyday you get to examine a cracked Apothecary of a Lich. However, Before we get into that let me explain something." Fenrir had stopped by the girl and turd towards the two living beings in the room, "I am a reaper. I claim the souls of the dead and send them on. As such I have seen the many different after lives this world has to offer. There are as many afterlives as there are gods/goddess." Fenrir shook his he'd "however one such being bears an after life quite unique to them. Death, Death bears an after life know simply as the plain of undeath. When you die willingly in his serve you become an undead under him in his plain. thus allowing vile necromancers to bring you back, A lich however has a close connection to that plain and as such can bring forward souls of my lord to serve him. Though they must be willing. The only problem is that most lich loose there minds in the posses for they don't choose the right material for there souls to be bound to." Fenrir smiled. "This man however he knew what he was doing. With a wave of my hand the lady screamed as a hundred Zombies ripped her apart. "The last on is yours as he's the one who killed you my friend" Fenrir said to the wraith who smiled wickedly before disappearing from his place to fight the man again.

He turned and looked at the girl laying on the apothecary. Before waking her up and setting her down a few feet away. "Now what to do with you?,"He mumbled as he thought about what to do with the lich. He had a few of the zombies bring him some of the ore that was in the cave wall before using magic to melt it down and set it inside of the apothecary and watched as it mended itself. "Hopefully you kept your sanity in there for all these years my fellow undead." He turned around to witness an epic show of between a master swordsman and an ancient mage. The wrait ran forwards faster than a normal eye could follow, The mage launched spell after spell never landing a blow as his arms where severed one by one. Then as he stood atop the cusp of dying the wraith simply said, "Do you remember me now?" and the mages eye's widened in shock and horror as his head flew from his body. Fenrir laughed at that. before walking over and picking up the head. He burred the body and smile, "If it's alright with you. I think in this state he would make a good teacher for your sister?" the wraith Laughed and nodded his head. So Fenrir resurrected the mages head. And a rumble was heard/felt.

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