Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 223: : Ionized Wolf

A beam of light fell first, and the Overlord Kangaroo immediately raised his left fist and slammed it.

The light burst appeared again, but before the light disappeared, another beam of light fell, but within a second, a beam of light fell again.

The light burst enveloped the Overlord Kangaroo, Luo Fei was still thinking about whether to continue shooting, because the ammunition was so precious, and the Lucky Number had already consumed a lot.

Just when he hesitated, the light burst disappeared, and a dark shadow quickly fell.

Luo Fei looked intently, and it was the figure of the Overlord Kangaroo. His body was not injured, but the **** armor on his left hand and legs had disappeared.

He quickly understood that the three shells just now were blocked by the armor on his hands and feet.

Now it had only the armor left on its body, but when Luo Fei ordered to continue shooting at it, it had already fallen to the ground, swinging his hands at phantom speed, but all hit him.

Under Luo Fei's surprise, all the armor on the opponent's body was shattered, which made the Overlord Kangaroo completely thin.

What is this doing? Are you angry?

But when Luo Fei saw its still bright and combative eyes, he suddenly felt that his judgment must be wrong.

Lucky finally fell among the steel ruins, Luo Fei's main battlefield.

At this moment, the Overlord Kangaroo rushed towards them, and its speed was so fast that it could not be caught by the naked eye.

Without the keratinized armor, its speed was at least twice as fast as before, and it reached such an astonishing level.

Facing such a fast guy, Luo Fei was a little nervous, but he didn't mess up his hands and feet.

With a wave of his right hand, in front of Lucky, a large piece of broken steel rose and merged into a wall with sharp knives.

The black figure paused in front of the sharp knife wall, but with a flash, it stepped its left foot and walked around to the left.

The radar has long detected its movement. When it came to the left, a sharp knife wall was also raised on the left. It continued to come to the rear and the right, but the ending was the same.

But the Overlord Kangaroo was not discouraged, his legs jumped, and it suddenly appeared on the top of Lucky's head in the radar display.

Once it landed on the Lucky Number, Luo Fei could already imagine the Lucky Number being torn apart in an instant.

At the moment of the moment, Luo Fei drove the Fengxue Mecha to jump out of the car roof, and the shoulder cannon on his back shot out two silver-white beams of light.

The beam of light hit the target, and a large swath of frost spread on it, but this did not stop it.

Seeing that the other party was less than ten meters away from them, Luo Fei's mouth turned up, and the other party was fooled.

Luo Fei quickly jumped aside and crossed the sharp knife wall.

The Overlord Kangaroo successfully reached the front of Lucky, swiping hundreds of fists fiercely, and it only took less than a second.

The lucky number that was hit exploded in an instant, but it was not parts, but a cloud of green mist.

That's right, this lucky number was made by Luo Fei, just to confuse the Overlord Kangaroo's trap.

At this moment, a steel plate fell from the sky, covering the Overlord Kangaroo in a huge steel box.

The sharp knives on the steel plate wall all reversed and stabbed inward, but this was not here to hurt it, as long as it hesitated for a while, it was considered successful.

Sure enough, Luo Fei's plan was successful again. The Overlord Kangaroo hesitated for a second inside, and its fists smashed the surrounding sharp knife walls to pieces, turning them into countless fragments and flying away.

In one direction in which the fragments were flying, the air was distorted, and a cloud of blue smoke spread out, revealing the figure of the real lucky number.

The Fengxue who was sitting on it skillfully snapped its fingers, and a diamond-shaped crystal exploded at the foot of the Overlord Kangaroo.

Luo Fei didn't know the power of the psionic bomb before, but now he knows.

The moment the psionic bomb exploded, the purple energy formed a vortex, pulling all objects hundreds of meters around to the black hole in the center.

The power was beyond the imagination of Luo Fei and the others, and the nearby steel, land, and even the Overlord Kangaroo all flew inside.

However, what is peculiar is that the range 100 meters away has not been affected in any way, and the edges seem to be cut by a neat blade, neat and smooth.

Three seconds later, all the things within the range of the psychic explosion disappeared, and the black hole in the center also slowly shrank, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, while a chill in his eyes. If such a power exploded in Lucky, the result would be conceivable.

Si Huang, why did he treat us this way?

The question lingered in Luo Fei's mind, but he had left the Machine City for a long time, and he might not go back in the future, so Luo Fei left this question behind him.

The crisis has been resolved, but Lucky has also consumed a lot of supplies. Moreover, the battle here may cause other strange beasts to explore, so it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Fengxue jumped into the car, and the surrounding steel fragments followed the changes. Numerous fragments rose and merged into two double-headed swords embedded in the roof of Lucky.

Immediately, a large amount of steel was molded into a 30-meter-long carriage, without wheels under the carriage, just floating in the air.

At that moment, Xihuai magnetized the additional carriage.

Lucky drove out of the steel ruins, and all the werewolves who had dispersed ran over when they saw this, and got into the second carriage.

Luo Fei and others left here soon.

They didn't choose a random direction, but drove forward following the tire marks on the ground.

The trajectories of the tires are very complicated. Obviously, more than one or two vehicles fled, but many.

In order to be able to find human beings alive, Luo Fei chose the one with the deepest tire track, which shows that the escaped vehicle is the heaviest, either with heavy weapons or more humans.

Having made the goal clear, Lucky kept moving forward at a fast and careful speed. After all, the escaped humans would attract the attention of other strange beasts.

Sometimes when encountering a strange beast, Luo Fei would let the blue smoke cover Lucky, and let it disappear into the sight of the strange beast.

In this way, Lucky drove here all night, and Luo Fei was very thankful that he had not encountered another Overlord Kangaroo, or a stronger creature.

By the next morning, at about eight o'clock, Luo Fei finally saw a heavy truck. Although the style was not the same as the lucky number, it was roughly the same.

From afar, they saw their vehicle **** by a digging vine, making it impossible for them to leave.

To make matters worse, there are a group of ionized prairie wolves surrounding the vehicle. According to Sister Huamao, they are roughly similar to ordinary wolves, but they grow grass-like tentacles on their bodies.

The tip of the tentacles can sense the surrounding situation in the dark, and the tentacles themselves can also entangle the enemy and pull the opponent to his own mouth.

At the same time, the fine grass-like hairs on their bodies are woven into bulletproof vests.

There are also 50mm long and 20mm wide windows at intervals between the walls of the heavy-duty truck, with about 20 long guns protruding from them. They spilled bullets outside, temporarily preventing the advance of the ionized wolf.

"Did the radar detect any weapons in their vehicles?" Luo Fei was not in a hurry to rescue them, it seemed that they would be fine for a while.

Contact with humans requires caution for humans.

Huimeng stared at the tablet, manipulated with both hands for a while, and then answered after she was clear:

"They didn't have any heavy weapons in the car, there were 23 soldiers in it, or 23 weapons."

Then she raised her head and made a suggestion:

"We'd better fire a shot first, so that we can both scare away the ionized wolves, but also make the humans more honest."

"This is indeed a good idea, but the shells are more expensive than all of them." Luo Fei felt a little distressed about the frozen bombs he used before.

Hui Meng blinked her eyes and stopped insisting, "You decide, as long as you can solve the possible troubles."

After thinking for a moment, Luo Fei asked Xihuai to retract the cannon on the roof of the car, so the tank gun slowly descended into the car, along with the frozen cannon and streamer cannon.

It is a bad thing for them to think that they and others are pioneers, because then he will be kidnapped by the morality established by mankind.

As for putting away the Frozen Cannon and Streamer Cannon, one is because they have no shells, the other is to reduce human beings' guard against them, so that they can get close to them smoothly, and the third is to shock each other when they appear.

The last point is the most important. You can eat tigers by playing as a pig.

At this time, there were nearly 50 ionized wolves surrounding the heavy-duty truck. They stayed in the half-person-high grass and tried to get close. They were only unsuccessful because of the flying bullets.

The humans inside are fighting desperately, but the effect is not good. As long as the bullets are exhausted, their result is to become food in the other's stomach.

At this moment, one of the mercenaries saw a heavy-duty truck appearing in the distance, and there was also a Green machine gun on the truck.

As if he had encountered a savior, he shouted at the window:

"Here, save us?"

Perhaps he thought Luo Fei could not hear, he immediately lifted the roof of the car and took out a portable searchlight.

According to the code word between human beings, it sends out the signal for help.

The Lucky number stopped quickly, started quickly as if it had just found them, and left in a direction away from them.

This is a normal reaction, because they will be attacked by them when they enter the range of the digging vines, and they will be fixed in place and immobile.

At this time, the ionized wolves also found Luo Fei and the others, and separated more than 20 wolves to fly towards Luo.

These five-meter-long guys are similar in color to the green grass. As long as they are lying on the grass, they are difficult to see with the naked eye, but they are still out of sight under radar detection.

When they were about to approach Lucky, they were not attacked. On the contrary, Lucky's car door was still open.

Those ionized wolves didn't let this opportunity pass, and they all rushed in immediately.

The mercenary who was about to continue calling for help silently put down the searchlight in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. It seemed that there was no language to describe the other party's stupidity.

However, in the Lucky Ship, the point of a knife came out from anywhere in the corridor, piercing all the unsuspecting ionized wolves.

If Luo Fei is willing, he can turn Lucky Number into a terrible trap.

Those ionized wolves will become food for all people, and blood, flesh and blood, and bones will not be left.

Why don't you use Green's bullets? That's because Luo Fei is very poor now, and bullets are precious to him.

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