Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 426: : In-depth

Luo Fei's clone did not flee for long.

When the two of Xuan Yi chased him, he stood out from behind the tree.

"Let's go, we will reach our destination soon, and be ready for battle."

The black armored soldier looked at the two of them up and down and gave a very pertinent suggestion, "You'd better get a gun. This will allow you to preemptively."

"Using guns is a cowardly act." Xuanyi turned away with disdain, and then asked stiffly:

"How does your body appear here? Shouldn't it be in the Getan Desert?"

Luo Fei didn't answer him, if he let him know that the ground number appeared here, he would definitely become arrogant again.

"I won't tell you, guess for yourself."

Xuanyi was so angry that he couldn't help but glanced back, fearing that a cannonball would suddenly fly.

"Follow me." Luo Fei did not want to waste any more time, greeted to move forward.

As it approached noon, everyone's stomachs began to growl, Luo Fei and others slowed down slightly.

"Stop it all and leave after lunch."

Captain Lifeng stopped first and said breathlessly.

The same is true for those fearless warriors, running for a long time not only exhausted their physical energy, but also exhausted most of their vitality.

Luo Fei also came out of the Crab Cannon Mech to let out a sigh of relief. After all, staying in a small cockpit for a long time would be bored.

Everyone took out their own supply packs from behind, which contained the food packed this time when they came out.

A package of tubular plastic film with the original blue gelatinous substance inside.

This is what they eat, an edible substance extracted from plants and animals.

"Huh? Why did it become blue?" Wanling, who was sitting casually on the ground, couldn't wait to take it out of her bag.

Put it in front of you and watch it with wide eyes. The original blue has not only changed to green, but also a lot of floating objects have hatched out of it.

This must not be eaten anymore.

Captain Lifeng licked his lips. After a long time of running, his body was exhausted too much, and now he must eat.

Looking at the changed plastic tube in his hand, Lifeng was unwilling and instructed a fearless warrior:

"You, ate him."

In an instant, everyone's eyes all looked at him.

The designated fearless warrior did not hesitate, and opened his breathing mask, revealing a pustule-like face.

Staying in the forest of treacherous enchantment for a long time, his body was slowly collapsing under high-concentration radiation exposure.

Everyone knew very well, but no one said a word for them.

The moment the Fearless Warriors were created, they were cannon fodder, consumables, just a bunch of numbers.

He opened his festering mouth, placed the gel tube on his mouth, and squeezed it hard, the green liquid mixed with the weird multi-footed transparent plankton flowed into his throat.

As the throat shook, the food in his mouth was put into his mouth.

One minute, two minutes...

Everyone is waiting for his response.

Luo Fei did not choose to wait, and naturally took out a can from the cockpit.

When Kuiyong and Wanling heard the movement, they turned their heads and looked over.

"Under high-concentration radiation, the food in the can will also deteriorate, so don't eat it." Wanling reminded her kindly, but was then stopped by Kuiyong.

Sunflower oil also carefully glanced at Lifeng's face.

Luo Fei smiled, and tapped the can with his right hand, and with a chuckle, an energy light screen appeared on it.

This can of canned food has been given [particle vitality]. With a thin energy shield, it is impossible to block bullets, but it is still okay to protect food.

Open the can, the white mushrooms inside are still fresh.

The appetite in his stomach was immediately hooked, Luo Fei took out the spoon from the lid, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, bit by bit the mushroom fried rice into his mouth.

Luo Fei eats very fast, bite after bite, without stopping, making people feel like the delicacy of the mountains and the sea.

In fact, this mushroom fried rice tastes really good. Although the main ingredient is mushrooms, when it is fried, the oil from meat is added to it.

The fragrance of mushrooms and the taste of gravy make it a pleasure to eat in your mouth.

Just as Luo Fei was eating, Lifeng and the others couldn't help but shake their throats.

At this time, five minutes have passed, and Lifeng didn't want to wait any longer. Now he didn't find any problems with the Fearless Warrior, so he said:

"It doesn't seem to be a problem, let's eat."

As soon as he put the gel tube on his open mouth, the fearless warrior who had eaten first suddenly shook violently.

Everyone's minds were immediately drawn by him.

The Fearless Warrior convulsed and fell to the ground. Then, in his mouth, ears, eyes, and nostrils, a white bug with the length of a thumb came out.

It was obviously changed by the plankton he swallowed before, but he didn't expect it to grow so fast.

After a while, the clothes of the fearless warrior collapsed inward, and more small bumps wriggled in it.

Those little bugs didn't come out, they just got in and out of the clothes, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Soon, they stopped moving, but there was a lot of bulging in the clothes.

"Go and see." Lifeng instructed another fearless warrior.

The fearless warrior immediately got up, walked to the side of his clothes, and opened it up.

Everyone took a breath when they saw what was inside.

It turned out that those bugs had swallowed the body of the fearless warrior cleanly, but that was not enough. They still slaughtered and swallowed each other, leaving the last one to win.

One full the size of a millstone.

Seeing fresh creatures appeared in front of him, the multi-legged creature the size of a white grinding disc immediately jumped on the fearless warrior.

The sharp jaws instantly bit on the opponent's neck, and with a little force, the fearless warrior's head rolled down immediately.

The surrounding fearless warriors rushed back, and the bullet chain fell on it, tearing it apart again.

It's okay if it doesn't tear. Once it tears, more thumb-sized bugs gush out from its stomach.

Densely, they crawled to the surrounding fearless warriors.

"What the hell?"

The situation in front of them made Lifeng and others look ugly, but they didn't expect that these bugs caused them to lose two of their subordinates.

And looking at this posture, maybe more.

"Wanling, kill them." Kui Yong took out a revolver from his arms and pulled Wanling back vigilantly.

Wanling pulled out a microphone from her waist as she stepped back, and began to sing to Shengmai.

"La la la la la la la la la……"

In the lightly humming sound, sound waves spread to the bugs, and suddenly, all their bodies exploded.

After a while, they turned into a puddle of white liquid.

The crisis was lifted, but the faces of everyone were ugly, because they had nothing to eat.

Lifeng threw away the rubber tube in his hand angrily, and then looked at Luo Fei angrily.

I saw this guy still slurping his food, showing an indifferent attitude towards what happened here.

"Luo Fei, give me your food." For no reason, Lifeng stretched out his hand to Luo Fei.

Luo Fei did not refuse, and put the empty can in his hand.

He couldn't wait to look at it, and then became annoyed, and threw the can at Luo Fei, "Damn it, are you despising me?"

"Didn't you despise me first?" Luo Fei was tit-for-tat.


Seeing that the two were about to fight, Kui Yong hurriedly stood up and persuaded, "Wait, everyone is a colleague, why bother to stumble, it's not good for everyone."

"Captain Lifeng, you calm down, Luo Fei is a new colleague, and it's normal if he doesn't understand the rules."

Then he said to Luo Fei: "Luo Fei, you will stay on the ground for a long time. You should take out the food, and then admit your mistake. This is the end of the matter."

Luo Fei's eyes narrowed, let me admit my mistake? how is this possible?

"The beauty of thinking, if you want to eat, go find it yourself."

I ignored them, jumped into the cockpit of the Crab Cannon Mech, and disappeared from their field of vision.

"Hmph, let's go." Captain Lifeng branch clutched his growling belly and left.

The same is true for other fearless fighters, as time goes by, these people will have no physical strength to speak of.

Luo Fei, who was sitting in the cockpit, couldn't bear it. Although they were all about to die, they were better than starving to death.

So Luo Fei's voice rang from the mecha, "Listen to the fearless warriors, do you see the grass under your feet? Pull it up and see the red fruit, you can eat it."

But the fearless warriors did not act. They just didn't know how to beat their own people, but they had to follow the orders of their own officers.

Upon hearing this, the Kwai Chung Army Army immediately asked the fearless warriors to act, and quickly found many underground carrots.

After appointing a fearless warrior to eat, the few people ate with confidence.

"Kacha..." The seemingly ordinary carrots are so tender, they are crispy with one bite.

On the way to continue the march, everyone has a new task, which is to collect these carrots.

"How do you know there is something to eat in the underground?" Curious, Wan Ling came to Luo Fei's side and asked after Kuiyong's acquiescence.

"I asked someone about it." Luo Fei told the truth.

But this amused Wanling, "Who did you ask? We are all just coming in here, and we don't know anything. You lied and ignored you."

"Really?" Luo Fei suddenly thought of ‘Ghost Face Fruit’, how did Mengxi know about them?

Seeing Wanling bounce away, Luo Fei smiled slightly and thought: I know a stranger, but it's a pity that I can't say it.

The food has been solved, it can be said that Kwai Chung's task has been completed, and they can go back.

Luo Fei stepped forward to find Kuiyong, and said his thoughts, "Kuiyong Army, we should go back."

Wanling also looked at him pitifully. In this short morning, she had already had enough of the environment here.

There are sharp thorns, muddy soil, and weird animals everywhere.

Kwai Chung carefully looked at the leader of the Lifeng Division at the front of the team, pondered seriously for a while, and shook his head to refuse.

"We are by the side of Captain Lifeng Division. As long as we help him, he will take care of us in the future when we are in the ground."

Yes, this guy is a good old man.

Luo Fei didn't count on him anymore.

Thinking that she might as well leave by herself, Wanling nodded slightly disappointed:

"Well, then we...well, what is the mission of Captain Lifeng Division?"

"It's the approximate range to find the forces of the remnants of the Inhuman Empire." Kui Yong thought for a while.

Wanling nodded slightly, this task is not too difficult, they are only the first echelon, familiar with the environment.

After doing all this, the next official attack will be very strong.

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