That's right, this is the ultimate genius of the god generation, so that the originally endangered goblins are once again born as the next generation.

Britain returned to its original form in a few months, and clan strife began again, when the invaders who made the elves tremble appeared.

Orkney, who forgot the end from the elves, appeared with the storm, and although the clans formed an alliance again to fight with that, the power of that was overwhelming~.

Britain was conquered by a lone goblin, and the one who built the royal city next to the Great Cavern - as proof of domination.

"The name of the invader is Morgan, and the war is the Winter War, which is the first year of the Queen's calendar, and in pan-human history, it is the first year of the Western calendar."

"So", Brother Dog said solemnly, "No matter what happens, Morgan is a danger that should be dealt to pan-human history, defeat Morgan, and correct Britain that has turned into a goblin country"

Brother Dog looked at Artoria, "Artoria, you are a fairy in the same paradise as Morgan, only you can do this"

“... Ha, yes... Is that so", Artoria said embarrassedly, turning the subject to Matthew, "That, Matthew, do you want to go to war with Queen Morgan?"

After all, Morgan is Ash.

Matthew was silent for a moment, and then said firmly, "I have made a pact with many goblins in Paradise, I want to save the goblins in Britain, and I have made an agreement with Miss Ash that I will defeat her!"

"For this I have to speak to the Queen, I am a companion of the Savior Ash, not a knight of Queen Morgan!"

Artoria looked at Matthew with a serious face, and her mind drifted somewhere.

"Then ring the bell," Haberrot insisted.

"That's right, Matthew, Habermeow is here too," Rika Fujimaru said hurriedly.

But Matthew was at a loss, and Habermew... Who's that?

Is it the helper of the seniors? Matthew respectfully greets, Matthew... Don't remember?

Everyone looked dazed, is it because they have slept for too long and have lost their memory?

But Haberrot was not surprised at all, but a little loneliness flashed in his eyes.

Brother Dog didn't speak, just looked at Haberott's eyes with some pity.

This stipulates that in order to make up for this vacancy, Matthew should forget this memory.

With Haberott's explanation, the crowd accepted the premise and soon rang the bell for Orkney's pilgrimage.

The bells echoed throughout Britain, and Artoria, who rang the four bells of the pilgrimage, was now finally qualified to fight Morgan.

Not only the magic power, but even the spiritual base has been enhanced.

Everyone rejoiced, but Artoria, who was the person involved, fell silent.

The anti-queen coalition... Can she really do it?

Her Majesty Morgan is the queen who has protected Britain alone for 2,000 years, and she has to confront such a powerful person

Artoria faltered again

In a chaotic starry field—

"You can hear the bells, you can hear the bones"

The song of prophecy reverberates through the starry chaos, though the harbor returns to calm and the calamity turns to the distant skies

This is the proof of the goblins' apologies, the voice of the soul to accept the punishment

The spherical fortress burned to the ground, and the water clock was just to be seen

Artoria muttered unconsciously, "—when all the bells are ringing"

And to him who confesses his sins, he shall be beheaded by the sword

Artoria continued, "The Elves of Paradise"

The children of prophecy who have fulfilled their mission say goodbye to their old places

The storm changed, everything vanished, and Artoria seemed to be back in Camelot again, standing in front of the Jade Throne again.

Standing here is the ash ... No, it's Morgan.

She won't save the goblins, she's only guarding her own country, she saved the goblins, and obeyed the mission given to her, as long as there is the magic power stored in this jade seat, the catastrophe is not at all!

Then, only the goblins who were chosen by the Jade Throne had this qualification, and as proof of the completion of the tour, the Jade Throne was the key to maintaining Britain.

She is the wedge of paradise, Avalonfeller—

If you want to save Britain, then take her down!

But what about after that... Artoria couldn't help but ask herself.

After that, do what you don't want to do, do what you don't expect, and then what?

The fairy of paradise, where does she go?

I don't know, Artoria fell into a deep confusion, at this moment she is like an object, where she is needed, where she makes a cry, she is going.

That's her mission...

Soon, the group went to Noknarleia's camp, successfully persuaded them, and then headed for Bawanhi's territory, where the elves were not happy, and they even prayed to the Chaldeans to defeat Bavanhi.

Because their lord is furious, like a demon, and they hate this demon more than Queen Morgan!

Bavanshi doesn't have the strength of the goblin Gawain or Lancelot, if it weren't for the fact that the other party was the daughter of His Majesty Morgan and his own name, I'm afraid the whole of Britain would want to kill her!

But unexpectedly, Bawanshi actually took Morgan's court out and successfully captured Fujimaru Rika and Artoria.

The crowd couldn't react, or they didn't have any countermeasures, so they could only watch as Bawanshi took him away.

How do the goblins of the fairy country think of her, how can Bawanxi not know all this, but so what?

She will always be Morgan's beloved daughter, and her mother taught me magic, gave me clothes, gave me a name...

That's right, my mother will always love me-

Even if she hasn't praised her, she has even been criticizing all the time...

Mother, Mother... I'm going to do a good job, I'm going to kill more...

Bavanshi, longing for her mother's approval-

Bavanshi woke up from her dream, and saw a Belile with a bad face, Bavanshi wanted to get up, but her body was uncontrollable, and she was horrified to find that her whole body began to rot!

Why... Why, Bavanshi was puzzled, but Bailier forcibly explained on the grounds that Morgan no longer loved her, in fact, it was precisely because of the magic that caused Bavanshi's soul to rot!

But even so, the pitifully stupid Bavanshi still believed Belier's words, and then, under the bewitchment of Belier, obediently handed over the frustrated court that captured Artoria and Fujimaru Rika.

But what Bavanshi didn't understand was why Belier had placed the Court of Frustration in the Underground Sanctuary and why she ignored her suffering.

Beryl smiled and didn't explain, after all, it's good for a silly child to be a good tool person~

At the same time, in the court of frustration

After some observation, Artoria quickly understood the existence of this place, this is the Court of Frustration.

You may not understand this, for example, this is the place where Merlin is held, but there are different types of courts, which are divided into sweet dreams, dim abysses, frustrations, and innocent things.

This is the court of frustration, the pain of slashing the visitor's heart and letting him hurt himself, and at the same time, it is also the cold courtyard of warmth and deception, and the court unravels the original truth-

Artoria felt the time passing around her, and her heart sank.

The characteristics of this court are...

Sixteen years ago, in the village of Tintager, the elves celebrated Artoria's arrival, looking forward to her growing up to the age of sixteen, expecting everything she had to be used by the village of Tintagel.

Everything that came with Artoria was sold by them, but it seemed that it was only the physical growth, but the magic did not grow in the slightest, and the goblins fell into suspicion.

Could it be that this is a false child of prophecy?

The village chief lamented the weakness of the other party and kept it in the stable, and the son of prophecy, who was a slave of the village, would smile even if he was told what he didn't want to do.

After all, if you disobey, you'll be killed... []

In this way, Artoria had been looking forward to a new journey at the age of sixteen, and on the way, the elves had wanted Artoria to find the strange blacksmith on the cliff.

The forge only let down his guard and opened his heart to Artoria, and the elves thought that if Artoria was the goblin who saved Britain, then the forge should be killed!


The man simply replied yes, and died generously... In the past, Artoria was so frightened.

Compared to Artoria, who is afraid of the past, Rika Fujimaru is confused about the future, she doesn't know where she will go, she doesn't know what the future awaits her.

When she woke up, Fujimaru Rika returned to Chaldea again, undestroyed, and Fujimaru didn't notice anything wrong.

What she sees in front of her is what she sees in her tired heart, words that will never exist, here is the court of frustration, the most beautiful dream.

Leonardo da Vinci informed Rika Fujimaru that because the Persona Belt did not require the transfer of the Reiko, Kardok would take the place of Rika Fujimaru on the mission.

"Kardock...", Rika Fujimaru wondered.

"That's right, Caddock has woken up after healing!

... That's it, Fujimaru Rika seemed to fall into a muttering whisper, "It's so high, but it simply tells me that it's okay"

Everyone is unleashing malice at Fujimaru Ritsuka, she's just a candidate now, and she doesn't have to do so much.

Sherlock Holmes said to Fujimaru Ritsuka, "Even if you avoid the bad ending, you can't get back what you've lost, and when time is resolved, what unfolds in front of you is a desperate earth after everything is destroyed."

"Since it's irretrievable, then there's no need to recall those things anymore, no one will really blame Fujimaru Ritsuka, after all..."

"The people who will blame you, and the people who know you, have long since disappeared"

Artoria, who is also a fairy in Paradise, also has the ability to see what happened to Rika Fujimaru, and now the girl has fallen to her knees in pain, unable to breathe with tears streaming down her face.

Artoria wanted to help Rika Fujimaru cut off these circuits, but it was already night.

Aren't you needed?

Imitation... Disturbed... Rika Fujimaru's heart almost collapsed!!

She is no longer needed, no longer recognized, but... But it wasn't like that before!!

Fujimaru Rika's pupils are bloodshot, and she screams desperately and roars almost crazy!

In the worlds

Everyone raised their eyebrows, their eyes full of fun, this is... Finally can't take it anymore?

Is this child's torn body finally broken?

"Shhhh This kind of thing should be destroyed!", Chaldeans, Merlin looked at Fujimaru Rika, who was almost collapsing, and an indelible fear flashed in his eyes.

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