Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1376: Daozong Ruins

The huge bright flower has been floating beside Gu Xianjun, and the strength of Anzheng's attack has been reflected back and superimposed ten times. However, this kind of horrible power was used by An An, and he used all his strength to blast all the reflected power into the Red Cloud Valley.

Under such a series of powerful attacks, a huge deep pit, a black hole, collapsed in the Red Cloud Valley, and did not know what was hidden in it.

Just when An Zheng let Du Shoushen enter, Tan Shanse rushed in first.

Gu Xianjun saw that someone was going in, leaving Anzheng behind and teleporting to the pothole. Anzheng was not far behind, and rushed past.

The entire Red Cloud Hall has been destroyed, and the ground is full of powder, not even a complete brick. The pothole is very large, and the diameter can be about 100 meters. Dust smoke spews out from the pothole, and the vision becomes extremely blurred. Tan Shanse has rushed in, and can no longer see the figure. Gu Xianjun rushed to the edge of the pothole and pondered a little, then jumped forward.

Anzheng and Du Shoushen also reached the edge of the pothole and could not see anything when they looked down. When the ground collapsed, a lot of dust fell, and the dust was too heavy. An Zheng slapped it, and the palm wind expelled the smoke and dust from all around. It can be seen vaguely that the following seems very empty and large, and the color of the lights can be seen faintly.

"I'll go down first, you wait for my signal."

The anti-scale **** armor on Anzheng appeared to cover the whole body, and the helmet on the helmet pulled down with a brush. The eye position of the faceplate is made of a crystal material that does not know what, looks scarlet, and is as strong as the armor. However, looking through this crystal, the vision does not have any effect, but will be wider.

Black armor with purple gold flow patterns, scarlet eyes, extremely domineering and with a simple beauty. Anzheng, wearing the anti-scale **** armor, jumped down from the edge of the pothole and slammed to the floor. The place where his feet stepped on felt like an extremely hard floor. It should be artificially paved, very solid and flat. An Zheng looked around, and he could no longer see Tan Shanse and Gu Xianjun. He raised his hand upwards, and a bead with a soft white light flew up and ran straight outside. Seeing the signal of contention, others also jumped in from outside the pothole.

"What secret is hidden in the Red Cloud Valley, it seems that there are many coveted people."

Chen Shaobai looked around and looked very empty. This place is like an underground palace that has not been completely built, and is obviously prepared to cope with any major disaster. Everything here can be described in two words ... sturdy.

The entrance to the pit that was crushed by Anzhan should be the entrance and exit of the Red Cloud Valley who secretly built the underground palace, which has not been closed. Looking up, the roof was not only made of mixed refining materials, but even a very complicated defensive rune formation was added. This rune circle can spread the power of the attack through countless branches to the earth, ensuring that the roof will not collapse.

Each piece of masonry on the ground is five meters square, which shows how strong it is, and there is also an identical rune array on the ground.

"Even if the Immortal Emperor hits it, it can stop it."

"How is it possible to create a defensive dungeon of this scale in a red cloud valley? Even if the power of the red cloud valley is exhausted, it will not be able to build a tenth or even one percent at all."

"Yeah, this place is not capable of being completed even if these great forces such as the Red Cloud Valley Suojian Pavilion are jointly built. Not to mention these sect forces, even if all the sect gates of the entire human world Kyushu are assembled to build this dungeon, it is just that symbol Neither the grammar array nor the materials of these defensive refiners can be made. "

"This may not have been built by Red Cloud Valley at all, but discovered by the people of Red Cloud Valley."

An Zhengdao said: "In the beginning, there was a small Taoist temple. It is said that the Taoist prince once stayed here. The master of the Taoist temple here is the disciple of the Taoist ancestor. If the rumors are true, then the underground palace may have been built very early. The Red Cloud Valley just happened to be discovered later, but was simply unable to continue building. "

"Dao Zong, how many secrets are there?"

A few people looked around with emotion, this place is too big, to be honest, even if Tian Qizong exhausted all his strength, he could not make it. Not to mention that Tianqi Sect has a master builder like Huo Ye, let alone Tianqi Sect is the richest sect within Kyushu in the human world, not even one percent can be made here.

"It looks like it was prepared for the end."

Chen Shaobai said: "Perhaps, the disciple of the Taoist ancestors foresees the scourge of annihilation?"

"Time is not right."

An Zheng looked forward: "They should go inside, Tan Shanse seems to know more than us, and even Gu Xianjun knows some."

An Zheng, Chen Shaobai, Monkey, Du Shoushen four people will protect the meander in the middle. The five people groped towards the inside, with the help of the night pearls on the surrounding pillars to see the surrounding environment clearly. These night pearls are not valuable to practitioners, but in the eyes of mortals, each one is worth the price. If all are dug out, the value of the mortal night pearl may collapse.

This underground palace is like a huge square. For the time being, there are no passages leading to other places. Several people explore all the way. Except for the pillars that two people may not be able to hug together, there is nothing else.

I haven't seen the end after walking for a while. It can be seen how big this palace is. Even if it is the size found at present, it is not a big deal to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

"Want to save someone."

An Zheng suddenly realized: "Although there is something wrong in time, there is no need to care about what is right and wrong in time. The Daozu's disciple should know that there is a world to destroy. This place is built in secret. If there is no sect gate in Kyushu to build this underground palace, then ... What about Daozong? "

Everyone froze for a moment.

Taoism, in this era, so that any previous era is not a particularly complete lineage inheritance. Everyone in the Central Plains can't deny that he is a disciple of Dao Zong, because the way of practicing is originally from Dao Sect. Not to mention the people in the Central Plains, even the Western Sect of Buddhism. Many things of Buddhism are learned from Daozong and then evolved.

Therefore, there are many, many pious disciples of Taoism in this world. The major sects, scattered repairs, are all Taoist disciples. And those who have never been hidden from the world, the inheritors of the true disciples of Daozu ... The power in their hands is bound to be extremely powerful.

Daozu has many disciples who have received his personal guidance. There should be unique ways of contact between these people. If they all know each other and have been connected in secret, then these forces are condensed and it is simply terrible to imagine.

"But even so, they still haven't fixed it."

"The scale is too large, they want to save many people, more people, so that they can't help."

Anzheng they have to admire them.

"In front of!"

An Zheng suddenly felt the breath fluctuate in front of him, and several people rushed past quickly. In the distance, the lights became brighter. Apparently Tan Shanse and Gu Xianjun had just fought, and the two separated temporarily, watching the other side alertly, and also anxiously fighting for them.

There was something that looked like an altar in that place. It was large and it could hold hundreds of people standing on it. The most frightening thing is that many people in robe kneeling on the altar ... but it is not known how long they died. They looked messy and knelt there, surrounded by something like a stone pillar in the middle of the altar. But if you look closely, you will see that the position of their kneeling is very special. If you look down from directly above, they are arranged according to the diagram of gossip.

These people don't know how long they have died. The robe on them should be special, so there is no damage, just dust. The body inside the robe has only bones, no flesh. There is a cumbersome pattern on the central stone pillar, and there are many Taozong mantras, and there are still pieces of rune paper stuck at key positions. I don't know what the material of these runes is, and they are not broken.

"All here."

Tan Shanse narrowed his eyes and looked around, and then looked at the kneeling bodies.

"These disciples!"

His tone was contemptuous and angry.

"You're a fart."

Chen Shaobai could not help but scold: "You are qualified to point fingers at them."

Tan Shanse slightly lowered his jaw: "I am the most qualified one ... Well, tell you what it means. This place has nothing to do with you, leave immediately, otherwise it will be your grave.

Du Shoushou snorted: "Don't be bragging, I'm sure, you don't just let us go, but let us go?"

Tan Shanse proudly said: "You don't know anything about this place, and you don't know anything about the power here."

He slowly approached the altar. His steps were strange. Every step was not normal. Step by step, the ground where the steps fell lighted up easily. When he walked up to the steps of the altar, the entire altar exuded a soft white light, which was an indescribable holy radiance. Then the stone pillar also lighted up, and the runes on it began to wander, just like the Milky Way.

At this moment, the entire roof was lit, and the dense amethyst was familiar with the amethyst. These amethysts form the entire universe, and among the stars, a huge vortex is very eye-catching.

Amethyst is used most in that place, so it looks the brightest. The universe and stars are all around this vortex, and countless nebulae form an extremely huge nebula.

In the middle of the vortex, there was the biggest amethyst twinkling, but it was a scary scarlet light.

It seemed that there was something uncharacteristic about it, right there.

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