"Okay, okay, stop selling your lies. We have all heard your oath. If you dare to tell any more lies, you will be sorry for yourself!"

"That's right, if that's the case, why don't you tell us what the conditions are soon? We've all been waiting here for a long time, okay?!"

"Don’t continue to lie to us, Wan Dian Tong! Now we are the only ones who believe in you!"

At this time, when Su Cheng saw Wan Diantong's appearance, he didn't know why, but suddenly had an idea!

What if Wan Diantong said here, let the people slowly If you accept it, no matter how shocked you are, if you feel good about it, you might be able to pass such an opportunity!

——How about distributing the news directly at night?!

There’s no need to wait for the official announcement tomorrow morning!

The announcement tomorrow morning may be just a formality, but now is the most important thing to observe the direction of people's hearts!

After thinking about this, Su Cheng's eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

At that time, he can pretend to be from the Qiao family and confirm the authenticity of Wan Dian Tong's news.

In this case, we might be able to exchange some information about the Qiao family from Wandiantong, such as……

——That baby from the Qiao family!

Although I don’t know if what the little beggar said is true, since Wandian Communication is so accessible, then the news about the Qiao family must be under control!

Even if it really doesn't happen, I can know the news as soon as possible, so I don't have to make a trip in vain!

After thinking about it like this, Su Cheng stuffed a few slices of braised beef into his mouth, took a big sip of wine, and felt much better!

Under Su Cheng's silent gaze, Wan Niantong also hurriedly convened. The people around him lay on the table and carefully told the news they had received from their guard friends.

Su Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly. Even at such a long distance, of course he could still hear the sounds outside!

But no one will know at all

"Let me tell you, our Flame City may be about to change, and the head of the family will change!"

I only heard Wan Diantong slowly and clearly explaining each word word by word, but when it was connected into a sentence, the people felt as if they couldn't read this sentence in their minds. Tongshu is the same!

The head of the Qiao family has changed... has changed?! The head of the Qiao family has actually changed?!

Su Cheng looked at them. After hearing Wan Dian Tong's words, everyone seemed to be in the same mood. It was as if they had been clicked in an instant, and their whole bodies were stiff. They were lying on the edge of the table, unable to react at all! The minds of these people also seemed to freeze repeatedly, and they stared blankly at this scene. What Wan Dian Tong saw when he saw it was that he couldn't help being startled and broke out in cold sweat!

Seeing the people's eyes widening and looking towards him, especially there were so many people...

Wan Diantong suddenly felt a little regretful. If he tells this news now, he will not be killed by the Qiao family to silence him, right?!

At this time, Su Cheng, who was above the restaurant, carefully observed the current movement, and couldn't help but have a look on his face. A smile appeared.


As a well-informed person, he was so greedy for life and afraid of death. Su Cheng felt that he had caught Wan Diantong again and could threaten him!

"Are you crazy? Don't talk nonsense about Wan Dian Tong. If the Qiao family investigates your responsibility by then, we will have no way to protect you!"

"That is to say, you can eat and talk nonsense at Wan Dian Tongtong. Even if we forgive you for the time before, you can't say this nonsense. Okay, okay. You don't look serious when I see you. Let's hurry up. Click back!"

"That is to say, how could no one know such important news, even if the Qiao family suppressed it?……"

Just when the people expressed complete distrust and wanted to go home quickly to complain about Wan Diantong deceiving people here again, someone suddenly jumped out!

Su Cheng only saw a figure with slender eyes walking out slowly, gently waving a fan in his hand. The disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth made people feel a little unhappy.

But who is this person? ?

Su Cheng's brows furrowed slightly...

Although he didn't seem impressed and didn't think he was a familiar person, Su Cheng felt disgusted in his heart when he looked at this look.

He’s definitely not a good person anyway!

Su Cheng has always believed in the phrase"Xiang comes from the heart".

After all, he himself can completely distinguish what kind of situation they have in their minds through their faces. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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