Golden Agent of the Adonis (63)

Once they were told by the team that there was a traitor in their midst, the MCs started to suspect each other, but no one pointed a single finger at Fang Zhenxuan.

Fang Zhenxuan skillfully guided them through the mechanisms that needed all 6 of them to cooperate. He also avoided the others skillfully in individual sections of the game, leading him to find 3 other map fragments. After giving them a good, scrutinizing glance, he destroyed the fragments that he had found. The director frowned slightly when he saw his actions,  but he didn’t make a move to stop him. He was afraid that they wouldn’t be able to go on if they didn’t have all the maps in the end, but since the clues were already in shreds, there was no use deliberating over it. If anything, they could probably have the captain lead the team later to search for an impromptu hidden map that the team could add in later on.

However, what surprised the director was that Fang Zhenxuan had actually memorized those three map fragments. When the other MCs each found the map fragments and finally put them together, Fang Zhenxuan realized that the entire clue turned out to be a map once he pieced the remaining blanks together in his mind.

Fang Zhenxuan didn’t ask them to bring those map fragments to further dispel their suspicions. Then, when they were about to clear the level, Fang Zhenxuan led the five of them into a room, which was actually a secret room that the complete map included. There, he abruptly locked them inside the room and escaped using a secret door that only he knew.

Fang Zhenxuan successfully ran outside according to the map in his memory, ringing the gong that represented his victory.

During that time, the five MCs were stunned, “Zhenxuan was the traitor? Hey, it was Zhenxuan all along? I feel like my IQ level has somehow been insulted!”

The director was also very surprised and Mr. Feng even came to watch this scene in person. They finally understood why Chu Xiang was so confident about her artist’s abilities. It was no exaggeration to say that Fang Zhenxuan was good at problem-solving themes that required a high amount of intelligence. They, too, knew that this 2nd episode’s intelligence-based plot was definitely going to pull a large amount of fans to him and fix his position in this program’s season.

Who wouldn’t like a smart artist like Fang Zhenxuan? And not only was he smart, he also knew how to make a show entertaining. He never forgot nor strayed from the fact that he was filming a variety show and had a lot of interactions with other MCs. Because of that, it wasn’t easy for the director to edit out his screen time. Perhaps what Chu Xiang said was right— Fang Zhenxuan’s fresh addition to the program might rake in a lot of attention.

Both the director and Mr. Feng became excited. Their previous dissatisfaction with Chu Xiang had completely dissipated, leaving only a sense of expectation towards their follow-up cooperation.

After filming the 3rd episode of the show, the 1st episode of ‘Extreme Mode’ would be aired!

Many fans of ‘Extreme Mode’ were waiting to see how the new changes turned out, but there were also some who claimed that they wouldn’t be interested in the change of casts. However, the audience rating of the 1st episode had maintained the level of ratings that the show had throughout the years, so it was quite promising.

The alluring Fang Zhenxuan in the Weibo posts, who piqued everyone’s interest and curiosity, was finally on screen. He actually got drenched in water! The white T-shirt he wore even clung to his body, showing off his amazing body proportions!

Plus, the posts who claimed that he was an interesting character were indeed telling the truth. After he was intercepted by the other MC, he pulled an ‘UNO reverse card'(4) and pinned down the opponent. It was truly wonderful. Moreover, he was very attractive when he played games. His smile was very bright, ran at the speed of sound, jumped very high and was witty but intelligent. Plus, his ability to react and to make decisions in a split second was actually extraordinary.

(T/N: It’s a way to say that someone acted out of the ordinary or did something that wasn’t anticipated)

In short, he was handsome, super cute, absolutely hilarious and very charming!

The number of Fang Zhenxuan’s fans had risen sharply again as many fans enjoyed watching him. However, he was still far from being the public’s favorite. There were still a portion of fans who didn’t accept the change in casts and were boycotting Fang Zhenxuan. They even claimed that if the program hadn’t changed the casts, the show would be a whole lot more interesting.

Some people even claimed that Fang Zhenxuan was most likely nothing but just a pretty face. After all, was he just using his looks to enter the industry? To debut without releasing any sort of personal work and show up on the trending searches countlessly with that face of his, was he the epitome of an actual flower vase(5)?

(T/N: It refers to someone who is pretty by the general public’s beauty standards, but is actually very fragile like a vase.  In other words, an eye candy who only relied on appearances to get by)

The ‘flower vase debate’ gradually increased and people were easily led into the discussion. Sometimes, upon listening to a statement that made sense, some would subconsciously stand on their side. After all, it was true that Fang Zhenxuan had no works to show. After his debut, except for an advertisement for Dazhen, there was nothing else in his artist portfolio.

It was said that he filmed a scene in ‘The Legend of Consort Jing’, but wasn’t he just a side character that the female lead coveted but couldn’t obtain? That’s actually… also him being a flower vase, no?

It was actually quite rare for a male celebrity to be called a flower vase. Plus, the term wasn’t really considered a derogatory term when it came to the law. Even the Legislative Legion couldn’t come up with defenses against the ‘flower vase’ name in the first go.

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