Return of the 10th Circle Archmage

Chapter 139 66. Government in Exile (3)


“Heh heh, this is so strange.”

After dinner with the leaders of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Jong-un put a smile on his face as he watched a video brought to him by a party official in his office.

“Is that right? I think this is very suitable as a promotional tool to bless the leader’s achievements in the new year.”

“That's a great idea. If not only water dragons but other spiritual animals appear, take a picture of them and show them to me.”

“Is there any doubt, Chief?”

When Kim Jong-un patted him on the shoulder and praised him, the party official, not knowing where to put himself, bowed his head and flattered.

In North Korea's pyramid system, only Kim Jong-un's trust was the real gold chain.

No matter how high-ranking leaders in North Korea were, if they escaped from Kim Jong-un's eyes, they would be crumpled into the long-range artillery and be bombarded with shells.

Since there was no lasting absolute power other than Kim Jong-un, and because Kim Jong-un had placed his name in all positions of commander-in-chief in the military, politics, and media, all control was carried out under the command of Kim Jong-un, just like the monarchy of the Joseon Dynasty.

'Once nuclear weapons are gone, the deceased, who had previously sworn their allegiance to me, are slowly turning their backs on me. Then you have to bring in new people again. Because that's the way to survive...'

Since the disappearance of nuclear weapons, Kim Jong-un has already changed his ranks three times. There were those who killed them, and there were those who saved them but made them almost half-dead.

Kim Jong-un, if any suspicious circumstances were detected, he was a naval accuser, and immediately summoned them and harassed them.

Even if it was different from the truth, it was taunted, and even if it was said to be true, it was taunted. Even if he caught his life, it was after he had already been subjected to severe torture, so he could hold a grudge and strike himself in the back of the head later.

‘Because if you leave some sediment, it will come back to me as a dagger someday.’

After praising the security guard for bringing the funny video, Kim Jong-un was troubled after sending it back.

'The only way I can survive is falsehood. I guess I was provoking South Korea during such a turbulent time, so I'm a bit out of luck, but I have no choice but to try my best with South Korea again...'

Kim Jong-un did not know if things would turn out like this, and he shredded a cannonball at Baengnyeong Island in South Korea's West Sea.

It was an extreme decision because the economic situation in North Korea was going to the worst due to pressure from China.

'The money line is dry, China and the United States continue to put pressure on them... I couldn't help it either...'

In order to turn the people's dissatisfaction to the outside, in the end, they had no choice but to take risks and provoke South Korea.

Because provoking China was actually a suicide act, they attacked the arrogant South Korea.


'Now that I have committed such a thing at a time when I have to negotiate with South Korea again...'

Kim Jong-un pondered how on earth to send a gesture of reconciliation to South Korea.

‘Should I wear a helmet (haiba) and even bring Pyongyang naengmyeon to the Blue House…?’

I struggled with how to resolve the anger of my compatriots in South Korea.

‘Once we resume the gold mine tour, we discuss with the South Korean companies and try to build the industrial complex not only in the Gaeseong Industrial Complex but also in Hwanghae and Hamgyeong Provinces…’Due to inter-Korean exchanges since the 1990s, North Korea was well aware of what conditions South Korea liked.

Usually, the resumption of tourism to Mt. Kumgang or the establishment of the Kaesong Industrial Complex were the main cards that came up on the negotiating table, and Kim Jong-un was determined to go further and promote the establishment of factories in many tourist complexes and other areas outside of Kaesong.

“As long as nuclear weapons are gone, it is inevitable that we will have no choice but to go like China.”

Kim Jong-un tried to redefine the vision of the country with China as a role model.

‘Anyway, it was difficult to maintain it for more than 10 years if the people had to continue to eat corn or rice.’

Currently, over the pie of North Korea, China, Russia, and South Korea, the US, and Japan were in a complicated tangle.

Therefore, even without nuclear weapons, there was no need to worry about the situation in which China dared to push its troops down and occupy North Korea.

‘Even if there is a limit to giving away the flesh and taking the bones, we must overcome this crisis now.’

Inevitably, the people may wake up to the newspapers and think of the current system as strange. You could have complained.


“Like the Communist Party of China, if we work together with the leaders of the Workers' Party of China, we will be able to control half a piece of land on the peninsula with little difficulty.”

Already inside North Korean society, they were watching South Korean dramas and movies almost freely under a blanket.

Such a culture could not be stopped by forcing it.

Occasionally passing through downtown Pyongyang, there was a store that played South Korean songs openly.

With the revitalization of the Jangmadang, a huge amount of South Korean culture was brought in, so it was already virtually impossible to control.

‘If you can’t stop it, it’s enough to encourage imports and exports to a certain extent and turn it into your own initiative.’

Rather, Kim Jong-un thought of various ways to lead the situation to his advantage.

He didn't know if he would be able to relieve a little of the bad feelings he had accumulated against him if he eased the sanctions little by little on the people who had been oppressed.

'great. turn to an open policy. Instead, make sure the money comes in...'

Kim Jong-un judged that he could not stop the trend that was caused by a transcendent being, and he quickly decided on the big issues to pursue in the future.


“Did North Korea offer an inter-Korean summit?”

President Choi Jong-hwan, along with his top chief of staff, was secretly discussing the issue of talks proposed by North Korea.

“Yes, sir.”

"under······. Who do these guys really think are fools...?"

Choi Jong-hwan exhaled annoyedly with a face that wanted to smoke a cigarette and took a deep breath.

“Whenever they provoke our territory with long-range artillery guns, they come to Inje and make a nonsensical sound of a meeting.”

“But, wouldn’t you like to hear a story?”

At the opinion of the chief secretary, Choi Jong-hwan frowned and shook his head.

“I have nothing to listen to. What are you going to say Resuming the Kaesong Industrial Complex or resuming gold mine tourism…”

Choi Jong-hwan muttered like that, as if he knew everything as if looking into the palm of the Buddha.

To be sure, Kim Jong-un made the offer as Choi Jong-hwan had expected, but this time it was a little different.

“This time, we went beyond that and made a more open offer.”

“How about a more open proposal?”

The chief secretary opened his mouth with a meaningful smile toward the president with his eyes wide open.

“At present, there are rumors that nuclear weapons have disappeared in North Korea.”


While we were talking about the inter-Korean summit, President Choi Jong-hwan opened his mouth wide when the chief secretary suddenly spoke like a fat calf.

“Is that true?”

“We still need to confirm the exact details, but according to reports of the three plants planted in North Korea, I think it is almost 90% certain.”


Choi Jong-hwan nodded his head, catching the fact that, in the end, nuclear and this summit were not related at all, even though it was a matter that came up out of the blue.

“That’s why Jung Eun-i’s feet caught fire.”

"That's right."

The three crops planted in North Korea by South Korea were largely purged in the late 1990s, so there were not many left, but there were still some.

And there were some top leaders who had longed for South Korea and had contacted them first. They were waiting for the day they would someday defect from North Korea, and with the full support of the South Korean government, they were playing the role of thugs.

It was thanks to such tribunals that the generals were able to know in real time the news of the change of water in North Korea.

“So, what did Jung Eun-i suggest? Let’s hear it.”

Choi Jong-hwan, who had been ambitious without listening, changed his mind at the words of his chief secretary.

It was changed from "It's not worth listening to in the first place" to "Let's hear it."

“First of all, we have expressed our intention to actively encourage Korean companies to enter the market by opening up some areas in Hamgyeong-do, Gangwon-do, and Hwanghae-do in addition to the Kaesong Industrial Complex.”

“All this while, I was locked up in Pyongyang, eating only corn, and suddenly I wanted to eat something else.”

“The sudden disappearance of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction seems to have had a profound effect on Kim Jong-un’s change of heart.”

“Of course it is. North Korea without nuclear weapons. It was a future I had never imagined.”

Choi Jong-hwan knew the internal circumstances of North Korea and also knew why the nuclear program disappeared, so not even 1% showed any signs of embarrassment or concern.

‘This is what my son-in-law did!’

Choi Jong-hwan thought so to himself, and he wanted to go out on the streets of Myeong-dong and shout out his thoughts.

It was similar to the feeling that the servant of King Gyeongmun, the 48th king of the Silla era, was suffering alone knowing that the king's ears were long, and just before he died, he wanted to cry out in the bamboo forest of Dorimsa, "The king's ears are donkey ears!"

'Perhaps they got rid of nuclear weapons with the power of magic....'There was no other way to explain it.

Within a few weeks, all of the weapons of mass destruction that North Korea had built for 80 years evaporated?

If someone caught someone walking down the street and said that, it was obvious that they would be treated like crazy.

It was impossible to happen in such a short time.

“Besides, there are rumors of strange creatures roaming in North Korea right now.”

“A strange creature?”

The chief secretary suddenly gave a happy expression on his face and gave another unexpected fact to the thought-provoking president.

"Yes. Now, rumors are spreading that a strange-looking giant water dragon lives on Mt. Baekdu.”

“Aren’t rumors literally just rumors?”

Choi Jong-hwan has also seen the story of strange monsters living in the skies of Mt.

Like a dragon floating in the clouds taken over China in the past, or a tadpole the size of a whale that appeared in the waters off Guam.

But didn't it all turn out to be synthetic?

But when the chief secretary mentioned it, Choi Jong-hwan thought it strange.

“It is not just a rumor. There is a video taken by a foreign tourist, and it is thicker and bigger than an anaconda, but it really looks like a dragon.”

“A video?”

When Choi Jong-hwan made a surprised expression, the other secretaries looked at each other in bewilderment.

The chief secretary proudly took out his smartphone from his pocket and searched for Mt.

Then a video related to it was found on YouTube.

- An unidentified water dragon that haunted the heavens and earth of Mt. Baekdu!

Views 457,995

“The number of views exceeded 450,000 within a day of posting.”

“It’s amazing.”

Choi Jong-hwan watched the video with interesting eyes.

There, a natural scene with the mystery of the beginning was spread out.

The blue sky, the mountains in contact with the clouds, and the unspoiled natural scenery.

There was a clear and huge lake where trees, flowers and grass were in full bloom.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

And in that lake, as the chief secretary said, something huge, with silvery skin, was swimming with its elongated body.


Choi Jong-hwan screamed like that without me knowing.

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