Return of the 10th Circle Archmage

Chapter 204 91. Airwaves (3)

“Get out of the Matop Group!”

“Go away!”

A huge crowd gathered at Gwanghwamun Square.

They each held a candlelight vigil, holding up signs such as ‘Overthrow the Matoap dictatorship’ and ‘Shut up the Matoap group’ while holding a candlelight protest.

“Gentlemen, a group called Matop is taking over the entire country in a more heinous form than the Jinsung group in the past.”

A large screen and podium installed in Gwanghwamun Square.

An announcer who stood there and gave a Japanese speech raised his fist and shouted.

“If we sit still like this, our entire Republic of Korea will fall over to the Matop Group!”

He was Park Dae-hyun, an announcer with a strong political inclination for the final episode.

Park Dae-hyun was a political critic and announcer who wielded his tongue indiscriminately, regardless of conservatives and progressives, with his usual sharp tongue.

"It's not possible!"

“You must not skip it!”

Professional protesters mobilized to instigate some protests, holding up candles, shouted so.



Most of the citizens who passed by threw away their cold gazes and rolled their eyes before passing by.

There were not many citizens participating, and I turned my head a few times just to watch, and then went back on my way.

“Everyone, we must immediately condemn the anti-dictatorship of Matthew. If you let go of your hands like this..."

Announcer Park Dae-hyeon opened up the 'crisis theory of the dictatorship of the Matoap Tower,' and discussed the past with Hitler, Park Joong-hee, and Kim Il-sung.

“They are doing ‘the people, the people’ now, but eventually, if they also monopolize power, the previous history will be repeated again.”


“Let’s go to the matoap headquarters right now!”

The people who took part in the protest and lighted candles were mostly celebrities who were threatened by broadcasting station staff or PDs, and professional protesters such as the Yellow Union.

They were wearing blue overalls with red headbands with the words "Down with Mato!"

They seldom work, but they dress like that in a condescending manner, playing professional protesters and collecting back money.

'Heh heh heh...'

Among them, TGS president Cho Chang-guk, wearing black sunglasses, secretly watched the protests among the crowd.

‘People are standing up like this, don’t the mafia guys dare not listen to our language?’

Has the president ever stepped down like this?

Cho Chang-guk thought that the horse tower now has more power than the president at the presidential level in Korean society.

'Now, here, we need to properly cut the bridge of the horse tower. That way, it will be easier to tame next time...'

Currently, Matop has smashed all the competitors in every business it enters, so-called nagari (expulsion).The Jinsung Group, which has dominated Korea with economic power for more than half a century, the pharmacist and doctor cartel that held the pharmaceutical industry, and the three major telecommunication companies.

Those blocking the path of the Matop Group were smashed and crushed without exception.


‘The broadcasting industry is completely different.’

The broadcasting industry was the vegetable garden of the three airwaves.

No matter how talented he might be in flying and flying, if all the media companies colluded and attacked him, he had no choice but to surrender with a white flag.

'If we don't publish articles and block exposure, won't they bow their heads to us?'

In fact, it was not Jinseong, but the media that moved the current Republic of Korea.

Media companies were able to agitate the people to change the government like flipping the palm of their hand, and they have always led the mainstream in their favor.

'Because we took control of all TV stations and newspapers...'

Now, all broadcasting companies were doing their best to prevent Matop Group from entering the broadcasting industry.

Almost every day, in every news time zone, Matop broadcast-related contents were mainly covered in the past broadcasts of Jin Tae-hee and Blood Goo.

‘After all, if you focus on attacking the BJs, they will fall off on their own.’

Originally, the KCC tried to easily remove the tower broadcasting, but it failed.

'As expected, the president must have held hands with Matoap....'

I was expecting it right away.

'Is Choi Jong-hwan's daughter married to a powerhouse of the Matop group this time?'

Since the wedding was held in secret, only rumors abounded implicitly, but one thing was certain.

'Matap and the President rode the same boat. then···.'

Bind them together and send them off!

Such a brilliant idea popped into the head of President Cho Chang-guk.

‘Yeah, like in the days of President Park Geun-ae, if you drive this chief Choi Soon-ja and let the two of them go crazy together, it’s easy to change the government and go away.’

I don't know who thought of it, but I thought it was a really clever idea.

Cho Chang-guk praised himself like that, got into his car and moved on.

In order to put his idea into practice today, he decided to meet with important people.


"Hello. This is TGS news announcer Song Il-hyun.”

He was Song Il-hyeon, an announcer, who initially worried about Matop Group's entry into the broadcasting industry.

Song Il-hyun conducted a special interview to re-attack again after the Korea Communications Commission rejected the decision to suspend the broadcasting of the tower.

“There is a special person here today. We will have an in-depth discussion on the bill with Rep. Lee Kyu-tae, the representative of the Korea Party, who deliberated on ‘Matop’s proposal to condemn the anti-dictatorship’.”

Then, he turned his head to the man sitting next to him, and nodded and drew his hair.

“Hello, Rep. Lee Kyu-tae.”


Rep. Lee Kyu-tae was a politician who had followed the elite course among the four-term lawmakers: two local councilors, one provincial governor, and one Seoul mayor.

It was he who stepped on Choi Jong-hwan at some point and turned on his eyes to seize power in the next presidential election.

Towards such a Lee Kyu-tae.

“Recently, Matop Group’s industrial monopoly problem has been seriously emerging… Jewelry, pharmaceuticals, electronics, telecommunications… and this time even broadcasting. Is it possible for one company to monopolize the entire industry with an octopus style?”

Announcer Song Il-hyun asked a judo question.


"It's not possible."

Lee Kyu-tae firmly shook his head and answered like a knife.

“If you look at the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act No. 4198 . . .”

Lee Gyu-tae muttered as he read the materials related to Martap Diss, which his aide had prepared for him.

“This Act is a law that prevents the abuse of market dominance by business operators and excessive concentration of economic power, and regulates unfair joint practices and unfair trade practices.”

By promoting fair and free competition, it promotes creative business activities and protects consumers.

“This law was created for the balanced development of the national economy.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Song Il-hyeon roughly nodded at Lee Kyu-tae's long explanation.

“Then you mean exactly how many articles of the Fair Trade Act did Matop violate?”

He asked the question again.

After all, that was the point, so I grabbed the context and captivated people's hearing and vision.

“Ah, that’s it…”

Gyu-tae Lee stumbled again, rummaging through the A4 materials, and then started reading again as if reading a Korean book.

“If you look at Chapter 1, Prohibition of Abuse of Dominant Position, ‘If a market-dominant business operator commits an abusive act, a penalty surcharge shall be imposed on the business operator within the limit not exceeding the amount obtained by multiplying the sales amount prescribed by the Presidential Decree by 3/100. may be charged.'”

"Oh, I see."

Song Il-hyun with a slightly frustrated expression.

“So, how did Matop Group abuse its dominant position in the market?”

Again, he set the origin of the blurry conversation right back.

“Uh, um….”

Lee Gyu-tae looked at the A4 paper for a while again.

Then, Song Il-hyun distorted his expression with an annoyed face.

‘No, if it comes out that you’re going to explode properly, shouldn’t you be thoroughly familiar with the law in advance?’

Instead of learning the law, he was reading the time, saying, ‘Uh, um…’.

When Lee Kyu-tae's delay became too long, Song Il-hyun went out on his own.

“Aren’t you trying to refer to the Article 23 Treaty on the Prohibition of Unfair Trade?”

To Song Il-hyun's question.

“Ahaha, that’s right. As I was looking for this, I was confused for a while because there were so many laws that the tower broke. I would like to apologize to announcer Song Il-hyun and viewers.”Lee Kyu-tae bowed his head with a puzzled face and apologized.

“So, what kind of unfair trade did Matop do in a dominant position in the market?”

In response to Song Il-hyun's question that pierces the core.

“Yes, the tower. They were very, very rotten.”

At the same time, Lee Gyu-tae emphasized that Matop used an expedient method and released it as a nutritional supplement without going through clinical trials properly, and that the three major mobile carriers were excluded from the distribution of the network in a dominant position in the market.

Then, announcer Song Il-hyeon directly mentioned the bill and supplemented the excited Lee Gyu-tae's explanation.

“That means that Matop violated Article 23 of the Fair Trade Act, ‘acts of unfairly excluding competitors’ and ‘acts of unfairly enticing or coercing competitors’ customers to do business with them’ by using their superior monopoly position.”

"Yes. That’s it.”

When Song Il-hyeon talked about the bill as if he was seeing it with his own eyes, without looking at any printed material, Lee Gyu-tae raised his thumb in surprise.

“After all, you are the best living journalist in our country. I wasn't talking about it as the next presidential candidate for nothing."

“Do not say anything that goes beyond the point of discussion.”

In fact, Song Il-hyun was a popular journalist who received love calls from both liberals and conservatives.

He was always pretending to be an apostle of justice, and he was gaining the trust of many people.

So, when he started dissing with a slight bias in one direction, many people were agitated.

“Anyway, the horse towers have used their advantage to annihilate all their competitors in each industry, right?”

"Yes. They are greedy pigs after all! They are the ones who will take control of all industries in the Republic of Korea, eventually manipulating Korea back and forth to suit their taste, and in the end, like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, will be an absolute dictator!”

The main opposition and conservative party, the Korea Party, originally advocated a frame that was often 'security'.

At this time, the second thing the Korea Party does best is to hold back the bills promoted by the current administration or the ruling party.

“Everyone in Korea knows who Lee Jun-hyeok is who controls the tower, right?”

Excited by Lee Kyu-tae's remarks.

“Who is he?”

As if adding Chuimsae, announcer Song Il-hyeon asked that question.

“He is the son-in-law of President Choi Jong-hwan!”


"Heh heh heh heh..."


TGS president Cho Chang-guk entered a Japanese restaurant in Seoul and opened a scheduled visit.

“Oh, boss Joe. Come on.”

There were many lawmakers from the Korea Party, the Hannuri Party, the New Millennium Party ... even the ruling Progressive Neutral Party.

They welcomed Cho Chang-guk, who had just opened the door.

“Did you see the news?”

When Cha Dong-gyu, head of the second opposition party, Hannuri Party, asked that question with his eyes shining.

“Yes, I saw it. Chairman Lee of the Korea Party did the right thing.”

Cho Chang-guk nodded his head with a very satisfied face and sat down on the seat.

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