- NBH Broadcasting station's producer Cha Seok-hyun asked me, "Can I sleep with Chairman Mo? Then I'll let you appear in this drama." He demanded a body lobby from me.

-The Millennium Party president Yang Mo-chan took me to the motel and said, "If you don't do it with me this time, there won't be a seat for the next city council member."






When Matop TV appeared on a TV show for victims of sexual violence and talked about the broadcasters' bosses and sex offenders, the Internet went wild.

In the meantime, TV broadcasters, Internet media outlets, and various powers that have expressed concern about the Matop Group's entry into the broadcasting industry have united and defeated the Matop Group.

However, as it turned out, it turned out that they were dirtier than the horse tower.

Eventually, the internet reporters turned their guns and started slashing at their allies.

-TGS Broadcasting Station President Cho Chang-guk, habitually sexually assaulted a former minor trainee!

-NBH Broadcasting Station's President Min Chang-guk, Idol Group 7 Festival member body lobby request... Disadvantages such as prohibition of broadcast appearances in case of rejection.

-IBS President Ha Seung-jae...

-Song Il-young, president of the Medical Association, forced sexual harassment of a nursing assistant in the bathroom of a certain hospital!




In the meantime, the biased and biased articles that had been clogged like arteriosclerosis had finally started pouring out.

Netizens enthusiastically commented on such articles and kicked their tongues.

- 👌👌👌 I thought this was mine They say a dog with dung is a dog with chaff, there's really nothing to say. LOL

-The female cams appearing on Matop Broadcasting have zero exposure and zero reaction, but the broadcasting station presidents were filming X-fantasy. Heh heh.

-TGS Jo Chang-guk asked an idol to do something like an X-man on an adult site. He's a complete Psycho X-boy.

ㄴAppeared on TV and pretended to be very polite and broadcast for the people, but were you filming a good baseball video for the people? If you took a picture, please share. don't look alone

👌👌👌👌👌👌 Looks like you're the same X.

Me too exercise!

The movement, which began to spread abroad, was exquisitely intertwined with the impeachment case of the South Korean president, and the sword wielded by the established elite was rather returned to the men.

Netizens were surprised by the pretentious appearance of the high-ranking people and the double action that differed from the outside and inside to comment eagerly.

For them, the public broadcasters had no choice but to feel sad because the airwaves had attracted other media outlets and the establishment to ‘impeach the president’ and ‘kill the tower’.

-At this point, let's get rid of all the bosses of the airwaves, and let Matop Broadcasting join the airwaves.

b right. To be honest, the female cams of Matop Broadcasting were less lewd than the public yoga shows. While watching a yoga show with my family, I kept getting tented and almost died.

No. Yoga broadcasts are so weird. should be abolished immediately.

ㄴThe abolition seems to have to be done with 19 gold like a lintel.

If you bet 19 gold, will there be an X room at the end?

ㄴCrazy, that's what you do when you go to a paid room in a third-rate lintel. How do you do that on TV?

People shared congratulations on the victory, wishing that Matop Broadcasting would make it to the airwaves at this time.


“I’m sorry, people.”Nettle!



Lawmakers from the opposition party pressed for a vote on the impeachment bill of the president at the National Assembly.

And, among the pro-presidential faction of the ruling party, there are some snake-hearted people.

When they said they stuck here and there, the president was really close to being impeached.

Lee Jun-hyeok sprayed parasites on all lawmakers who voted in favor of the impeachment bill and planted bugs.

“Forgive me just once.”

And the lawmakers infected with parasites, unable to control their bodies, came out to Gwanghwamun Square and accused the citizens of plastering mortal sin.

“Shut up your mouth!”

Nettle, pooseok!


Angry citizens threw eggs and food they had prepared in advance at the lawmakers to punish them with excitement.

“Are you still politicians eating the rust of the country? You scumbags!”

In the past, lawmakers had to stand on high podiums and make apology speeches, avoiding all attacks from citizens.

But now it couldn't be.

Their bodies are now completely subordinated to Lee Jun-hyeok, so if he died, he had to die, and if he told him where to go, he had to go.

“I have sinned to death…”

Lee Kyu-tae of the Korea Party, who led the impeachment proceedings, was the chairman of the impeachment proceedings.

He fell into a hell where he could neither live nor die, and without knowing whether this was a dream or reality, he hit his head on the ground over and over again.


The citizens who were throwing eggs were panicked and stopped the attack when Lee Gyu-tae made his forehead burst by himself.

“Please kill me…”

As if bowing his head to the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Lee Gyu-tae sincerely asked for forgiveness.


“Then what happens to the impeachment of the president?”

A citizen asked while holding the egg and pretending to throw it at any moment.

“There is no more impeachment. Our National Assembly will actively participate in the policy management direction of the Blue House and the President in the future, and I promise here that we will not take any disquieting attitude toward the head of state.”

Lee Kyu-tae puts his brain to full use in his moments of crisis, and he picks out the noblest words he can spit and spit them out.


“Then, how is Matop Broadcasting going on TV?”

A female BJ who was on a night show (outdoor broadcast) asked this while holding her smartphone holder.

She was probably like a BJ she was broadcasting on matop tv.

“Of course, we will allow Matop Broadcasting to enter TV.”

Lee Kyu-tae had no choice.

He just spit it out through his mouth as the citizens wanted, as Jun-hyeok Lee wanted.

There was no longer any arbitrariness among the opposition MPs.


“The people won!”

“We have defeated the nations!”

“It’s exciting!”

The citizens, who were holding the thrown food and candles, put them down again and shouted hurrahs.

“A new world has finally opened!”

“The nations have finally come to their senses.”

“Kim Doo-han saved the country!”

People felt inspired by the fact that the reincarnated Kim Doo-han broke in during the vote for the impeachment resolution, stopped the national government and sprinkled filth and gave true education.

The members of the National Assembly could not raise their heads to the cheers of such citizens, and fell flat on their faces, praying earnestly that this time would pass as if they were dead.


“Aww! X feet!”

As soon as the #MeToo about him broke out, TGS president Cho Chang-guk rushed home and tried to pack his luggage.


“Mr. Cho Chang-guk! I am arresting you on the spot for a sexual assault offense!”

“Leave this! No!”

The police, who were secretly working undercover in a car in the alley, attacked Cho Chang-guk and arrested him at the scene.

"it's not me! No!!!”

“You go to the bookstore and talk about it. Victims and witnesses are already there.”

“This is a conspiracy from the tower! It’s a conspiracy with the government to enter TV broadcasting!”

However, the police ignored Cho Chang-guk's words and crumpled him into a police car and pushed him into the car.

Cho Chang-guk was eventually arrested as a current offender and an investigation was carried out quickly.

Also, at the same time, the presidents of two other broadcasting companies were arrested at the scene for violating the crime of sexual violence and were investigated together.


“As the #MeToo movement shows signs of spreading nationwide, its repercussions are…”

The #MeToo movement in Korea, which started on Matop Broadcasting, rose like a wildfire and began to burn the whole country.

“Currently, the #MeToo reports are coming in from all over the world, whether it is the president of a public broadcasting station, a member of the National Assembly, a famous celebrity, or the chairman of a chaebol.

BJ Goo-shin, who was selected as the official announcer of Matop Broadcasting, opened the door like that by conducting the 9 o'clock news on Matop Broadcasting.

“The current government has officially declared that it supports the #MeToo movement. So, it is expected that women will be more active in reporting damage in the future...”

As Koo Shin said, after suffering damage, the women who had been suffering only in their hearts rose up.

When Matop Broadcasting's Internet broadcast opened, they set up their own broadcasting stations and broadcast their stories live on national TV, moving from passive to aggressive.

-I recently received a sponsor request from Manager Mo at the company. He asked me for a body lobby as an anti-intimidation group, saying, "Aren't you worried about your next promotion?" He threatened me by saying, "I'll see you at this time of the HR exam" when I refused.

-While working part-time, the manager patted my hand and dragged me to a quiet warehouse to have a secret conversation.

-I am a policewoman who protects the country. However, there are such unpleasant things within the police...

-I am a non-commissioned officer.

-I am a nutritionist. The students . . . looked at me and said it would be delicious . . .




When the fact of their damage was publicly made public on Matop Broadcasting rather than the police, the sex offenders who were saying 'I'm out' rolled up their tails and apologized or begged the victims.

- Please save me just once. I also have a wife and children, Miss Kim. Are you really like this?-If I get fired from this company, I have nowhere to go. Please forgive me just once.

- I apologize. I would like to agree, Hyena.

In this way, while there are sex offenders who have their feet caught on fire and actively apologize.

- Yang Jeong. It's my fault. How much do you need? how much do you want Did you enjoy Jungyang together back then?

-I patted Secretary Kim's ass, huh? Can you do that on TV in public? I'm going to sue you for defamation. okay?

-Oh shit, yes, come on, Illumbo~!

- Oh, it's like X. really······. I also sue you for innocence. Obviously you hit the tail first.

-Okay, let's go somewhere. 'Cause I have pictures of you naked and videos of you doing X while you're sleeping I also spread them all over the adult sites. let's see where

On the contrary, there were also sex offenders who came out as hostile.


-The government will take an active role in protecting the victims.

After overcoming the impeachment crisis, Choi Jong-hwan actively intervened in the #MeToo situation and won points from many people.

- Choi Jong-hwan, well done!

- Again, Choi Jong-hwan. If it hadn't been for the national issues at the beginning of my tenure, I would have been a legend for all four years.

-You don't have a moustache, but still, people are very active, so it looks really good. In the past, I thought I was just a talker, but when the opportunity comes, I act proactively.

Choi Jong-hwan was the person who benefited the most from the destruction of national sovereignty and the spread of the #MeToo movement.

Originally, it was the order of the impeachment of Choi Jong-hwan and the collapse of the tower as the lawmakers seized power.

As Lee Jun-hyeok actively intervened after a long time, the lawmakers lost their power, and the evil they were trying to do turned out to be a counter-profit and returned to Choi Jong-hwan.


-after······. Hard.

After Matop Internet broadcasting resumed again, a special program dealing with behind-the-scenes episodes of BJs before their opening was aired.

There, the blood of the President of the People's Republic of China and the President of North Korea Jin Tae-hee were also treated with great importance, and both of them did volunteer work for a long time in the sense of reflecting on their past mistakes.

Quick profit.

Jin Tae-hee visited a shabby welfare facility with a box of sweets in her hands.


“It’s Jin Tae-hee, Jin Tae-hee!”

“I saw Jin Tae-hee on YouTube.”

When the children of her orphanage found Jin Tae-hee with sweets, she rushed out and hung on Jin Tae-hee's arm.

“Brother, brother. Ang, please do the ponytail only once.”

Jin Tae-hee responds to a little boy's request.

“Ah, Kimoo-ti!”

Raising the thumb of her right hand, she reacted with a bizarre look.


Cheetah godfather Seok Chang-ik, who followed Jin Tae-hee wearing a teddy bear mask with an expressionless face, picked up a smartphone with real-time broadcasting turned on and filmed a video.

After Jin Tae-hee distributed sweets to her children, she helped them clean up the room, do laundry, and clean.

And she had a meaningful day, helping elderly people with disabilities to deal with illness, feeding them, and pushing wheelchairs.

Jin Tae-hee, who finished her volunteer work that day, wiped her sweat.

“Oh, I have to come here often. Even if it’s not because of the shooting.”

With a hard but rewarding face, she grinned and mumbled.

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