Return of the 10th Circle Archmage

Chapter 212 97. Globalization (2)

"Damn it······."

Jinsung Group Chairman Cha Dae-hoon.

He sat alone at the table and drank strong liquor.

'Why did this happen...?'

Cha Dae-hoon looked back on his life that had suddenly become shattered and shook his head.

‘The fact that I, who survived Choi Soon-ja’s gate, was mercilessly defeated by a startup that was less than a year old….’

It was amazing, and my nose was stuffy.

'Lee Jun-hyuk, is that child really a wizard...?'

What I thought was vain at first, isn't it the truth now? I even thought of

'Otherwise, such a absurd thing cannot happen...'

It made no sense to have a manufacturing and production system for semiconductors, computers, TVs, smartphones, etc. in just a few months.


Cha Dae-hoon was worried about whether he should take care of the remaining affiliates, except for the electronics sector.

‘Will Horse Tower enter other industries that overlap with us?’

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became.

I was very worried that the backbone of the Jinsung group, which had originally been descended from the early 1900s, would be uprooted because of a guy named Lee Jun-hyuk.

'Damn it······.'


Cha Dae-hoon continued to drink because of what had not happened yet, and he was still anxious.



Then, someone opened the door and called Cha Dae-hoon.

“Is it Suyeon?”


She was Cha Soo-yeon, Cha Dae-hoon's child out of wedlock.

Looking at Cha Soo-yeon's face like before, Cha Dae-hoon couldn't smile warmly and frowned.

“Is it possible that I can’t keep in touch with Lee Joon-hyuk even these days……?”

At her father's question, Cha Su-yeon had a slightly dark expression on her face.

"Yes. I've probably passed all the H courses the professors gave me, so I won't be going to school much anymore."

When only a disappointing answer was handed over to her father, Cha Soo-yeon was ignorant.


'He's already married...'

Cha Su-yeon heard from her own classmate, Lee Ji-su, that she was married to Lee Jun-hyeok.

Because it was held so secretly, no one was invited at Hankuk University except for Lee Ji-soo.

Even Cha Soo-yeon herself.

'After all, I am nothing but a being to that person...'

Cha Su-yeon sighed deeply, feeling a deep regret that she did not even realize herself.

‘He’s from a different world than me.’

It was Cha Soo-yeon, who thought that all the bonds between him and Lee Jun-hyeok had been broken.

'It's just a passing relationship...'

However, unlike Cha Su-yeon, Cha Dae-hoon was tenacious.“Soo Yeon-ah. I seriously thought about what you said last time.”

At Cha Dae-hoon's words, Cha Su-yeon made a questionable expression.

"Yes? What do you mean?”

Then Cha Dae-hoon.

“Didn’t you tell me to give up Jinsung Electronics last time?”

He looked at Cha Soo-yeon with serious eyes.

Cha Su-yeon was shocked when her father told him to give up the 'electronics affiliate'.

'Is it serious...?'

For Jinsung Group, the former was the driving force leading the group and the group's identity.

Jinsung Electronics was the Jinsung Group, and the Jinsung Group was the Jinsung Electronics.

“Then what if you give up your electronics affiliate next time?”

Cha Su-yeon looked up like that to understand his father's intentions.

‘If my father gives up on something, there will be something he wants.’

So while he deliberately pretended to listen to his advice, he seemed to ask for something else.

“How about if you take the group once?”


Saying you're giving up your electronics affiliate, suddenly take over the group yourself?

At his father's suggestion, Cha Su-yeon looked at his father with a puzzled expression.

Then Cha Dae-hoon.

“Aren’t you the only person in our group to negotiate with Lee Jun-hyuk?”


With an earnest voice, he said so.

“If Matap reaches out to other fields in the future, our group will be virtually destroyed Suyeona...”


Cha Su-yeon felt too awkward for her father to ejaculate her. She was always treated as one of the countless children out of wedlock, and now she has chosen the group's eldest daughter as the successor to the group.

‘Then the other older brothers and sisters…?’

In the original Jinsung Group, the children born to Cha Dae-hoon at his hometown were holding key positions in the group.

Among the dogs, the most prominent were the eldest son Cha Dong-jun and the second daughter Cha Eun-ji.

‘They decided to take over the electronics affiliate and the hotel affiliate, respectively….’

Even if they were the children of the president, the treatment of the children of the mother-in-law and the children of the concubine was sharply different.

In the end, depending on whose womb they were born in, the third generation of chaebols are also divided into superiority and inferiority.


'Do you want me to become the real president...?'

Are you going to succeed in the succession of the group to a child out of wedlock who is not even the child of your concubine? Also to my daughter.

Cha Su-yeon wondered for a moment what had happened to his father's head.


“Soo Yeon-ah. It seems that there is no one more suitable than you..."

As Cha Dae-hoon said so, he gulped down the liquor.

"father. Drink slowly.”

“It’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…

In the end, Cha Dae-hoon, who showed ugliness in front of his daughter, cried out for the last time.

“Suyeon-ah! request!"


"brother. Didn't you offer to meet your brother in secret at the White House last time?"

After a long time on the holidays, I lay down at my hometown and watched TV leisurely, and I stared at Lee Hye-eun, who was talking to her next to her.

“I did. But why?"

James Park, who was running my secret fund in the United States, told me that when he returned home.

The president of the United States wants to meet me.

He seems to know who I am to some extent.


'I've been so busy lately that I haven't been paying attention at all...'

At that time, it was the time of a bloody battle with the three major mobile operators, so I did not have time to meet with the president of the United States, Nabal.


'I got married all of a sudden, and the national government was too busy to worry about the president's impeachment and other things.'

From matop communication, matop broadcasting, marriage, and even game and movie adaptation of Chan-gyu's novel...

You did a lot in a short period of time.

“Oppa, when are you going to meet the President of the United States?”

When Hye-eun Lee asked her a little hurriedly, I looked at Hye-eun with a strange thought.


Then she wiggled the eyebrows that Hye-eun Lee crossed her arms in.

“Why? Shouldn't we have to meet with the president of the United States to negotiate in order to save our matop group, which is stranded?"

"what? grounding? negotiation?"

what kind of bullshit is this?

I said that with a look on my face and looked straight at Hye-eun.

Then, Hye-eun again protested whether she had read my expression.

“We are calling for globalization now, but in the end, we only managed to penetrate regions with weak regulations such as Southeast Asia and the Middle East, didn’t we?”


How about that?

I looked at Hye-eun again with that expression.

‘We have secured a market worth 50 trillion won in the domestic market alone and about 200 trillion won in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. What more do you want?’

If we add up the pharmaceutical and jewelry markets, our annual sales could exceed 400 to 500 trillion won.

‘It’s almost as much as one year’s budget in Korea.’

Although the size of the global semiconductor market is about 500 trillion won, we did not advance into the semiconductor market, but immediately entered the finished product market.

So the unit price was higher, and the net profit was very large.

‘I’m eating 3-4 times more than in the past Macples.’

So honestly, I didn't have to worry about money.

‘It’s just that we’ve just started, but if we start rolling for a few years, it’s not like we’re going to dominate the global market……’

Even if you did all this in one year, it would be absurd for the balance to collapse.


“No, no matter what, we penetrate markets such as the US, Europe, Japan, and China to make and sell our BJ goods, huh? Shouldn't the star balloons also be swept into world class on a larger scale?"

At Hye-eun's rebuttal, I looked at him with an absurd expression.

“Is it because of the star balloon after all?”

Looking at Hye-eun's appearance, I thought I could understand why the Guk Gae had meandering and stuffing with star balloons.

‘I heard that BJs are still earning billions of dollars a day, but what kind of money is coming up and wanting to open up another market……’Besides, there were BJs who made more than 10 billion won by female cams.

In fact, there was no problem in eating and living just by targeting the Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern markets.


‘What are the goods?’

do you eat

Anyway, there are a lot of strange things...

I turned my head, stroking Snow White, who was lying next to me, and focused on the TV again.

- Brothers, it's very difficult. Because this is a mountainous area, there is not enough oxygen... Oh, I want to try a few Viagra pills too.

In the TV hologram video, Jin Tae-hee was climbing Mt. Baekdu carrying a hiking bag.

'It's fresh...'

It was like seeing BJ climbing Mt. Baekdu for the first time in my life.

Instead of going to Mt. Baekdu with a star balloon, Jin Tae-hee came to visit Mt. Baekdu on a mission.

‘In the past, there used to live in the Cheonji area of ​​Mt. Baekdu…..’

The water dragon that used to make cute sounds like waaaaa was no longer on Earth.

'I sent it to Mars...'

With the abolition of North Korea's superhuman awakening project, all gods and spirits created in North Korea were moved to Hwaseong.

‘I hope to develop Mars in the future to create a space for people to settle in.’

It's still a distant future... No, it's a few years in the future, but I thought it would be really interesting if that happened.

'Not only Mars, but also the solar system like Jupiter and Saturn, and furthermore, develop galaxies and supergalaxies...'

I also interacted with aliens in our galaxy, and there were many things to do if I wanted to.

As I contemplated the future and fixed my gaze on the TV, Hye-eun Lee shook my body.

“Brother, if you decide to meet the President of the United States instead of doing that, see you. Who knows if the President of the United States will give our horse tower a global market?”

In the words of Hye-eun Lee.


I said so, with my eyes fixed on the TV, in a tone that wasn't even worth responding to.

“Do you know how strict President Donald Trump is? Two years ago, he said that the Korea-US FTA was unfair, and he readjusted it and raised the defense budget of the US military deployed in Korea.

Rather, it was a more realistic idea to protect the domestic market and to continue to block the advance of our horse tower.

'That's why I was elected president for the second time in a row...'

President Donald Trump was a highly-approved president who overthrew America's role as the world's police force, turned to national pragmatism, and boosted U.S. economic growth.

'Because I'm looking at the 3rd line...'

But, it's a human thing anyway, and I wasn't really interested in it.



Suddenly my phone vibrated.



The caller was Ari.


- My father cares for my brother.

“A father-in-law?”

When President Choi Jong-hwan said that he would see me, I slowly adjusted my posture, lying on the sofa.

"Why all of a sudden?"

-I got a call from the White House, and I'm not sure why.

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