“We need to stop Matop’s entry into the automobile business.”

Hwang Sang-ik, president of the Yellow Labor Union, looked at the other branch heads with a determined expression.



“They are finally showing their ambition to devour the whole country.”

“Let’s defend our jobs!”

“Let’s shoot!”

The yellow union executives shouted so loudly.

Three years ago, when the United States negotiated a free trade agreement (FTA) and hit a 25% tariff bomb on Korean automobiles and parts, the Korean automobile industry was on the verge of collapse.

As a result, Daeryong Motor's annual sales fell below 50 trillion won, and its operating profit plummeted to only 1-2 trillion won.

The crisis has come to the point where it is almost impossible to survive.

The fact that the net profit fell to 1~2 trillion won meant that the profit could fall in negative units at any time.


‘Matop readjusted the Korea-US FTA and abolished auto tariffs, so can I ask for more basic pay from Daeryong...?’

The average annual salary of full-time employees of Daeryong Motor has already exceeded 100 million to 150 million won.

They were demanding that the basic salary be raised to 80 million won, and the remaining 2,000 or more were performance pay.

“Our Daeryong Tea union is a representative union of the Yellow Union. But, can we step back from this deal?”

In the words of Hwang Sang-ik, president of the Yellow Union.

"It's not possible!"

“You must keep fighting!”

“For a 10% increase in basic salary and special admission for children!”


Branch managers opened their eyes at Hwang Sang-ik's words and shouted a strike struggle.

There have already been 17 strikes this year alone, but they are still dissatisfied.

‘After all, it is only the head office and subcontractors under it who are wasting time by procrastination.’

The executives here didn't have much to lose.

As much as I couldn't work, I couldn't get a daily wage, but it was the headquarters that suffered even more.

'Because I lose 20 to 30 billion won a day...'

Moreover, after several strikes like this, the subcontractors who supplied parts went bankrupt one after another.

Then, the yellow union was able to get a new subcontractor by blowing a breath into the headquarters to suit their tastes, and to get a separate rebate.

“Let’s unite the strength of our 1 million yellow union members to drive out the evil dictatorship group, Matoap, and open up a new world for workers.”


The executives chanted for long live and slogged for the overthrow of the tower.




Daeryong Motor Chairman Park Ki-hwan took a deep breath and looked out the window.

- For Daeryong Automobile, raise the base salary quickly!

- Impress!

-Allow special hiring of full-time employees' children!

- Allow it!Outside, the yellow union members of Daeryong Motors were playing a general strike with factory machinery.

‘Is there no future for our Daeryong car?

In a situation in which sales are declining by 10% every year due to the labor unions holding back, the Korea-US FTA adjustment three years ago effectively blocked exports to the United States.

Recently again, although the tariffs have been abolished, the possibility of a company's recovery has already disappeared.


‘They say that Matop is going to enter the self-driving car industry as a result of a disaster…’

The automobile industry was an industry where no one could enter, and in the past, countless large corporations jumped into it and then lost their studies.


‘If it’s a horse tower, I don’t know…..’

Even in the field where they first entered, Matop smashed all competitors and ate up all competitors in the industry.

Since such a company has advanced into the automobile industry, there was no law prohibiting Daeryong from following the same path.

‘The Great Dragon is now over…….’

The name given to him by his father, the founder, with his aspiration to become the great dragon that leads Korea.

As its name suggests, it has achieved remarkable results in the Korean and global automobile markets.

After Jinseong, it was Daeryong Motor, which had the highest growth in Korea.


'I should have resolved the union issue right away...'

The union issue started to come up little by little from the 1980s, but from time to time, it was filled with money.

'In order to create a reliable system with workers, we should have established a straight legal system...'

Depending on the regime, politicians change the bills according to their own taste, so there was no way to prepare for it.

So there was no center.

Of course, the best politics would be if conservatives and liberals were divided, faithfully playing the role of checking each other, and holding hands in the direction of development.

However, in Korea's politics, the right and the left only struggled to seize power and monopolize each other's power.

‘It is only the companies and the workers who suffer from that…’

Of course, vicious chaebols who beat down workers at low prices were also a problem, but many companies left Korea because they oppressed companies that provide jobs to the people.

'Are we over now...?'

Seven years ago, I tried to relocate the factory to China, where labor costs are cheap.

-In retaliation for China and South Korea's deployment of THAAD (Advanced Non-Apocalyptic Area Defense), a full-scale investigation of Korean companies in the country was conducted!

-China, Korean companies that entered China using THAAD as an excuse to sip the assets? Chinese companies buy a lot of Korean factories at low prices!

- Daeryong Motors, eventually decided to withdraw from China.




I somehow lobbied the CCP and participated in official Chinese events every time, but all in vain.

‘In front of the relationship between countries, we are just shrimp.’

If the state is the whale, the enterprise is the shrimp.

So, if the whales fought, of course, the shrimp had to burst.


That time when Chairman Park Ki-hwan was worried with a dark expression.

The door opened and the secretary ran in.

"President. A guest came from the Matop Group.”

"Guest? who?"

Park Ki-hwan tilted his head not knowing who would come to visit him.

‘Is it the union president…?’

No one came to visit him except the unions who are currently protesting outside to raise the labor cost.

“Yeah, who came?”

Then, the secretary.

“President Jin-kwang Yoo of Martap Group has come to visit us.”

“Chairman Yoo?”

Park Ki-hwan, who had never had any contact with Yoo Jin-kwang.

The reputation of the horse tower was painful to hear, but there were not many encounters because they had different industries and the other was a rapidly growing company.

But why?

'I wonder if the horse tower is coming in such a difficult time...?'

Park Ki-hwan suddenly became worried that Ma-Top had come to absorb his group.

‘After all, if Matop enters the automobile industry, it is a fact that we will be destroyed…’

It's just the difference between dying a little late or dying early.

In the end, there was no other way than to survive and die.

“Tell me to come in.”

“Yes, Chairman.”

However, since Park Ki-hwan had no other options, he allowed Eugene Kwang to join.

bum bum.

“Hello, Chairman Park.”

Then, Jin-gwang Yoo, with a bright and flat face, came in wearing a black suit.

“Nice to meet you, Chairman Yoo.”

Yoo Jin-kwang, who secretly wore a mask, came to the Daeryongcha group.

He got a secret order from Lee Jun-hyeok and came here in a heavily tinted vehicle.

"It's very noisy from outside, but why are they doing that again?"


Yoo Jin-kwang sat down at the seat that Park Ki-hwan had guided, and asked.

“I’m begging you to raise the base salary again this time.”


At the request for a higher base salary, Yoo Jin-kwang wiggled his eyebrows.

“Even if I work 4-5 hours a day while smoking a joke, they give me more than 100 million won a year, but these guys are hungry.”


At Eugene Kwang's cool fact assault, Park Ki-hwan shook his head with a shy smile.

As Yoo Jin-kwang said, the Daeryong tea production union repeated two hours of work and two hours of rest.

Moreover, the almost-efficient Chewhattachu workers, whose productivity is only 50-60% of that of Poyota, were the Daeryong Motor Union.

“It is a monthly event. However, this time, the company's situation is very difficult, so it's a big deal. The subcontractors are also dying…”

-The National Workers' Association, the Yellow Union, is scheduled to protest on a large scale against the Matoap!

-Yellow union president 曰, “We will destroy the dictatorship of the Matoap and build a new country for the workers.”

-Yellow union, "The time has come to break the nose of the arrogant Matop group."

- What is the public's reaction? “It’s ridiculous.” “I was full and bursting,” he said, bewildered. “I don’t know what a simple mechanical engineer lacks with an annual salary of 100 million won,” he complained rather.



.Although it was a monthly event, the yellow union branched off in response to this provocation and immediately declared the ‘anti-Matop Federation general struggle’. He ordered the convening of 1 million yellow union members scattered across the country to counter the Matoap's provocation.

Yoo Jin-kwang asked his secretary for a cup of cider in a hurry to see if the situation with Daeryong tea was too stuffy like a sweet potato, and he was thirsty.

“It’s here.”



After Yoo Jin-kwang drank a glass of cider coolly.


He put the glass down on the desk and opened his mouth again.

“Do you know what the credo of our tower is?”

Park Ki-hwan tilted his head at Yu Jin-kwang's reckless remark.


At Park Gi-han's question, Eugene Kwang lit up his eyes with a playful face.

“The stick is medicine for those who use raw materials.”

“It’s a stick…….”

In response to Jin-kwang Yoo's answer, Ki-hwan Park burst into laughter.

In fact, it was Park Ki-hwan who wanted to beat the guys out there who use them like that the most.

'If I could only hit it, I would have hit it thousands of times... no, I would have hit it tens of thousands of times.'

But if they did, they would rather face a headwind, and things would flow in the direction they wanted.


‘I don’t think the club that Chairman Yoo is talking about is not the club…?’

In the meantime, I had never heard of Matop smashing other competitors or hitting anyone.

When Park Ki-hwan tilted his head with a questionable face, Eugene Kwang opened his mouth as if he knew everything.

“What do these protesters outside fear the most?”

Yoo Jin-kwang's question.


Park Ki-hwan opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"no way······."

"That's right."

The two exchanged meaningful words with each other and their eyes twinkled.

“You know the word “Great Horse Immortality”, right?

“I know.”

great fire.

It is a term used in Go, meaning ‘a large house will eventually have a way to live and will not die easily’.

“I will make Daeryongcha out of hemp.”

Yu Jin-kwang declared so and got up from his seat.


-Matop Group purchases a large-scale factory site in Cheongyang, Chungcheong Province!

-Matop Automobile Factory to be built quickly! A plan to establish a fully autonomous robot factory in Korea that does not depend on cheap labor costs in Southeast Asia!

-Matap, when asked whether the reporters would accept the workers of the yellow union, 曰, "I have no idea at all"

-What will be changed due to Matop's entry into the automobile industry?

- Super emergency in the global automobile industry! Another tectonic shift expected due to the horse tower!

After Yoo Jin-kwang visited Daeryong, Matop quickly started to establish a new factory.

All in all, it was an unmanned, automated factory that Junhyeok Lee was building with his magic.

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