Return of the 10th Circle Archmage

Chapter 244 114. Fine dust

“Food... business....”

“Yes, Jimin. Please help Ari and join the Matop Food business.”

Eugene Kwang clasped his hands and said so with an earnest voice.


“Why do I have to do that?”

Ahn Jimin shook his head with a rather cold expression.

“I don’t want to do that.”

At Ahn Ji-min's refusal, Ari also died, and Yoo Jin-kwang had nothing to say.

'Did you put it in too early...?'

I've been blatantly going back and forth for weeks and blitzing gifts, but to no avail.

'It seems like you've been hurt too much...'

If I had done this enough, I would have opened my heart, but there was no gap as if it was locked with a padlock.

'How can I change Jimin's heart...?'

Yoo Jin-kwang also liked Ahn Ji-min.

At first, if only because of Ari's recommendation, I went in and out without my mind.

'I'm sure I'll do a really good job.'

Now, I really had a crush on Ahn Ji-min.

‘Choyul is cute too.’

Yoo Jin-kwang also had a dream that Cho-yul’s last name became ‘Yu’ and he was called Yu Cho-yul.

It was Yoo Jin-kwang who fell in love with Ahn Ji-min’s hat.

“If you don’t like Jimin, there’s nothing you can do about it. He will not force you.”


“What are you sorry for?”

Yoo Jin-kwang said so and stood up bitterly.


Ding-dong, ding-dong!

The penthouse bell rang.

bang bang!


Children's voices began to be heard outside the door.

“It looks like Silph and Choyul are here.”

It was vacation period, and the housekeeper from the tower was playing with her two children.

Usually, two mothers and daughters take it with them, but when something like this happens, they leave it to the housekeeper.

"uh? Hello, uncle.”

Cho-yul, who found Yoo Jin-kwang at the entrance to the door, bowed his head first and said hello to his belly button.

“Yes, Choyul-ah. Did you have a good time?”

“Yes, uncle.”

Yu Jin-kwang carefully reached out and stroked Cho-yul's hair.

“Choyul, would you like some pocket money?”

"it's okay."

Eugene Kwang suddenly took out his wallet, and he took out 5 50,000 won bills and handed it to Choyul.

“Take it.”

"thank you."

Choyul glanced at her mother sitting at her table, and took Eugene Kwang's allowance with both hands.

So after Yoo Jin-kwang left.

“Ariya. If you're going to start a business, why don't you go out and do it instead of at home?"

“I am a housewife, where do I go out? You should do it at home.”

“Who does business at home?”

“These days, home work and home business are trendy. The internet works, so why not at home?”


Ahn Ji-min raised his fist, and he looked like he was about to clench one, then turned around and entered the room.*

“Some special measures are required.”

Yoo Jin-kwang left Ari's house and murmured as he walked down the street alone.

‘Ahn Ji-min doesn’t seem to like me very much……’

He was suddenly rushed to do business and everything, but Ahn Ji-min wasn't the type to be attracted to wealthy men.

'It would be nice if there was an opportunity to get to know someone...'

It wasn't that Jimin Ahn enjoyed his hobbies, nor was he the type of person who would go out to play with an outsider.

“There is a way… we need a method…”

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't come up with an answer on my own.

So Jin-kwang Yoo called Park Tae-jin.

“Hey, Taejin. How are you today?”

- It's always the same. Why did you call all of a sudden?

- Ah, ah, brother! A little lively!

Yoo Jin-kwang frowned at the strange moan that came through the receiver.

“Are you busy right now?”

-Yes, I'll call you back in a little bit.



Yoo Jin-kwang let out a sigh in a frustrated voice and ended the call.

‘By the way, did you say that Taejin had healed Ahn Ji-min’s ankle in the past?’

He does face plastic surgery and cures diseases...

Anyway, it was true that Ahn Ji-min received great favor from Park Tae-jin.

‘If I talk to Taejin, I don’t know what will happen.’

Eugene Guang mumbled so, tumbling to his company.


“Gong-chan has been put into public institutions in earnest.”

"That's right. Manager.”

With President Nam-ryong Jeong, I discussed the commercialization of Android robots jointly promoted by the Matop and the government.

“First, we need to put it first in public institutions, and think more conservatively in the private sector.”

Nam-ryong Jeong also nodded his head as if agreeing with me.

“After all, our goal is to do work for humans, so it would be better not to mass-produce robots that are better than humans.”

The vague fears that people had in the past when android robots appeared.

Jobs, spouses, human rights, etc...

People were afraid of losing everything to the robots, and they tried to stop it.

In the past, due to technological limitations, it was impossible in the first place, but now it is different.

'From now on, it's something you can replace if you want to...'

Collok, choke, choke.

However, after finishing the report, Nam-ryong Jeong, who stood still for a moment, coughed.

“Did you catch a cold?”

President Nam-ryong Jeong shook his head at my question.

“Because of the fine dust.”

“Is it fine dust? Ah···!"

At Nam-ryong Jeong's words, my taste buds swelled.

'Recently, the fine dust problem is very serious...?'

While I was in another world, the air quality in Korea got very bad.

‘In the past, when I was in elementary school, there was a riot because of the yellow dust that blows from China every year.’

China's Sahara desert sand and dust has engulfed Korea yellow in the springtime.

The Korean government couldn't say anything about it and had no choice but to be crushed.

‘Among Matop’s electronic products, the air purifier works the best…’

Nowadays, not every house has an air purifier.

To that extent, even the basic right to breathe, which we enjoyed, has now been taken away from China.

'I'm going to have to solve this problem soon.'

All Koreans were seriously damaged by fine dust coming from China.

However, Korea was not as powerful as China, so it has not been able to properly resist.

If they dared to resist, as in the case of THAAD retaliation, they extorted Korean companies in their country or promoted anti-Korean sentiments, causing them to suffer various disadvantages.

'I was told that the trade retaliation from the United States a few years ago was a little quiet...'

In late 2010, before I returned, the US imposed heavy tariffs on China and severely punished Chinese companies for spying on technology.

So, a certain mobile phone manufacturer asked for fines of tens or hundreds of billions of dollars, and took an unconditional low stance on the United States.

‘But we weren’t as strong as the United States, so we just lived with patience.’

He deceived the public by making excuses for mackerel while he was patient with blowing fine dust.

No matter how much fine dust we put on vehicles, the regulation on greenhouse gas emissions, and the chore of internal regulations, in the end, when fine dust flew from China, it was a no-brainer.

'No matter how hard we try, it's useless. Unless China tries to reduce fine dust on its own, it is of no use.’

But, instead of reducing fine dust, these bastards were putting pressure on our country.

‘I’ll have to discuss this with the president too.’

I might be able to block fine dust from China on my own, but it was better to try something with the power of the government than that.

‘Yes, let’s meet the president.’

So I made up my mind and prepared to go to the Blue House.


- Oh man, I can't go out because of the fine dust.

ㄴㄹㅇ, the Ladde Tower is not visible because of the smog.

-Isn't the fine dust really that bad? Should the government now take strong measures against fine dust?

-that's right! With Choi's personality, can we just leave China's attack on fine dust? Let's quickly mount this and cross it and do something about fine dust in China. All the people will get lung cancer like this.

- They say they are building a factory in Shandong, China with their weak children. All kinds of garbage are being built in Shandong Province. Hellgate will open in a few years.

- Come on. Seriously, you bastards, what's your enemy with us? From the time of Gojoseon, the country was ruined because of the scoundrels, divided on the 25th of June, and now even fine dust Gapjil....

- Taljosen is the answer! At least because of Choi Jong-hwan and Matop, my life has improved, but I can't breathe, so what's the use of all this?

ㄴㅇ···. As long as the air is good, Korea is the best place to live now, but what the hell is this because of the real jjang dogs?




The Korean people are suffering from the westerly winds blowing east from the mid-latitudes between 30 and 60 latitudes.

After all, China was right next to us, and we were bathing in a huge amount of ultrafine heavy metal dust emitted from China.

Moreover, China was rather trying to use it in reverse, driving all the factories to the east of them and poisoning Korea completely.


“The fine dust is serious today as well.”


I flew to the Blue House residence and had a private conversation with the president.

The president went into the main topic first, as if he knew what I came for.

“Did you come here to solve the fine dust?”

"That's right."

“How long has it been since you solved the civil servant problem, and now even fine dust...”

“There are just a couple of problems that need to be addressed.”

I said that kindly and drank the tea the secretary had brought me.

“Are the Blue House itself aware of the seriousness of the situation?”

"of course. Don’t be aware of it.”

First, the government was organizing and operating a joint task force with related ministries to prepare fine dust countermeasures, and was taking all measures that could be taken on its own, such as shutting down the operation of an aging coal plant and a diesel vehicle NO strategy.


“Since China doesn’t cooperate properly, it’s a no-brainer.”

“After all, China is the problem.”

I shook my head as I watched all this catastrophe of fine dust end up in China.

'No matter how hard we try, in the end, if the westerly wind blows coolly, it's a no-brainer.'

Experts say that 30% of fine dust comes from Korea, but it was bullshit in my opinion.

‘99% is dust from China.’

I could be sure with my hands on it.

“If China is the problem, we need to have a clear voice.”

“Should I have a clear voice?”

"That's right."Recently, China has been treated as a problem child from all over the world and has been subjected to all kinds of sanctions.

especially to the US.

“I don’t think we have to rely on China anymore, and we shouldn’t.”

“But, if we complain about fine dust, China will retaliate in all sorts of frivolous ways, right?”

At the President's worrisome remarks.

“Anyway, Southeast Asia, America, and Europe are our main exporting countries, not China.”

I explained the facts in a firm tone.

“If China imposes import and export restrictions, it is that person who suffers losses.”

“Is it that one?”

As I said, if China, which is still lacking in technological prowess, did not receive products from Korea...


“If China doesn’t reflect on the damage we have suffered from fine dust, but rather comes out like that…”

“What are you going to do?”

“It should be George.”

to my hot answer.

“George? Whoa! so be it So that’s my son-in-law.”

The president laughed cheerfully.


As the fine dust problem became more serious day by day, people's complaints piled up, and the government recognized the seriousness.

So, the Blue House started an official briefing on fine dust in China through a spokesperson.

“Our government will claim compensation for the damage suffered by the people from China, the main culprit of fine dust, and actively demand measures to reduce fine dust.”

Click, click, click.

The Blue House spokeswoman Ra Hee-soon, who appeared the other day, was in a blue blouse and a gray skirt.

She exclaimed in a loud voice like a North Korean newscaster on Chosun TV.

“How do you plan to demand reduction measures from China? I don't think I'll listen even if I ask for it?"

At the reporter's sarcasm, spokesperson Ra Hee-soon opened her eyes.

“If you don’t listen, I will force you to listen.”

The reporter who questioned Ra Hee-soon's words in a bloody voice flinched and then again.

“How are you going to listen?”

' she asked curiously.

“We, the Blue House, will give China one last chance to reflect on itself and correct its mistakes. However, if China doesn't listen..."


After Ra Hee-sun, spokesperson for her, stopped her for a moment, the reporters gulped.

“China will face the worst catastrophe in history.”

'Worst disaster ever'

At the meaningful words of spokesperson Ra Hee-soon, the reporters opened their eyes and started typing diligently.

Never before had the government expressed such a strong stance toward China.


- Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson 曰, "I will give the ultimate ultimatum to China. Reducing fine dust when you say good things. Otherwise, you will experience the ‘worst disaster ever.’”

- A strong warning from the Korean government that has never been seen before! No longer a weak country, but a powerful country?

-Korea's ultrafine dust 'severe' government has been patient enough to tolerate it any longer. The Blue House's decision to protect the people's right to live!

- What is the means by which the Korean government can pressure China? Ban on the export of semiconductors and horsepower products, and Korea itself blocking the source of exchanges with China...

-China vs Korea... Who will win? In the meantime, China has always responded to other countries' criticisms of fine dust with economic power... Will Korea be able to break the nose of China...?




When the problem of fine dust showed signs of spreading to an all-out war between Korea and China, all the media and the Internet went into an uproar.

The Korean people have been forcing it all this time, but there is so much to say about China.

- He spoke well at the Blue House. Even if there is a war with China, the fine dust issue must be clearly addressed.

- Far from reducing fine dust in China, don't you see the size of factories on the east coast? The swarms did not feel sorry for us in the first place, and they are trying to respond with greater biochemical retaliation.

-If all the puppies scattering fine dust are all X... There are good Chinese people, but I hope that all the real trash-like bastards can get a one-shot of fine dust.

No. It seems that it is good for the global environment to kill the bad guys quickly.

The public also cheered the government's hard-line response, and watched the all-out war between Korea and China unfolding in the future.

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