After paying the fee.

Xiaoli led Xu Xuan to the vocational certification hall.

Xu Xuan felt the familiar fluctuations.


career certification hall connects the secret realms.

Another madman who prides himself on being a peerless genius!" After

reading Xu Xuan's information, the staff of the certification office couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

He pointed to a secret realm entrance and said, "The most important step of advanced class certification is to clear the first three copies of the 'Sky City' secret realm without using any external forces, and comprehend the transfer skills during the clearance process.

For example, if you certify War Soul, you can only use the warrior's skill to clear the level, and you need to comprehend War Soul's transfer skill 'Soul Light'. The

staff sighed.

"Full career certification means that you must not only be familiar with the four basic vocational skills, but also realize eighteen representative job transfer skills after clearing three quests.

Good luck and enter the secret realm.

"Thank you!"

Xu Xuan nodded and stepped into the entrance of the secret realm.

Looking at Xu Xuan's disappearing figure, the staff smiled helplessly, if Xu Xuan was not successful, it was okay, he would feel a pity if he succeeded.

Those who can successfully certify all professions prove that their talents are very good, but unfortunately they are too high in spirit and have taken a crooked path.


Enter the Uncharted.

Xu Xuan looked at the strange copy in front of him, and there were not many waves in his heart.

Although there were many restrictions, the Intermediate Secret Realm was not difficult for him at all.

A flash of silver.

A sword of fine quality appeared in his hand.

The most representative weapons of a warrior are undoubtedly knives, guns, and swords, and Xu Xuan can use any weapon to play the basic skills of a warrior very well.

The first copy, the Dragon Man Tower.

The base monsters are Blue Pterodactyl, Red Pterodactyl.

The lord creature is the Raiden Dragonman.

Xu Xuan held the long sword in his hand and used the basic skills of the warrior to slash in multiple stages, and each section of the slash could sprint a large distance with the power of swinging the sword.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

The sword light flashed, and Xu Xuan slashed three swords in a row, sprinting to several golden realm blue wing dragons.

Without waiting for the Blue Wing Dragon to react, a blow interrupted the Blue Wing Dragon who was about to spray the cold qi, and at the same time its body jumped high and slashed several times in the air.

The sword qi swung around, blocking the other pterosaurs who came to support.


he used an aerial spike to go straight into the head and end the life of the blue-winged dragon.

"Perfect combo. When

the staff of the certification office saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaim, and then they felt a pity in their hearts, is such a genius going astray after all?

Above the long sword that Xu Xuan held, a little soul light appeared, and the long sword seemed to turn into a lightsaber.

"How is it possible?" the staff widened their eyes, "It is too perverted to kill a monster and comprehend the War Soul's transfer skill 'Soul Light'. "

The profession of war soul requires professionals to communicate with their own weapons, give their own spiritual will to weapons, and let weapons have something similar to souls.

The characteristic of this profession is that it is a 'fast' word, and the higher the fit between the profession itself and the weapon, the faster the speed at which the weapon can be wielded.

The mind is like light, and the man and the machine are one.

The color of the soul light represents the fit of the professional and the weapon.

"Is this the soul light?"

Xu Xuan looked at the blue light on the sword and muttered, "It doesn't seem to be difficult." The

lightsaber disappeared, and another weapon appeared in Xu Xuan's hand, it was a knife.

Knife power condensation.

Xu Xuan's legs and waist exerted force at the same time, jumped high, and then flattened the knife downward, and all the momentum gathered on the blade, and the power was like a landslide, straight into the center of the pterosaur group.

It uses the heavy skill of the fighter, Crash.

Boom! A

knife collapsed, the pterosaur group was cut apart, and two of them could not dodge and were directly beheaded under the knife.

The strong knife momentum became even more terrifying.

"It's in my heart.

Xu Xuan said silently, introducing a knife momentum mixed with a strong murderous aura into his body, his eyes gradually turned red, and a large amount of blood qi came out of his body.

Like a demon god bathed in blood.

Take the killing momentum into your heart, use the stimulation of the killing momentum to improve your own strength, if you are not careful, you may lose control and be eaten by weapons.

Go to extremes and dance on the tip of a knife.

This is the mystery of the berserker.

Certification Hall.

When the staff saw this scene, they were shocked beyond belief, and with just one move, they comprehended the berserker's transfer skill 'Berserk Heart'.

If it weren't for the association's requirement to keep the information of all professional certifiers strictly confidential, he would have already shouted wildly.

He stared intently at the screen.

Xu Xuan changed his weapon again, from a knife to a spear.

"Drink!" Xu

Xuan held the spear, piercing, stabbing, poking, crushing, and picking various basic moves are very skillful, wielding like a gust of wind, one shot with seven points, and three points to take the next move.

Stable as Mount Tai, dripping water.

In his hands, every shot is like art, and every move is integrated into nature.

Gradually, a strange invisible gun array appeared around Xu Xuan.

Like the realm formed by the marquis.

Standing in this formation, Xu Xuan's power of each shot can be increased, and he is the king in the formation.

Wave the army into a formation, enclosure is king.

This is the mystery of the formation warriors.

"It's the polar array!" The

staff also witnessed Xu Xuan's art of wielding a gun in formation, and he clenched his fists and looked at the communicator on the table.

If Xu Xuan can really complete the full professional certification.

He had to notify the above as soon as possible.

He had worked in Longdu for many years and had seen too many genius professionals, but there had never been a single one as evil as Xu Xuan.

Looking at Xu Xuan again, he had already taken out the fourth weapon, the heavy hammer.

Standing in front of him was the Dragon Man Tower's lord creature Thunder and Lightning Dragonman, who was also a starry realm, and belonged to the same realm as Xu Xuan.


Xu Xuangao shouted.

His momentum condensed to the peak at this moment.

The power of every place in his body was gathering, his eyes turned white, and the appearance of things in the world no longer returned to him from his eyes.

All people and things lose their color, and the world turns gray.

The dragon man who was full of thunder and lightning was nothing more than a struggling demon in hell in his perception, and as soon as his mind moved, he could send it to the Yellow Spring.


A hammer smashed down, and the momentum of destruction and decay instantly annihilated the thunder dragon man.

Asura is a profession born from the fusion of the ancient 'Buddha' family culture.

He pays attention to 'thought', the concept of looking at the whole world, and nothing can be seen with both eyes, but its essence, just like a god overlooking mortals, and the mind is like still water in ordinary times.

In wartime, it is necessary to be enchanted and solve the problem in essence.

There is no hesitation, and the mind is clear.

When I think of gods and demons, I am hell.

This is the mystery of Shura.

Asura is also the most difficult of the four high-level classes in which a warrior turns.

"Even the 'hell thought' was understood. When

the staff saw this scene, they did not hesitate and immediately dialed the communicator at the top level.

Such people.

It is already worthy of the attention of the entire hero association.

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