Returning From Level 900

Chapter 193: insult to tower climbers

Section 193 Insults to the Tower Climbers

"Captain, will you be tired from flying for a long time?" Ren Ruan Ruan called thoughtfully, "Would you like to come down and have something to eat?"

A few people below sat in a circle on the ground following a small night light.

The room is too closed to set fire to it, so I can only drink water and eat dry food.

Seeing this posture, Wang Wen had no interest in dining on the ground.

Continue to stare at the dark grid in thought.

"Order..Order.." He whispered softly: "It was white at first, then it turned red, then blue.. Now it's black, and the order is correct.. Black, black!"

Wang Wen's voice suddenly became louder: "Black! That's right, it's black!"

The group of four who gnawed dry food on the ground looked up in confusion.

In the faint light, Wang Wen rhythmically recited and pressed against the dark grid.








Zhu Xingguo worriedly said to the crowd, "It's over, is my master overly stimulated? Why do I keep jogging the rhythm while pressing the button? Is this a RAP?"

At this moment, Ren Ruanruan, who was thinking about the end, reacted.

Silently, he patted Zhu Xingguo's stout arm.

He comforted him and said, "Organization is still very promising, you just need to concentrate on learning it."

Zhu Xingguo was delighted when he heard it, "Is that so? I think so too, and progress has been quite fast recently."

Chen Hansheng next to him couldn't hold back and sprayed it all on Zhou Shengsheng's face.

He hurriedly took out clean clothes from his backpack to help Zhou Shengsheng wipe it, and apologized repeatedly: "Xiao Zhou, sorry, uncle didn't mean it."

Zhou Shengsheng was in a trance and didn't care.

He just stared thoughtfully at the soles of Wang Wen's empty feet, wondering what he was thinking.

Just when these people were jumping around.

The room suddenly lit up with the white light when it first entered.

Wang Wen shouted excitedly from the air: "Success!"

The few people below also gave a high five to celebrate - Chen Hansheng pulled the dazed Zhou Shengsheng to the palm, and Ren Ruanruan pulled the confused Zhu Xingguo to the palm.

Zhu Xingguo, who was "celebrated", also asked suspiciously: "Is it right? Why is it right? Does this decryption button have to be pressed while singing RAP? Whoever came up with the trick is too brainless?"

No one answered him this time.

Because when the lights came on, a door opened on the front wall.

Wang Wen fell from the air and went to the door with everyone to check.

There is also a combination lock on the door.

There are ten numbers from 0 to 9 above, and the bottom is also an OK key.

"Digital password??" Ren Ruanruan rolled his eyes: "There is no such information as numbers at all?"

Chen Hansheng said uncertainly, "Could it be the number of colors?"

Zhu Xingguo rushes to answer: "I know I know, there are seven kinds of white, red, blue, yellow, green, purple, and black! The number seven is absolutely right this time!"

Wang Wen stepped aside and said to him, "Yes, then you can press it. I also enjoy the taste of lying down and winning."

"Really? Really?" Zhu Xingguo rubbed his hands eagerly, pressed the number 7 decisively, and quickly pressed the OK button when he saw the button lit up.

The button interface is different this time.

All number buttons flash in unison.

At the same time, there is a loud mechanical sound:

[Wrong password, and the second time the secret room explodes]

Zhu Xingguo's face changed greatly.

Take a sharp step back.

Looking at the combination lock with lingering fear: "What an immoral level!"

Ren Ruanuan's expression was solemn: "The number of trials and errors is actually limited. I just easily thought that in the end it was impossible and I could use exhaustion. Now there is no drama."

Others apparently shared the same idea.

As soon as I know there is a limit on the number of times.

The expressions became heavy.

Ren Ruanruan looked at Wang Wen: "Captain, why don't you try the numbers from the last color code?"

"Is it 13?" Wang Wen frowned: "There are actually only two questions like this three-chance question in the World Tower. If you guess the wrong direction, you will basically not try it again for the last time, except if the room explodes. No one else except Lao Chen had time to escape."

Zhou Shengsheng next to him looked at Chen Hansheng suspiciously: Why did Lao Chen escape in time?

Chen Hansheng smiled modestly and awkwardly.

Ren RuanRuan raised his fingers and rubbed his temples lightly: "Why don't I just jump! How can I encounter such a level? I feel that scientific decryption is completely useless, and I have a headache."

Zhou Shengsheng next to him looked at Ren Ruanruan suspiciously: Jump? dance what? dance?

"There is no hint, just guessing the numbers is too unreliable." Wang Wen's brain was running fast.

Think about what you missed.

He suddenly turned his head and said to Zhu Xingguo, "Lonely, you can knock on the wall again to see if the color will change."


Zhu Xingguo's movements are clean and neat and appear to be very skilled.

The lights really went out.

Just when everyone was accustomed to thinking that the next color was about to appear, the darkness did not dissipate.

Instead, the combination lock on the door lit up.

I saw that the lights on the ten number buttons turned on and off in turn, and finally stayed on the OK button.

Ren Ruanruan quickly repeated: "314159265358979323846264338327950?"

She turned her head and asked Wang Wen, dumbfounded, "Is it that simple?"

Wang Wen shrugged: "Just try it, there is still a chance anyway."

This time Zhu Xingguo did not dare to go.

With a face full of disbelief, Ren Ruanruan pressed the number through gritted teeth, and finally clicked the OK button.

Password lock is on.

The wall door opened, and a familiar portal appeared in front of him.

Chen Hansheng looked back at the pitch-dark room and said with emotion, "It's really a secret room made of only lights from the beginning to the end. This kind of level is really rare."

Ren Ruan Ruan, who seemed a little lost, walked into the entrance like a corpse.

Hear what Chen Hansheng said.

She raised her head and asked resentfully, "What's the point? What's the point of such a level?"

Zhu Xingguo said sillyly, "There is no time limit, it seems to be quite good for rest."

"Rest??" Ren Ruanruan suddenly shouted loudly: "Which floor is there to rest? I think this kind of level is simply an insult to tower climbers! Skills are useless, anyway, as long as you knock Just knock on the wall and look at the lamp to pass the five basics? It's a waste of effort!"

Wang Wen turned to look at her strangely.

Just about to say something.

White light enveloped the body.

next second.

The 302nd floor has arrived.

Speed ​​mechanism!

No one can think about it too much, and run away as soon as possible.

Wang Wen urgently said, "Pay attention to your feet!"

It turned out that he found that there were some subtle differences in the ground ahead.

Some floor tiles use the difference in sight angle to hollow out a half-meter-wide hole that is not easy to detect.

Looking down at the entrance of the cave, all you can see is bottomless darkness.

If a tower climber who is rushing to the ground falls into such a hole with one foot, he does not know if he will have time to count down the seconds to exit the tower.

Starting from the 300th floor, such deadly traps began to become more and more frequent.

In many cases, there is no time to count the seconds.

This has caused many tower climbers to be hesitant and afraid to climb up.

Because the risk is too high compared to the return.

Wouldn't it be nice to hang around on the lower tower floors?

Anyway, there is no need to worry about eating and drinking, and the income is not low.

Why go to the 300th floor for adventure?

Most of the tower climbers in the world envy the big guys in the high and reconcile themselves, and they stop themselves below the 300th floor.

After all, Wang Wen's reminder was still a little late.

Zhou Shengsheng, who had the worst luck, stepped on the hole with one foot.

He didn't even react.

The whole person is like flying.

stepped over.

It's like stepping on a flat ground.

Zhou Shengsheng looked back suspiciously to look at the ground, but his eyes were attracted by the deadly mechanism approaching like a mad dog.


I didn't dare to look at the ground any more, I buried my head and ran forward again.

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