Returning From Level 900

Chapter 228: sengoku

The latest website: Wang Wen laughed when he saw the appearance of the national teacher.

The national teacher is also a figure, as if nothing had happened before.

He bowed his hands to Wang Wen in a serious manner: "Master, regarding the creation of immortal stones, if there is anything I can do to help, please give me instructions!"

On the other hand, Zhu Xingguo asked inexplicably, "Master, what are you laughing at?"

Wang Wen shook the "Love Concubine" and said with a smile: "Look, my elder sister calls me Master, and my younger sister calls me Yaodao, do you think these two are funny?"

"Concubine Ai" was so annoyed that her neck was red, and she called to the national teacher: "Sister, why did you come out and be fooled by this demon!"

The national teacher stopped her: "Don't be rude! This immortal stone is of great benefit to cultivation, even if there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, I have to try it."

In one sentence, "Concubine Ai" was indignant, but she could only obediently shut her mouth.

With a little apology, the national master Baipao bowed his head slightly to Wang Wen, raised his eyebrows and said, "I have offended you a lot before, I hope Master Haihan, I have personally experienced the master's skills, and I believe that the creation of immortal stones is not empty nonsense, let alone you. It seems to be close to success."

Wang Wen thought about it.

He smiled and said, "You said you want to show me Tiancai Dibao, do you still want to see it?"

"Of course!" The national teacher was overjoyed, and quickly stretched out his hand and said: "Master, please come with me."

The onlookers usually see the unsmiling national teacher like an iceberg in the cold land, but they have never seen the face of this little woman.

One or two were startled with their nostrils widening.

Among them, a person who seemed to have never dealt with the national teacher suddenly interrupted: "The national teacher waits a moment, we are discussing who is a monster, if you call this master, then the monster in his mouth is not it. real?"

The national teacher narrowed his eyes and looked at the man.

Yu Guang noticed that the emperor was also looking at him.

Rolled his eyes.

He waved his hand casually and said, "Where can there be demons in the world? My fellow Daoists and I are just talking about different ways. If there are demons, what kind of demon are you?"

The voice fell.

All eyes were on the man.

I saw that man turned into a monster with a pig's head and a human body in a blink of an eye. With a "bang", there was a large circle around him, but he himself remained in the same place for unknown reasons.

Easily solved the problem with a small means.

The white robe national teacher waved him back to his original state.

He led Wang Wen and others away.

The emperor saw that his "love concubine" was also carried away.

He opened his mouth to speak.

The frown stopped suddenly.

I feel a little sad about what happened today.

I just wonder what happened to the emperor of the world.

It is still useless to compare with these high-ranking masters.

Wang Wen followed the white robe national teacher all the way to an inconspicuous small mansion in the north of the city.

Falling from the air into the back garden, the national teacher opened a study door and invited everyone to come in.

A large crowd crowded into the study.

She waved away the desk, chair and bookcase again, reached out and pressed it on the ground in the corner.

The ground in that corner melted like water.

A sloping ladder leading to the ground is revealed.

He turned his head and nodded slightly to Wang Wen, and took the lead to go down the inclined ladder.

The nearly straight sloping ladder went a long way.

The field of vision becomes wider.

This is like a natural underground cave, but it has become regular after man-made repairs.

The air inside is fresh and not dull, and several wall lamps also illuminate the environment.

The national teacher walked to a row of wooden cabinets standing against the wall, and opened the closed doors one by one.

There are also various utensils inside.

Wang Wen approached.

Listening to the other party's introduction: "Bear gall, deer antler, snow clams, royal jelly, there are countless treasures in the mountains, but here I have the top delicacies selected in a thousand miles, and here, ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus, He Shouwu , older than me."

Wang Wen heard it.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "How old are you?"

The national teacher was slightly taken aback.

He pursed his lips and smiled: "How old do you think I am?"

Wang Wen looked her up and down, shook her head and said, "I don't think you are big."

"That's not big." The national teacher smiled playfully like a little woman.

Wearing a white robe, the serious look suddenly playful, and it looks quite moving.

The "Concubine Ai", who was always being carried beside her, saw her sister's appearance, she couldn't help frowning, and stared at Wang Wen hatefully.

Wang Wen ignored her, just looked at the top of the national teacher's head and licked the corner of his mouth.

When the national teacher saw this, he smiled even more happily: "Master, when will we start making immortal stones?"

"Now." Wang Wen hooked his fingers, and the stones were automatically assembled into tables and chairs.

This hand is more difficult than flying in the eyes of others.

The "Concubine Ai" was so shocked that she was speechless, and the look in Wang Wen's eyes became a little more restrained.

Cassia master and disciple disdain to sit with the monster, pretending to observe the surrounding environment and walk around.

Wang Wen is not bothered.

Sitting at the stone table, he took out two immortal stones, held the real immortal stone in his hand, and handed the spiritual immortal stone to the national teacher: "Can you make this stone the same as the immortal stone?"

The national teacher looked at the stone with the same appearance, and his eyes flickered.

"I practice with immortal stones every day, and I know everything about immortal stones. This is a very rare material. It can absorb the force of the outside world and use it for my own use, and convert it into an extremely pure and solid mana inside. I can't help it. Make it so pure and solid, but try to spread it a little bit." As she spoke, she held the Spiritual Power Immortal Stone in both hands and froze for a while.

After a while.

She returned the slightly warm immortal stone to Wang Wen.

Wang Wen could not see the difference.

Hand it directly to Zhu Xingguo.

Zhu Xingguo used his skills to ask the price.

With a strange expression on his face, he gave Wang Wen the immortal stone and said softly, "Dozens more!"

Wang Wen took back the spiritual power immortal stone, and his eyes were shining.

The national teacher looked at the stone and shook his head: "If it's just like this, it's too bad."

Wang Wen looked up and asked her, "How did you pass it on?"

The national teacher was stunned: "Just, so pass it on."

The master and apprentice of Cassia could not stand it any longer, and came over and explained to Wang Wen: "Master, everyone can pass on the merits, but the most important thing about this immortal stone is not to store mana, but to absorb and transform and refine it independently, which is the preciousness of immortal stones. place."

The voice fell.

Wang Wen still didn't react.

The national teacher narrowed his eyes first: "Why do you two know so much about my immortal stone?"

"Obviously peeping for a long time!" "Aifei" called out.

Wang Wen frowned in displeasure.

Zhu Xingguo winked at the table and shouted, "What's the noise! ​​My master is thinking! If you talk nonsense, I'll kill you all!"

Due to Wang Wen's tiger power, everyone was silent in the face of Zhu Xingguo's rebuke.

Even "Concubine Ai" pouted and stopped talking.

"Absorb and transform and refine on your own?" Wang Wen frowned and asked the national teacher: "How did you absorb the mana in the immortal stone when you were cultivating?"

The national teacher was stunned: "Just, **** it."

"Damn it!" Zhu Xingguo patted his forehead and complained to Ren Ruanruan, "I don't know if I ask three questions, what's the use of this thing?"

about this issue.

The two masters and apprentices of Cassia have no right to After all, they do not rely on immortal stones to cultivate.

The old man tentatively said: "Cultivation tactics are also the basic homework of the major sects. Everyone's cultivation is not bad, and the speed is nothing more than the difference in talent."

"You said that there is a magic formula when cultivating?" Wang Wen turned to look at the old man: "What kind of magic formula?"

. . .

PS: Don't be impatient, everyone. It's not that I don't want to write quickly. Now my grades are very good. Every chapter has a high subscription. The more words I make, the more I earn. But every time, the scenes in the outline with hundreds of layers are very big, because there are many settings and foreshadowings that need to be explained a little bit in the unfolding plot. , Now this rhythm is already a condensed version after several intensive revisions, throwing away a lot of water and focusing on the important and exciting links, which will consume a lot of my time and energy, and also consume a lot of the progress of the outline. To be honest, if I follow the pre-launch The rhythm of writing here must have at least more than 800,000 words, but I chose the road that is obviously more difficult to walk and the scenery may be slightly better. I just hope that the words engraved on the chest will not lose everyone's love. Thanks!

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