Returning From Level 900

Chapter 329: The popularity is so good

He Di has been having a hard time in recent days.

A girl who claimed to be Du Keke's friend has been calling him.

At first, I thought it was Du Keke's "rejection process" that didn't go through, but He was embarrassed and went to the appointment very cooperatively.

Later found out that it was purely the girl who was dating herself alone.

He no longer cooperates.

Slowly don't answer the phone.

But the girls are very persistent and keep hitting.

Had to pull black.

As a result, the other party changed the number and called again.

He embarrassed for a while and told her, "Unless you have the look and figure of Du Keke, we will never play."

The girl was very angry: "What are you thinking? Seeing that you and Mr. Wang know each other and want to make friends, do you think I'm attracted to you? I'm too affectionate!"

Having said that.

After that, the girl finally didn't find him again.

But it's not the worst.

Xu Wa was in a car accident.

On the day that the return box was sent to him.

Right at the gate of the college.

The doorman called the hospital emergency.

When He Ji learned the news and went to the hospital to visit, the operation was over.

There are many people in the ward.

There are elders and peers, and friends like Du Keke who are relatively close on weekdays can also visit the room.

But He Embarrassed certainly not.

He didn't want to make fun of himself and push hard, he put down the fruit basket that wasn't too big and left after having a general understanding of the situation.

He Di understands.

The girl is very unlucky, blinded by an uncommon but **** car accident sequelae.

In this case, either spend a lot of money to find micro-robots to perform intracranial surgery to remove blood clots to repair nerves, or it is a panacea for the upper floors of the World Tower, or someone is willing to take the girl to the 300th floor for repair.

Otherwise, there is basically no possibility of recovery.

The girl lives in an ordinary family, neither poor nor rich.

The daily expenses are ok, but it is a bit "out of sight" when it comes to such high operating costs of millions or even tens of millions.

More importantly, this kind of surgery is extremely risky, and it is likely to turn "blindness" into "paralysis" or even "death".

So unless she made a clear request for surgery herself, even parents would not dare to make such a decision without authorization.

The driver of the accident vehicle was also very unlucky. The other party was driving normally, and the speed was not fast without the zebra crossing. Unexpectedly, a girl who looked like she was in a daze suddenly hit the front of the car.

Too close and then the brakes still scratched.

Thought it was a touch of porcelain, but the girl's head knocked out blood all over the place.

After the accident identification, it was finally determined that the owner of the car was the main responsibility, because the potential danger was not enough to predict, and he was responsible for all the medical expenses of the girl and a certain degree of lost work expenses.

The owner wanted to cry without tears.

According to the contract, the insurance company under the First Consortium will only bear the cost of a total of no more than 100,000 points.

The excess part is borne by the owner.

Fortunately, after Xu Wa woke up, she made it clear that she would not do that high-risk operation and only perform conservative treatment.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will not be able to pay enough to sell the car and sell the house.

It can also be regarded as a catastrophe.

Maybe you will drive far away from pedestrians for the rest of your life.

a few days later.

When He Di came to visit in the hospital again, there were a lot fewer escorts.

There were only two elderly people and a middle-aged woman.

After greeting each other, they learned that the two old people were Xu Wa's grandparents, and the middle-aged woman was her mother.

He Di, who appeared in the ward as an ordinary friend, surprised everyone.

The same goes for Xu Wa, who is blind.

Although she was weak, she couldn't see depression, so she happily joked He Embarrassed: "How did you come? Want to meet Coco by chance? It disappoints you and she left long ago."

He Ji put down the two cartons of milk he took from the college cafeteria and shook his head.

Then he saw the medical bandage on her face and said, "Everyone is a friend, and you only happened to give me something. I should come to visit if it's reasonable."

Xu Wa smiled silently.

After a pause, he said to the middle-aged woman beside the bed, "Mom, can you help me wash an apple? Grandma and grandma, you should also go downstairs for a walk and have a rest. I'll have a word with He Di."

The middle-aged woman looked at He Embarrassed suspiciously, walked out of the door with the two old men, and quietly stood outside and peeked through the door.

He Embarrassedly asked: "Why is it so mysterious that you have to spare your family? They will misunderstand me again later."

Xu Wa waved her hand weakly and said with a chuckle, "I heard that Nana asked you to be blocked, but you rejected them as ugly?"

"Nana?" He Di recalled the girl's appearance: "So she was called this name? But I didn't reject her ugly! I just said that without Coco's figure and looks, there would be no drama."

Xu Wa giggled: "You said that you are not ugly? You are just sticking the word 'ugly' on her forehead! I really don't understand your boys' aesthetics, not to mention their looks, and when it comes to body shape, Nana is more Coco is even better! How slender! Even Coco envies her waist!"

"I just don't understand the aesthetics of your girls!" He Ji argued unconvincingly: "What is body shape? If you don't have a single tendon and become a boneless spirit, do you understand? If you really want to follow me without cocoa, you are better than you. She's beautiful!"

The voice fell.

The room was quiet.

He embarrassedly recalled the words he blurted out.

Xu Wa's ears turned slightly red, but soon returned to normal. She pretended to be angry and said, "What do you mean by 'I'm prettier than her'? Why doesn't this sound like a compliment to me?"

He Embarrassed smiled cooperatively, eased the atmosphere and said, "It's pointless to argue about this, that girl Nana made it very clear that I'm self-indulgent, and they just want to meet and make friends for the sake of my boss~ Xu Wa gave a soft "um" and did not continue the topic.

She wasn't used to discussing others behind her back. Just now she just really wanted to gossip and when the person involved appeared, she couldn't help but chat with her family.

I feel a little tired talking too much now.

Time has passed for a while, and it is estimated that my mother will be back soon.

just stopped.

But He Embarrassed is a master of the 300th floor anyway, and the open-minded "hiding" eavesdropping outside the door behind him can't hide it from him.

Seeing outsiders do not intend to come in.

The room was awkwardly quiet again.

He was thinking of leaving.

Anyway, this trip was regarded as a face-to-face greeting and visits. After all, the two sides were just nodding acquaintances who were not even friends.

Sending things in exchange for two visits can be regarded as two clearings.

Besides, he even bought a fruit basket at his own expense!

With his current economic conditions, spending more than 200 points to buy a fruit basket can be called a hemorrhage!

This is money borrowed from someone else and waiting to be repaid.

He Di pushed the milk on the bedside table in, and said to Xu Wa, "This is the milk that college teachers can drink. I heard that it is very nutritious. You remember to drink it. I'll go first."

Xu Wa thanked softly: "This time it's the other way around for you to make a trip. Thank you for visiting me."

"You're welcome." He Di turned around.

I thought about it before leaving.

He asked, "I heard that you refused the operation because of money?"

Xu Wa was slightly taken aback.

I thought he had left directly, but I didn't expect that there would be a return carbine.

She smiled bitterly and said, "You should be the thousandth person to ask me this question these days!"

He embarrassed and opened his mouth. He didn't know how to answer, so he had to exaggerate symbolically: "The popularity is so good, so many people care about you."

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