Returning Home

Chapter 17 - Arrival 1/2

The next three days passed uneventfully. Alex continued to struggle through her heavy reading assignments and nightly trainings. She hadn't gotten any closer to controlling any of the elements and grew more frustrated everyday while Nathaniel continued to tell her it takes time and patience. The ointment had all but completely erased her burns and somehow her bruises had faded more quickly though the pain lingered.

Every day Alex grew more nervous, wondering when her father would arrive. When she went to bed on the third day, she felt sick to her stomach. The next morning, a letter was waiting on the dining room table. King Jaymoth had received word that her father would be arriving today. Her lessons had been canceled and she was to wait for Nathaniel to come and collect her. She had been provided a green and gold dress which she put on sloppily out of nerves and ate quickly before she could start to feel nauseous. Lawna had returned that morning very timid and quiet but had spent most of the morning wishing her luck and trying to be encouraging. Alex had then tried to sit and read but jumped at every noise. Alex braided her hair, then though better of it and let it out to tie the top half back only to redo it a third time which she let Lawna do, braiding her hair across the top to keep her hair out of her face and leaving the rest alone. Alex then paced up and down the small living room until Nathan finally knocked on the door. They walked quickly down the halls toward the thrown room. Before she knew it they were at the huge wooden door leading into the throne room. Alex's throat closed. She couldn't get her feet to move. She had been so antsy all morning only to freeze here.

"What's wrong?" Nate asked from beside her.

"I'm scared." She said looking into his dark green eyes and sharp chin, "I've never had parents before."

"That's okay. Don't worry you'll be tired of him before you know it." He jabbed her in the ribs gently and smiled. She laughed a little.

"Yeah I guess you're probably right." She looked at him again and breathed deeply "What could a disapproving father do anyway?" she thought even though she knew how much that would hurt. "You have lived all this time without him you'll be fine if he rejects you." Alex breathed deeply, holding her breath a bit as she pushed the doors open.

# # #

For four days they had traveled with barely any rest. Theodores father had refused to set up the tents or even explain his strange behavior. He had been getting little sleep and barely eating, aggravated every time they had stopped for anything. Now, sitting at the base of the dais in King Jaymoth's throne room, Theodore shifted irritably as his father paced back and forth impatiently. The tension coming off him was so thick that he could have sliced a piece off. He was acting like a worried parent, which didn't make sense because Theodore was his only child. He tried to ask him again what was going on but didn't even get a word out before he was silenced. This wasn't really unusual though; sense Theodore had often been made silent during council meetings and important dinners.

King Jaymoth sat in his throne behind him, his giant dragon curled around the base. The king's face set in a pinched expression, as if he was being torn between excitement and concern. Theodore was beginning to think they were waiting for news from the rebels when the giant oak doors swung open. Two figures walked through the door, one of which he recognized immediately.

Theodore stands quickly, rage filling his c.h.e.s.t at the sight of him. His chair fell over behind him with a loud bang. His father had finally stopped pacing and was staring at them, shocked. Not truly at them though as he was really just looking at the second figure who had messy red hair and a sweet, nervous smile. Theodores rage turned white hot as the two bowed. His father walked forward and hugged the boy tightly. Whispering something in his ear. Then he stood back and looked at the girl.

"Let me introduce miss Alexandra Rose, daughter of Karen Rose and Robert Ravenwood." Said King Jaymoth as he stands up. The girl's eyes widened when she heard her (or he supposed their) father's name. Long vibrant red hair cascaded down to her waist, framing her gentle face and shy light blue eyes. She honestly looked just like her mother, except the eyes. Looking to his father Theodore watched his face drain of color. He looked like he had just been kicked in the balls by Karen herself.

Theodore had of course seen Karen around the castle seventeen years ago and had heard the rumors about her and his father, but he had been a kid then. No one had told him anything. He personally hated the rumors, had hated the women for coming into his father's life to begin with. The girl didn't look anything like his father, not even her nose, and from that he decided that she did really belong in the family in the sense of the public knowing about her. If what the king was saying was true, it could change everything. Theodore watched, horrified, as his father tried to brush hair out of her face and she pulled away. Did she even know they were royal? His hands clenched at his sides and without really thinking he starts walking toward the group.

"Robert, we have much to discuss. Why don't the two of us talk before the family reunion starts." King Ewing says lousy and his father agrees.

"Right then children, leave us." He says. Theodore waits a moment, giving the other two time to leave and trying to get his anger in check. His father comes strutting over to him.

"Theodore, my son, we will talk later. For now, why don't you go catch up with Mickael and Oliver." He says gently. Theodore nodded curtly and leaves the throne room.

# # #

"That didn't seem like it was too bad." Nathaniel says as they walk down the corridor that she was beginning to recognize as the corridor that led her another corridors that led her to the courtyard where she trained and the tower where she studied.

"No, I guess not." She says with a feeling of uneasiness, "Did you see the way he looked at me? It was like I was a ghost or a large attacker. Oh and the other guy! He looked pissed off."

"The guys name is Theodore Ravenwood, he's your half-brother." "Right." She thought feeling a little sick, "Ravenwood." Theodore was the son of Lilah and Robert Ravenwood, the king and late queen of the third strongest dynasty in the alliance. She's the illegitimate daughter of a king.

"I'm guessing he wasn't to happy to see me then." She says sadly, "Finally have a brother and he hates me."

"He's just upset right now. He'll come around." Nate patted her on the back.

"Is there anyway that King Ewing is wrong?" She grimaced, already knowing the answer. He laughed loudly and shook his head.

"You really need to learn to just go with the flow Alex." She frowned at him and they walked in silence the rest of the way to her rooms and said good bye. When she entered, she found lunch waiting for her on the table. Lawna smiled nervously. Alex walked to the table and sat down. The healer would be by soon to re-due her bandages again even through the ointment had done such an amazing job at healing her that she had told him she would be fine and that he didn't need to come back. He had insisted though, mumbling something about if the ointment stopped now infection would follow. She decided it would be best not to argue.

"Have you eaten yet Lawna?" Alex asks as she puts two ham sandwiches on her plate.

"No, my lady."

"Well why don't you join me?" she asked with a smile, "I have never liked eating alone."

"Servants aren't supposed to eat with their charges, my lady. Would you like me to fetch Mister Nathaniel?" Just as Lawna says this yelling in the hallway draws both their attention.

"Get out of my way criminal!" a male voice yelled followed by a crashing sound.

"Come on man don't do this!" Alex heard Nathaniel yell as he brother yanked the door open. He looked furious. Nate was against the wall looking emotionally pained for once.

"You!" Theodore yelled, pointing a long finger at Alex, "What makes you think you have any right to come here claiming you're family! Just because you look like that s.l.u.t doesn't make you special! You have no claim to my thrown you filthy bastard girl!" he yelled, spit landing on in her face from his yelling, "Your mother was just some whore my father carried around for a bit and dressed in fancy clothes. She meant nothing! Died for nothing!" he sneered. Alex stepped closer to him, less than an arm's length away.

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