Chapter 28 the fire of silence

This is a great exploration!

The crazy old man was like being struck by lightning. His eyes were round, his mouth was wide open, and his heart was even more stormy!

The black-hearted king of hell frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"This little... No... No... Meridians!"


The facial muscles of the black-hearted king of hell twitched violently and asked in disbelief, "Crazy old man, are you telling the truth?"

"Try it yourself if you don't believe me!"

The black-hearted king of hell really didn't believe it. It blew like the wind, and before he could blink his eyes, he appeared in front of Chu Nan and grabbed Chu Nan's other wrist!

Immediately, it became a sculpture, carved on the spot.

Chu Nan was relieved to see their surprise. Free Town was strange everywhere. If his strange existence could not surprise them, Chu Nan would doubt whether he had come to another world!

Moreover, when Chu Nan saw the incredible appearance of these two powerful men of unknown realm, a sense of relief welled up in his heart. "Pretend to be superior in front of me. You must be shocked."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. How can a person without meridians be alive?" This is the words of the evil king of hell.

"Not only is he still alive, but he can also lift an eight-hundred-kilogram heavy sword by himself!" The crazy old man muttered.

Then, the two of them asked in unison, "Boy, tell the truth!"

"Two seniors, to be honest, I don't know what's going on. I've been here since I was a child. There's nothing wrong with that." Chu nan said innocently. Of course he wouldn't tell the truth. That was his secret!

The eyes of the mad old man and the black-hearted king of hell were full of disbelief!

But when they saw Chu Nan's innocent and curious face, and it flickered, Chu Nan took the opportunity to ask, "Two seniors, can't you live without meridians?"

The crazy old man and the black-hearted king of hell felt dizzy. Not only could he not live without his meridians, but he had already died. How could he have grown so big?

After a long time, the two of them finally came to their senses. The crazy old man immediately asked, "Boy, how much amethyst money do you want from the black-hearted king of hell?"

Chu Nan did not know what the crazy old man meant by asking this question, but he replied honestly, "One hundred and fifty steamed buns, and an axe equivalent to a thousand steamed buns, 63 amethyst coins, that's enough!"

"You are so heartless. A rotten axe is only one gold coin at most. You actually asked for fifty amethyst coins!" The crazy old man immediately fought back and roared loudly.

The black-hearted yama resumed his indifference and said directly, "How much is this sword? I want it." After that, the black-hearted king of hell said to Chu Nan, "Take this sword and help me work in the inn for three years. The sword is yours!"

"Black-hearted hell, the old man won't sell this sword!" The crazy old man jumped up, his face flushed red, and then said to Chu Nan, "I'll give you this sword, as long as you help me here!"

When the crazy old man said that he would give the heavy sword to Chu Nan, Chu Nan was still thinking about helping the evil king of hell for three years. The evil king of hell would care about food, whether the food would be full, and most importantly, whether he would collect money!

If he received the money, then he would not want to look for her again, and then go home. Even if he did not sleep every day and night, the work he did was not enough to pay for a meal.

Chu Nan was delighted when he heard the crazy old man say that he would give him the sword. He liked the sword. First, it was of moderate weight, and second, he needed a weapon to take advantage of. After all, the Dragon Teeth could not take it out easily. Otherwise, if people saw it, it would bring disaster.

And this heavy sword was very handy.

Seeing that Chu Nan was tempted, the evil king of hell said quickly, "Boy, I'll take care of your food. I'll cook as much as you want, as long as you promise to stay at the inn!"

"Really?" Chu Nan asked quickly.

Without waiting for the answer of the evil king of hell, the crazy old man roared again, "Boy, I paid for all the money you sent him. Besides, you are here with me, and I care how much I eat and how much I have!"

"Uh." Chu Nan still didn't want to understand why he was so eager to get his hands on it, and someone actually helped him pay for it!

"Crazy old man, can you swallow that thing you eat?"

"Why can't I eat it? Old man, I've been eating for over 200 years!" The crazy old man immediately retorted.

Chu Nan was a little stunned. "More than 200 years? After living for more than 200 years, you still have so much energy? What kind of martial artist is this old man?"

When the black-hearted king of hell heard the crazy old man's words, he became even more indifferent. "What can you do if he wants to eat?"

"The old man can buy it!"

"Buy? In Free Town, where else can you buy it except for my yama shop?" The black-hearted king of hell choked the crazy old man with one sentence and said to Chu Nan, "Take the sword and follow me. You will eat the delicious food you have never tasted in your life!"

"Should I pay extra?" Chu Nan asked the biggest question.

"No, just stay in the hell's shop and work for me."

"How long will it take?" Chu Nan didn't want to spend his whole life in the hell's shop. He had a lot of missions and a debt of love!

"Three years!"

"Three years?" Chu Nan frowned a little. He also wanted to look around for the Five Elements to train with their strength and find a way to motivate the Five Elements!

Seeing that Chu Nan hesitated, the crazy old man rushed forward and said, "Boy, follow me. It only takes two years for you to be free!"

"One year!"

When the crazy old man's voice fell, the black-hearted king of hell immediately threw out two words, but in his heart he was saying, "Eat the food I made, I see how you are willing to leave the king of hell shop!"

"Is it really just a year?"

Chu Nan felt that he could accept it for a year, so he could figure out what kind of existence this place was, how far it was from the Daqing state, and the Tianyi Sect.

"Keep your word." The black-hearted king of hell spat out four words!

"All right then." Chu Nan nodded. After all, this man had given him a good meal. Although he was very dark, he was not bad.

The black-hearted king of hell looked up and walked away. Who knew, the crazy old man shouted and stopped in front of him, shouting, "I said, I don't sell heavy swords. If I want to take people away from here, it depends on whether I want to!"

"Crazy old man, you want to fight?"

"Fight as you please. Who's afraid of whom?" As the crazy old man spoke, there were two more fires in his palms. Those two fires were not ordinary yellow, nor red, nor the purple that Chu Nan had once looked at his father's palms, but white, blindingly white!

The most special thing was that the two balls of fire were not illusory, but as if they were real. They were crumpled into two balls by the crazy old man, and in the palm of his hand, they moved back and forth...

When he saw the white flame, the eyes of the black-hearted king of hell were cold. Then, his voice became even colder a hundred times than before. "Crazy old man, are you serious?"

"What do you think?"

"Don't think I'm afraid of your fire of silence! If you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

"Okay, then come on!" The crazy old man had a relaxed look on his face, but his heart was not so relaxed. After all, to maintain the fire of extinction, it needed the replenishing. The purpose of his doing this was to put pressure on the evil king of hell, hoping that he would retreat when he was in trouble, and also to attract Chu Nan's attention!

The black-hearted king of hell narrowed his eyes. "Crazy old man, I will fight with you! If I lose, then this kid will stay with you!"

"Okay, you're going to lose!"

"But if you lose, you'd better not disturb me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. You know, the king of hell is not just one!"

Hearing the words of the evil king of hell, the black flame in the crazy old man's hand also stopped for a moment, and then a loud roar, "Cut the crap, fight first!"

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