Chapter 2368


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Jiang Xiaolang looked sideways, and saw a man covered in hoarfrost, forming an ice wall around Jiang Xiaolang, trying to freeze Jiang Xiaolang inside.

The ice wall was formed so fast that it was already over Jiang Xiaolang's head.

The extreme cold made Jiang Xiaolang feel like his breathing was about to freeze.

"Little wolf!"

Di Cang swung his fist at the Ice Man, and when the Ice Man waved his hand, a gust of cold air hit Di Cang's face, almost freezing him to death.

Di Cang held his breath and punched Yu Bingnan in the chest, making him take a few steps back. Di Cang didn't wait for him to fight against the ice again, so he rushed forward and fought him hand to hand.

At this moment, the ice wall that sealed Jiang Xiaolang burst, and he walked out from inside.

However, before he could catch his breath, a mass of flames arrived in front of him.

A black and short woman was throwing a fireball hard at Jiang Xiaolang.

Jiang Xiaolang snorted coldly: "Small tricks, I'll give it back to you!"

With a light wave of his hand, the fireball rushed towards the black woman at a very high speed.

The black woman bared her teeth and caught the fireball deftly. Just as she was about to throw the fireball at Jiang Xiaolang again, the fireball exploded in her hand.


The black woman screamed, and looking at her hands, they looked like scorched chicken feet, and they were dripping with blood.

A big thick hand suddenly appeared beside her, pinched her neck, threw her aside, and said in a low voice: "Trash, get out of the way, get out of my way!"

While talking, a man like a black iron tower walked up to Jiang Xiaolang.

Jiang Xiaolang is 1.9 meters tall, and this black iron tower is much taller than him. Moreover, all his clothes were torn by his vigorous muscles.

Hanging rottenly on the body.

His eyes were scarlet like blood.

Jiang Xiaolang was sure that there was no such a tall man in the crowd just now. This man seemed to have swelled up several times, as if he had eaten puffiness.

The bloated man waved his volleyball-sized fists to demonstrate to Jiang Xiaolang: "If you don't surrender, I'll beat you into meatloaf!"

As he spoke, he waved his fist and rushed towards Jiang Xiaolang.

His feet had worn out his shoes a long time ago, and when he ran barefoot, the ground was rattling.

When Jiang Xiaolang saw this man, he was also taken aback. No need to ask, this person must be as powerful as a cow.

He didn't confront him head-on, but he dodged his fist sideways, turned around to the puffy man's side, and slapped his palm on the puffy man's ribs.

Jiang Xiaolang only used 50% of his strength, but it was enough to break a rock. But the swollen man's body just swayed, but he didn't fall down.

Although he was clumsy, he was very nimble, he threw another punch as soon as he turned around, and kept his eyes fixed on Jiang Xiaolang, screaming strangely.

Jiang Xiaolang and him looked at each other, and instantly felt that his brain was sluggish, and even stopped all movements.

The swollen man's eyes can control people's consciousness.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolang's movements were slow, he chuckled, waved his fist, and smashed Jiang Xiaolang's head!

"Little wolf, be careful!"

Sibai next to him quickly got rid of his opponent and knocked Jiang Xiaolang away with his body.

The swollen man's fist landed on Sibai's shoulder with a bang.

With a click, Sibai's shoulder blades were smashed into pieces.


Sibai spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground with a thud, and passed out.

"Four whites!"

Jiang Xiaolang

When he came back to his senses, he mobilized the internal force in his body, and instead of looking into the swollen man's eyes, he punched him in the chest.

His punch was so powerful that the bloated man took a few steps back and fell on his back.

There was a bang, as if the mountain had collapsed.

Jiang Xiaolang was also shocked and took a few steps back, ignoring him, bent down to see Sibai's injury.

There was a faint sound in his ear, and then something soft was wrapped around his waist.

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