Jiang Yunshen was unwilling to admit defeat and said, "sister, there are more than a dozen time differences between M country and China. Now it's night over there. Even if I wake up the financial manager from my sleep and it's dark everywhere, you can't see anything. It's better to connect again tonight."

He can procrastinate for a while.

Jiangnan Xi said with a smile: "well, let's make an appointment that night. At that time, I hope all directors can sacrifice their rest time to witness our magnificent overseas company building together!"

Shang Zhanpeng and others readily promised: "no problem, Miss Jiang."

They have seen that Jiang Yunshen is just telling a big lie. They are still happy to see him slap in the face!

Xie Jiucheng and others frowned, deeply disappointed in Jiang Yun. They can't help but draw a question mark in their hearts. Is such a person worth working for him?

Jiang Yunshen had no way back, so he had to bite the bullet and say to Jiangnan Xi, "well, you approve my money first. It's urgent for the project. You must turn it over today, or you'll stop production!"

Jiangnan Xi looked at him like a fool.

"Yunshen, as you said just now, your financial manager is sleeping. What's the use of transferring money now? Besides, you said that you cooperate with a large company. Since you have paid tens of millions in advance, should the other party contribute?"

Jiang Yun clenched his fist deeply and his face was blue: "Jiangnan Xi, you don't want to give me money? When brother was here, you never hesitated!"

Referring to Jiangnan morning, Jiangnan Xi's face was as cold as ice: "since you talked about brother, I'd like to ask you, what happened to brother? Why haven't you visited brother in the hospital for so long? And,"

Jiangnan Xi paused and felt a sharp pain.

Her eyes were filled with fierce scarlet: "when big brother had an accident, who asked the doctor to give up rescue? Who refused to pay medical expenses?"

At first, it was Qi Ze who begged the doctor on his knees that kept Jiangnan Chen's life. It was Jiangnan Xi who remitted money from abroad that made Jiangnan Chen get good help!

What did he do to Jiang Yunshen?

"Jiang Yunshen, if you let me know that the big brother's accident is related to you, I will make your life worse than death!" Jiangnan Xi deliberately startled the snake and let Jiang Yunshen show his horse's feet.

Jiangnan Xi stared at him fiercely, made Jiang Yunshen's body tremble, staggered back two steps, and his face was very white.

Jiangnan Xi, a woman who looks like a pure college student, how can she have such cold and cruel eyes?

Jiang Yunshen's heart trembled when he was stared at!

However, he was a man after all, and soon stabilized his mind. He didn't think Jiangnan Xi had any evidence. After all, they did it seamlessly! She must be deceiving her!

Therefore, he had the confidence and fiercely fought back: "Jiangnan Xi, don't talk about it. I'm also very sad about brother's accident, but it has nothing to do with me. When he had an accident, I wasn't in Ancheng at all, and then I came back!"


Jiangnan Xi took back the survey results from Shang Zhanpeng, turned to a page and said, "you left country m a month ago. This is your last flight information. If you are not in Ancheng, where are you?"

Jiang Yunshen's heart clicked. Unexpectedly, Gao Weiting, that bastard, investigated him in such detail!

He stuck his neck and said, "I returned to the country a month ago, but I was not in Ancheng. I went to purchase a batch of construction raw materials. Is there anything wrong?"

Jiangnan Xi sneered and felt that he and Jiang Yunshen wasted time here, which simply lowered his IQ!

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