Right on Target

Chapter 156: Toy

Xiao Su tilted her head, the smart hairs on her ears turned up, she looked a little confused, and said, "Is this the hidden mechanism of the monitor?"

Xie Zhenshu paused and replied, "It's mine."

Xiao Su suddenly realized: "You also need to boast to be powerful. Okay, sir, I have wanted to praise you for a long time, your marksmanship is really good!"

It was full of witty words, and praised Xie Zhenshu continuously. Although it was different from Xie Zhenshu's expectations, the words were not repeated. He talked for half an hour until he fell asleep, and Su Heting was still lingering in his ears. the sound of.

They spent the next few days like this, with Xiao Su as a guide, Xie Zhenshu never got lost, and even the posture of holding a cat became more and more skillful. After about a week, they left the deserted city and came to a circus.

Xiao Su flicked the tail light to illuminate the front, and said quite proudly: "This is the circus I made."

The river of consciousness flows through the huge tent of the circus, lighting up the ground. The silver dot is very active, constantly jumping in the air, so Xie Zhenshu can see it more clearly.

The circus stands here alone, without an audience at the door.

Xie Zhenshu walked through the ticket gate, and a pair of toy monkeys in front of the tent immediately let out a strange laugh of "ga ga ga oh", and automatically lifted the curtain for the guests. The chief enters the tent, which is filled with the color of the river, but unexpectedly, there are no animals here, all electric toys.

Xiao Su looked around for a moment and said, "I can't remember what this place is for, it's weird."

Xie Zhenshu looked up and saw electronic balloons floating above his head. He looked around and saw some big white cat fudge and hazelnut chocolate scattered in front of a pile of dolls not far away.

Just as the two of them were contemplating, the electronic balloon above their heads went out, and there was a "pop" in front of them, and a small stage was lit up.

"Da, da, da!" A doll with a cat mask appeared between the opened curtains. He was wearing linen clothes and pants, and he looked like a prisoner. The prisoner sat cross-legged on a stone, supported his head, and used a thin, short wooden stick as a weapon to knock the stone loudly.

"I'm waiting for someone from the southern line, it's you, what should I call you?"

As soon as the cat-faced villain opened his mouth, Xie Zhenshu's ears itch, not because of anything else, but because this little guy's voice was exactly the same as Su Heting's. Sure enough, Su Heting had more than one incarnation of consciousness, the officer decided to wait and see what happened.

Xiao Su hurriedly replied: "Sir, please call him Sir, so that we will not suffer."

But the cat-faced man said: "No, it seems that I am very ordinary if they all have the same name. I want to call someone special, um... Sir, I want to call him Officer."

Xiao Su got used to hanging Xie Pillow Book on the arm during this period of time, and now she propped her face with one paw, put on a puzzling posture, and wondered: "Ah? What is the official? If there is no such title, you don't want it." Make a fuss on your own."

The cat-faced man said: "Leave me alone, I will call the officer."

Xiao Su said: "No, I won't allow it."

The cat-faced villain was arrogant and impatient, he knocked the thin wooden stick louder, ignored Xiao Su, and said to Xie Zhenshu: "Hey, sir, if you go further, you will come to this world." Are you ready for battle?"

Xiao Su interjected: "I haven't told him to fight yet!"

The cat-faced villain said: "I knew it, I know myself too well. Officer, I am Xiaosu No. 2, **** it."

He called himself "Xiaosu No. 2" instead of "Xiaosu No. 2", as if this would make him different from other Xiaosu.

"Damn, hate." The cat-faced man said three hateful things in a row. He moved the hands that supported his face away from his knees and leaned forward at the same time, arguing: "Let me say it first, I'm not a supporting role, I'm not a small group of consciousness, I'm Big brother Su Heting, this cat is my younger brother. If you see a guy who claims to be the embodiment of my consciousness in the future, it will be my younger brother!"

Xiao Su patted her tail lightly and said, "Brother, we are all alone. No. 2, I put you here just to quarrel with myself. Tell me about your role."

The cat-faced villain is Su Heting in his youth. He not only speaks in the second grade, but also has a good face. He corrected: "I am not set up, I want to be here by myself. Hey, sir, there is a person at the end of the world." The keyhole, you only need to put the cross star in to end this hunting experiment, but there are many traps nearby, and there are patrol soldiers of the Lord God, it is super dangerous, do you want to think again."

Xie Zhenshu paused and asked, "You're here just to tell me this?"

The cat-faced villain wears a mask, and no one can see his real expression. Like Xiao Su No. 1, he doesn't understand emotions very well. It must have caused Su Heting a headache. After all, he himself has fallen into a messy memory, and the separated consciousness incarnation is more pure, and he might miss it in action. some information. Therefore, he presupposes many selves on this path, so that he can supplement himself.

Sure enough, the cat-faced villain folded his arms and said with an air of superiority, "I'm much more useful. You can ask me anything that the cat didn't tell you."

Even through the mask, Xie Zhenshu could feel the words "Quickly ask me" written all over his face. The officer thought for a while and said, "Is the cross star the key?"

Xuannv said that the key is half of Artemis and is involved in the hunting plot, which contradicts the news provided by Xiao Su.

The cat-faced villain said: "No, the cross star is a gift from me. Just put it in the keyhole, and it will create data similar to the key, penetrate the defense network here, and disintegrate this place in five minutes. world."

In addition to deceiving people, 7-006 is also good at unlocking, thanks to the early teachings of Lao Su. When Lao Su defected and left the area, he often asked Su Heting to solve Artemis' problems. By the time Su Heting worked for Cyclops, he was already the best unlocker on the northern line, bar none. Because of this, Artemis tried his best to get Su Heting to the Black Panther. Unfortunately, before it could persuade Su Heting to surrender, the Doomsday blew up the world first, and Artemis had to imprison Su Heting in District 14. Facts have proved that this time it was self-defeating, reincarnation failed to erase Su Heting's will, but he once again solved the "problem" set by Artemis.

The light above the head of the cat-faced villain flickered twice, he looked up, looked at the light for a while, then looked at Xiao Su suddenly, and said, "Number 1, did you forget to clear your tracks?"

Xiao Su said: "I'm gone."

They looked at each other, and two seconds later, the cat-faced figure said, "I see, it's Hephaestus."

When Xiao Su heard Hephaestus's name, she landed silently, pretended to sniff, and said, "I can't smell it, it's so troublesome—"

The ground shook several times suddenly, and the snacks and toys piled up in the tent fell down one after another. The stage lights where the cat-faced villain is located are flickering. He put the thin wooden stick across his knees and wrote to Xie Zhen: "Hephaestus can take on any shape here, but it can't cross Arte. Mis' authority, so you can only have one avatar. You continue along the river, and I will stop it."

Xie Zhenshu wanted to pick up the villain by the back collar and put him into his arms, but his hand passed the cat-faced villain and he missed it.

The cat-faced man said: "I can only stay here, sir, everyone must stay where I should be. This is the result of my calculations, otherwise there will be trouble."

Xie Zhenshu said: "Each? How many of you are there?"

The little man with a cat face stood up holding a thin wooden stick, stepped on the stone he had sat on, and said fearlessly, "A few are not important, the important thing is that I am not afraid! Hey, cat, give the river a new one!" Direction, bye!"

Xiao Su tapped the ground with the tip of her tail, and in an instant, the blue river of consciousness seemed to be revived, with endless ripples in a dim light. Yindian scrambled towards Xie Zhenshu and pushed him onto a blanket.

"Goodbye No. 2," Xiao Su took advantage of the situation and jumped into Xie Zhenshu's arms, quickly left under the drag of the silver dot, and bid farewell to the cat-faced villain with her tail, "I'm really good, I'll make a bigger circus next time Let's play together!"

Xie Zhenshu pushed aside the silver dot, and turned his head while the river was rushing forward. The circus tent was opened, and the cat-faced figure led the monkey toy into battle. The troop of toy cavalry raced noisily into the darkness with drums and gongs.


The darkness is like a curtain, not only covering the circus, but also covering the advancing river of consciousness. Hephaestus didn't know what he turned into, and all the light disappeared instantly, like a candle that was blown out.

Affected by this, Xie Zhenshu's thoughts slowed down. His eyelids twitched slightly, and he heard the sound of rain in reality, which was a sign that he was about to disconnect. Just then, his shoulders sank.

"Don't waste your efforts," Xiao Su stepped on Xie Zhenshu's shoulder, poked her head out from his ear, and narrowed her cat eyes in the direction she came from, "I'm still behind, Hephaestus S."

Hephaestus was not reconciled and said, "Stop!"

The monkey toy pounced on it with a "gaohgaoh" and dragged it to stop in place. The cat-faced villain beat the darkness with a thin wooden stick, and after a while, the river returned to its original state and continued to move forward.

Xie Zhenshu saw the appearance of Hephaestus through the silver light, and it turned into the shadow of a candle, roaring in the distance. It's a pity that their strength is limited and they can no longer have any influence on them.

Xiao Su licked her front paw and said with emotion: "I am really invincible."

The blanket slowed down and flowed across the wilderness. This time, Xie Zhenshu saw the city in the distance, where several chimneys were burning like torches.

Xiao Su said: "The end is also the beginning. There is only one place left in the 14th district that has not yet collapsed."

Xie Zhenshu recognized the city, and said slowly: "The parking area."

Xiao Su shook her cat's ears and said, "That's right, but there is a difference. What we are going to is not the berthing area, but the reflection of the berthing area. The keyhole is there."

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