Right on Target

Chapter 180: 180 kun kun kun kun kun

The member of the armed group didn't look at the ID and said, "I'm sorry, according to the recent new regulations, you have to go and do an identity test first."

Xie Zhenshu didn't move, he just turned his gaze over, and saw a device not far from them that looked like a detection gate of the Northern Alliance. He immediately understood that during the time he was online, Xing Tian began to pay close attention to verifying the identity of the people in the living place.

The officer's voice remained unchanged: "I'm in a hurry."

The member of the armed group said: "It's not okay to be in a hurry, that's what the regulations say... Wait a minute, what's your number?"

Xie Zhenshu withdrew his gaze and looked directly at the members: "852-006."

This time the members of the armed group heard clearly, he quickly took Xie Zhenshu's certificate, checked it carefully, and said: "Hello sir, you...do you need a pass, right? Please come with me, sign here and you're done." OK."

Xing Tian manages and controls several living places, and the armed group alone is not enough, so he set up another department to lobby and divide the mercenaries under the command of the big boss. This group of people imitated the Black Panthers and had a fixed number prefix, which is "852". After the number of stitchers increased sharply, in order to prevent information leakage, Xing Tian did not enter the specific information of "852", and even the order of numbers was disrupted. Because of mission needs, they often deal with information dealers like Tuya. Xie Zhenshu bought this fake certificate when he bought the identity from Tuya, in case of emergency.

Xie Zhenshu took back the documents and went to sign. He didn't write his name, but only wrote his usual number "006". In addition, he has to press the relevant documents. These procedures are similar to those of the Southern Alliance, and they are all old-fashioned.

When the chapter was pressed, the radio was still ringing: "...reinforcements are about to go to the light track area. This is a long-lost victory for the survivors. We have taken a big step on the way home."

Xie Zhenshu didn't care to pay attention to the news, he refused the armed group to see him off, crossed the checkpoint set by the armed group, and went to the exit of the survival place. In the twilight of dawn, the support team is queuing up. Xie Zhenshu boarded the car with his pass, and he left the living area ten minutes later.

The car was very noisy, full of Xingtian support members, they were chatting about the recent battle situation, only Xie Zhenshu's head was about to explode, he stared at the front with a blank expression, as if there was a second counting in his ear.

Suddenly someone next to him asked: "My friend, are you also recruited for the second time?"

Xie Zhenshu turned his head numbly and looked at the other party. The other party said "Wow", pointed to the Xie pillow book, and said, "Are you okay? Your eyes are super red... How long have you not slept? Beware of sudden death."

Xie Zhenshu didn't answer, he had a splitting headache and couldn't remember how long he had been awake. The aftereffects of the long conscious connection were squeezing his nerves, making him look extremely dangerous. His throat was dry and he seemed to be infected by Zhu Rong, and there was a fire burning inside his body - but time was still running.

I don't know why, Xie Zhenshu has a feeling that every second of time, he is farther away from Su Heting. How strange, the car is clearly driving forward.

The man was frightened by Xie Zhenshu's eyes, and he said something, but Xie Zhenshu didn't hear clearly.


The officer clenched the handle of the suitcase tightly and was struck by the speed of time. He said hoarsely, "Hurry up."

The car had to stop overnight at the supply station, but Xie Zhenshu didn't stay behind. He stole another car during his shift, ignored the danger of traveling at night, and drove straight to the light track area.

There are many road signs on the old world highway, but Xie Zhenshu has directions. He drove through the deserted city, weaving among the crumbling buildings. The wind chased behind and screamed, like an invisible beast wandering in the night. The weather in late autumn was extremely bad, and it rained heavily in the middle of the night. Xie Zhenshu was in poor spirits and almost drove off the road a few times. He opened the window to let the wind in.

The wind blows the cross star, and the cross star touches Xie Zhenshu's cheek. Xie Zhenshu will never forget Su Heting's little kiss, even though the temperature he left on the cross star has long since receded.

In order to prevent the nocturnal weapons of war from going to the supply station, Xing Tian set up a roadblock on this road, and Xie Zhenshu had to change the route when he drove halfway. The road conditions behind were very bad, and the speed was not as fast as at the beginning, but even so, he was two days faster than Xing Tian's support troops.

Based on his previous visit, Xie Zhenshu is very familiar with the light track area. He parked the car in the Physician's warehouse and rearranged his gear. Affected by Xingtian's attack, the safety net on the periphery of the light track area is burning, with thick smoke billowing, and the parts of robots and human corpses are all around the blasted gap.

Xie Zhenshu climbed over the power-off safety net and entered the light track area. Strangely, the robots that used to patrol here have disappeared, and there are no aircraft in the night sky. The officer picks up a part, it's still warm.

There must have been a big bang here.

Xie Zhenshu checked along the way and found that the surveillance cameras of the system had all exploded, and all the buildings serving as second-floor defenses had collapsed. Not only did he suspect, was Xing Tian's attack so powerful?

Xie Zhenshu couldn't determine Su Heting's location. He went straight to District N according to the doctor's introduction last time. The clues about Su Heting were all in room N108.

There is thick smoke everywhere, and the explosion has also spread here. Xie Zhenshu entered the corridor, the room number remained the same, he found N108, but the room was locked.

Xie Zhenshu took two steps back, turned around suddenly, and kicked on the door. The door shook suddenly and fell down directly. He went in and found that the charging station on the other side of the room had also been blown up, and the door was severely damaged, so it was so easy to enter.

He rummaged through the dust. The robots didn't use paper materials, but they all had information records. A bombed experimental robot was buried in the debris of the charging station. Xie Zhenshu dragged it out, and looked for keywords through its screen board.

The search for "7-006" was unsuccessful, and the search for "Su Heting" was also unsuccessful. Under the urging of the countdown, Xie Zhenshu's nerves were like stretched rubber bands. He continued typing "Area 14 experiment", but a warning popped up.

Where did they hide Su Heting?

Xie Zhenshu resisted the urge to blow up the screen board, and entered again. Time-limited hunting, 36810, Artemis, he almost entered all the key information he knew, but they were all forbidden words, until "3366", he finally got a response.

[3366 is a loyal believer of the main god, so he was selected as the representative of the glorious robot, and is fully responsible for the management of the mechanical box. 】

Xie Zhenshu entered the "mechanical box", and a large piece of information popped up.

[The mechanical box is a legacy of the Old Gods Project. Its function is to balance the virtual space, and the black cat with the best perception is selected. 】

[3366 report: After the old experiment failed, we restarted the virtual space through the mechanical box, and continued to use the black cat in the penalty test. According to the observation of the information system, the consciousness of the black cat running out surpassed many experimental subjects. He was like a moth in a flame, constantly hitting the virtual wall. We picked up his signals, and tried to perfect his fictional plot, even creating a shadow of "X", but he always questioned everything and eventually broke out of control. 】

[In order to stabilize the data, I applied to lock the black cat back into the mechanical box, and use the sensory immersion technology to eliminate his reaction to reality. I suggest transforming the mechanical box and connecting it with the nutrient solution, so that he does not have to return to reality, as long as he lives in the mechanical box. 】

[The interface transformation went very smoothly, and the penalty area was officially launched. We put the mechanical box in the palm of the gods, and the gods watch over it, and it will not be lost. I was worried that the black cat would struggle, so I added steel restraints to his neck, wrists, chest, and ankles, so that he could no longer rely on the pain of self-harm to interrupt his consciousness connection. 】

[I found a bad thing, please God punish me... The black cat stole some data, it is very troublesome to retrieve it, the easiest way is to cut off his consciousness connection directly, but... oops... It's really self-defeating, we can't get it back The mechanical box was opened, so I had to think of another way. 】

[Special note: How about cutting off the nutrient solution? He won't last long before dying. 】

[Apology Application: Sorry, I forgot his importance. Uh, let him live then, I will continue to enter the penalty area to track him down. 】

3366's report ended here, Xie Zhenshu made some calculations, and the time it stopped reporting was exactly the time when the mechanical **** began to carry out the passage of gods and demons.

The officer dropped the screen panel and flipped through the broken wall. He has to find the mechanical box, but what is the palm of God?

The thick smoke rose more and more. Xie Zhenshu passed through the N area and stepped on many mechanical wreckage. The strange thing here finally became clear, that is, this terrifying explosion did not seem to start from the periphery, but struck outward from the core. The deeper the officer goes, the more debris from the machine.

He met a few construction robots, and soon after, he came to the new center of the light track area. Here, the smell after the explosion was very pungent, and there were no standing buildings on all sides, all debris.

The night was about to end, Xie Zhenshu walked through the smoke and saw a pair of feet. He raised his head, his eyes were sore from the smoke, but he opened them wide and red, and kept looking at the zenith.

"God" is here.

The mechanical giant Buddha stood among the ruins, his hands spread out. Its head was missing, and half of its shoulder was blown up, so one arm fell off, causing the mechanical box contained in the palm to slip off, and it was hanging in the air.

Xie Zhenshu's heartbeat almost stopped, he was suddenly choked, and gradually burst into tears amidst a violent cough. He walked a long, long way, almost out of strength, but why—

The box was blown up beyond recognition, and there was nothing in it, not Su Heting.

Xie Zhenshu's chest was in severe pain like a tear, and there was nothing to support. Coughing, he flipped through the ruins, trying to find a trace of Su Heting. Not in the clods of dust, not in the broken pillars of wreckage. He kept turning until his fingers trembled, and finally bent over, like a snow mountain collapsing suddenly, becoming vulnerable in the face of reality.

He can't find the cat.

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