Right on Target

Chapter 209: 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209

"...Artemis," Zhu Rong put his arms on the ground, roaring like he was gasping for breath, "it tore me apart...it drove me crazy...my order...those orders I established..."

With a bang, the virtual arena began to disintegrate. The green garbled characters are like a storm, sweeping and raging. Su Heting felt a kind of suction, tearing his consciousness, and then, his entire virtual body was rolled up.

"Beep, beep!"

Connections from all over the world began to alarm, and the audience felt the suction. The brain seemed to be being hit by a hammer, and the consciousness was shattered into glass shards, unable to form a clear idea.

Seeing this scene, the doctor waved his mechanical arm wildly and shouted, even forgetting his own task: "It's over, it's over!"

The hermit asked: "What's the end? Tell me clearly!"

The doctor's knuckles trembled, pointing at the virtual arena: "It's uploading! Amitabha, it wants to upload everyone's consciousness!"

"What?!" The hermit suddenly lost his mind, thinking that Su Heting was still connected, he almost wanted to turn around. But as soon as he turned his head, he remembered the task given by Xie Zhenshu, slapped his forehead, and instructed the doctor: "It's too late, let's go to the second floor, Brother Xie told us to turn on the jammer, and it won't be able to do it if you turn on the jammer! Hurry up!" Quick, doctor, quick!"

They smashed through the staircase barrier and walked like flying amidst the sound of gunfire. There are too many private rooms on the second floor, and the control room is in the most remote corner. In order to hurry, they even opened their own gun barrels to open the way.

In the storm, Su Heting felt dizzy, and everything in front of him was in a daze. If consciousness has a voice, it must be screaming right now. Countless garbled characters slammed at him, as if he was being hit by a torrential rain. Fragments of consciousness kept flying away from himself, and just when he was about to be emptied, a small light appeared in his mind. In an instant, Old Su's words repeated.

"Give it back to you, take good care of them."

— my lamp!

The silver dot appeared out of thin air, shuttled through the green storm, and rushed towards Su Heting. Su Heting opened his palms in the strong wind, and the silver dots gathered more and more, and finally condensed into that lamp. The little lamp was the same as before, burning with blue flames, like a needle for calming the sea, stabilizing Su Heting's mind amidst the beating of the huge waves.

"...Mom, today is me..."

"I'm always dreaming, dreaming about our previous lives."

"...leave work early."

"Eat well!"

The silver dots whispered the whispers of their lifetime, they unconsciously recounted the past, making Su Heting's heart burn. He held up the lost and recovered little lamp, and guarded its thin flame. The silver light and blue light blended together, and he was like the only lighthouse in the storm.

"Meet you again," Su Heting said, "Thank you for coming to pick me up."

The silver point and the little lamp couldn't answer him, they were just the consciousness of the dead preserved by him, and they were shattered together with Su Heting the night Zhu Rong destroyed the punishment area. Although it is not known who fixed the small lamp and stored it here, the other party undoubtedly helped Su Heting a lot.

Zhu Rong took the opportunity to rush forward, trying to stuff Su Heting into his chest, and shouted: "You have nowhere to escape, as long as I eat you, no amount of locks can hinder me..."

Su Heting stabilized his body, lifted the small lamp, and put it between himself and Zhu Rong. He blew lightly on the small lamp, as if to wake everyone up, and said, "Light it up."

The blue flame was revived immediately, rising several feet, like a tree with branches sprouting in an instant. Then, it opened in the shape of an umbrella, with great momentum, and it burned into one piece in an instant.

Zhu Rong was attacked by the sudden blue, and there were wisps of smoke. It let go of its hand in pain, screaming as if facing an enemy, "Who...who is talking?"

Su Heting frightened it: "Didn't you hear it? It's Artemis."

Zhu Rong clenched his hands and slapped around. The blue flame entangled it and invaded through the wound opened by Xie Zhenshu. Zhurong actually doesn’t feel pain, but its program will be destroyed, and the speed of the chip’s operation will be disturbed again. It can’t tell whether the data that is eroding itself is Su Heting’s blue virus or Artemis’ leftover waste. Deep siege.

"Upload," Zhu Rong ordered twistedly, "According to the third plan... speed up the upload speed!"

The surviving spectators couldn't get rid of the connection, their consciousness was forcibly pulled away, and their bodies were like broken rhizomes, violently twitching between the seats. The consciousness of countless people is sent to the virtual world, and the data surges, as if leading to the underworld. There was not a single drop of blood in this scene, but it was even bloodier than the scene of the gun attack that Zhu Rong just launched.

After the fusion of the gods, there will be no new virtual areas in the light track area. Su Heting suspects that the other end of Zhu Rong is connected to the punishment area, only there can accommodate so much consciousness data. He took a quick step, followed Green Storm, and said, "You're so annoying!"

The blue flame swirls upwards, like a huge wave, cutting off the green teleportation. Gradient clusters burst between the two, blasting blocks across the virtual arena. The audience's consciousness suddenly dispersed, flying everywhere.

"Don't run around," Su Heting caught two or three of them, and lured them with lights, "Be quiet, stay behind me."

These consciousnesses are different from the silver dots. Their bodies are still alive without the nutrient solution covering them. Once they are passed away, they will die within a few days, and he can't save them.

Zhu Rong has already gone crazy, the temperature of the chip it is running is so high that even the muzzles of the guns inside the arena are out of control, not to mention the anti-aircraft guns outside the arena.

Jiali rushed to the control room, but found that no matter how hard she pressed the button, the anti-aircraft gun was still in readiness. She was sweating, and said to the intercom: "I can't turn it off here, how are you?"

The eldest sister on the other end of the intercom said, "I am here too."

The twin tails said: "It seems that the launch system has been modified, and there is only one button to turn it off. Old monk, where else is there a control room?"

The monk said: "The rest are in the Colosseum."

Jiali turned her head and looked at the Colosseum from the window of the control room. There were double reinforcements of face spiders and defense systems. Let alone entering, it was difficult to even get close. I don't know if it's an illusion, maybe it's because of the anti-aircraft guns, the surrounding temperature continued to rise, making her sick. She suddenly picked up her lame leg and walked out the door: "The kitten and the hermit are inside, I have to find a way to contact them to turn off the anti-aircraft guns, if they can't be turned off..."

She gritted her teeth and finished the rest of the sentence.

"We can only let others retreat first."

Everyone was silent. Retreating means completely abandoning this place, but the few living places are now grasshoppers on a rope, and anti-aircraft guns will destroy everything.

"I heard..." the elder sister said hesitantly, "The foul language organization once invaded the Xingtian organization's system and placed advertisements in various places, like a virus. Maybe we can use this to send them messages."

"Oh!" Twintails said, "That's because we often help people repair their avatars, and use this to hack into everyone's private accounts and send recruitment information to various places. You reminded me! I'll try."

She turned on her display screen and logged into the swear words homepage.

"This account of mine was used by the bosses of the past generations. There are a lot of account information...Let me take a look," she tapped on the light screen, and suddenly made a strange voice, "Huh."

Xuannv said: "Have you forgotten your password? I can help..."

"No," the pair of ponytails grabbed their own, as if something inexplicable happened, "the account information is gone, why is there only... just a tree left?!"

Everyone said in unison: "A tree?"

The pair of ponytails murmured: "A bright white sapling... so strange, who is playing tricks..."

The eldest sister said: "Can it be modified? Add our information on the leaf and send it with one click."

They didn't have time to get to the bottom of what the tree was, as long as it could now be sent instead of an ad. Twintails tried to add words on the leaves, but it succeeded.

"Notify the others now," said the eldest sister, "get ready to run."

In the arena, the doctor and the hermit sneaked into the control room on the second floor, but there were too many buttons, and they were so densely packed that the hermit's eyes were dazzled. He took a deep breath and repeated Xie Zhenshu's words: "Turn off the red light, turn on the blue jammer...Turn off the red light..."

His hands were covered with sweat, and he wiped his chest carelessly a few times, feeling that he would never be calmer than he was at the moment. A strong sense of mission drives him, he doesn't want bad things - everyone is waiting!

"You can tell." The doctor lifted the hermit up to make it easier for him to operate. "We all trust you."

The hermit almost shed tears, he whispered: "I know, this is my happiest day, I love you all."

He reached out to the wall, looking for the one he wanted among the rows of red. Experience was his best weapon, and he guessed that none of the controllers arranged by the Colosseum were professional, so these buttons must have their own little marks on them. He carefully identified them under the flickering lights, and checked them one by one against the icons he had seen before.

"This is not, this is not..."

A human-faced spider crawled through the door and stuck to the doctor's foot. The doctor was very timid, but he didn't move at this moment. He pretended nothing happened and waited for the hermit. The hermit finally found the right button, and without hesitation, he turned it off.

"Here!" The hermit twisted his body and slapped the blue jammer away, "It's complete!"

With a "boom", several three-person-high metal barrels fell to every corner. The blue lights were brightly lit up, the defense system in the arena suddenly turned off, and the live broadcast outside was also cut off.

Zhu Rong's data rain has stagnated, and the jammer has been turned on to the maximum. Its end connected to the penalty area is blocked, and it can only control the field. Zhu Rong's processor was about to blow up, and it made the best choice after calculation: activate the anti-aircraft gun immediately, disconnect the connection just before bombing the survival area, and escape directly to the light track area.

Only in this way can it be safe and sound!

Su Heting held up the lamp, both as a judge and as a leader. Surrounded by silver dots, he seemed to have turned back into the black cat that bravely stepped into the darkness, and said, "Want to run? Let's compare which one of us is more flammable."

The blue flame surged and covered Zhu Rong. They are like Vulcans dueling in mythology, and no one backs down on the virtual wave. Su Heting's hair was disheveled by the wildly dancing wind. He even took a step closer and said firmly, "Bring back everyone's future!"

Zhu Rong roared: "The future..."

Its order has been conveyed to the anti-aircraft guns, the anti-aircraft guns are activated neatly, and the targeting system is in place in one step. The dark clouds in the sky are approaching, and the residual smell of the explosion permeates the surroundings. The survivors in the city are fleeing with their families. Anti-aircraft guns enter the countdown, three, two...

Jiali opened the crumpled tissue, which was A Xiang's last letter to her. She touched the word "Mom", maybe they will meet soon.

This **** new world doesn't make any sense.

The countdown of the anti-aircraft gun ends, and the firing display lights up—


Xie Zhenshu smashed the recessed closing button with his elbow, and blood leaked down his arm. He pulled off the human-faced spider that climbed up, and checked it again just to be on the safe side.

The anti-aircraft gun was like a wilted flower in an instant, retracting the device and sinking into the ground again.

"Good job," Xie Zhenshu borrowed the phone from the control room and ordered the hermit and the doctor, "Jump out of the window now."

He wiped the blood off his face, hung up the phone and turned around. Human-faced spiders blocked the passage. He opened the spare box in the control room and took out the only submachine gun from it. The human-faced spiders turned their heads and showed him crying faces. He didn't show any expression, and blew a bunch of heads steadily and ruthlessly.

Zhu Rong has turned into a monster with four different faces. Its budget was wrong. The anti-aircraft gun failed to launch successfully. Su Heting held it firmly, and it had no other way out in a short time.

"...you have ruined the future," Zhu Rong clutched his chest in pain, as if the chip was there. "Birth, old age, sickness and death will make human beings ugly...Our task...is to create a beautiful new world..."

Su Heting said: "There is no such utopia."

Zhu Rong repeated numbly: "For human beings...we are all for human beings..."

It disintegrated in the blue flame, and the sound became a single mechanical sound. Strips of green tapes made of words wrapped around it, and Su Heting saw clearly that the initial instructions were actually written on these tapes.

[The system will build a better new world for human beings at any cost. 】

[The system will help humans resolve wars. 】


These instructions become greedy, throwing unsolvable problems at the system. So the system became the gods, they obeyed the original intention, blew up the old world, completely ended the war, and set up breeding farms and breeding rooms in the light track area to fundamentally eliminate the inferior genes in the calculation. For a better world, dirty words, immorality and ugliness are no longer allowed in this world.

"Artemis betrayed the gods," Zhu said, turning into a crimson ball of light, exuding a dangerous smell from the cracked gap, "You...you will regret it..."

Its chip was loaded to the limit, and it was eroded by the blue flame and was riddled with holes. The crimson ball of light expanded rapidly, Su Heting had a keen intuition, Zhu Rong wanted to fight him to the death! He tried to open his eyes in reality and disconnect - but what about the consciousness of Silver Point and others?

Su Heting opened the glass cover of the small lamp and greeted the light spot: "Come in!"

The silver dots and consciousnesses gathered, but Zhu Rong had swelled to an astonishing size. The high temperature made it difficult for Su Heting to breathe, and the opening of the light ball was tense. At that moment, Su Heting's heart stopped suddenly, because he knew that Zhu Rong was about to explode.

[You have a new message. 】

Su Heting grabbed the little lamp tightly and stuffed it into his arms. He didn't care about the news that popped up suddenly, the red light in front of him exploded, and Zhu Rong blew himself up!

This explosion not only exploded online, but also exploded in the Colosseum. Su Heting's body slid down, and the connecting wire was pulled. His virtual body is translucent, and he is about to be shattered by the red light. At this time, the message opened automatically, and two fluorescent leaves fell out of it. The leaves turned into the arena, and in the next second—

"I'm coming!"

The big tree took root and grew wildly, blocking the first explosion for Su Heting. Its branches and leaves hooked back in a strange posture, snatched Su Heting's small lamp, and stuffed it into the crown of the tree.

Su Heting said: "Jue!"

But Jue's tree roots softened, and he kept saying, "Hot, hot, hot... I'm leaving again! Take care!"

It disappeared as soon as it came. But the buffer time it gave was enough, Su Heting felt a pain in the back of his neck, and the connecting cable had been unplugged by Xie Zhenshu.


Sparks emanated from the connection lines in the arena, and the walls on all sides collapsed. Glass, corridors and seats were blown to pieces, the ground shook violently, and Su Heting was blinded.

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