Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1031: The first revision of the Ross Saga, the Genesis of the Ross people

Ella was trying to summarize the stories that had been passed down orally, one chapter at a time, and wrote them down in freehand.

She has her own unique font for writing Latin letters, and the whole thing is beautiful and neat. This is certainly not accomplished overnight, and the manuscript must be recorded first and then transcribed.

All the stories are about gods and demons fighting each other. The opening story is quite typical. The so-called god Thor fights against the earthly python, and finally kills it with a hammer. There is also the adventure of the god Frey riding a golden boar in the forest.

There are also unknown little gods, more like forest elves, who appear in the tranquil lake and have sex with men who are cutting trees.

There are various stories, except for the battle between gods and demons, which are mostly about men and women, the rest of the stories really lack dramatic tension.

"Iceland Saga" is essentially a collection of mythological stories. It does not establish a strict system for Nordic beliefs. The essence of the myths and legends compiled by Ella today is no different from them, but "Rose Saga" cannot be homogenized.

Rurik noticed that Ella did not write the chapter about the God of Creation.

He couldn't help but become interested: "You...why didn't you write down which God created everything?"

"I think I don't have the qualifications. You are the one blessed by Odin." Her words were concise and practical.

Rurik nodded: "Well, you still need me to write. Everything starts with the death of the giant Ymir..."

So, how did the world come into being?

It all begins with nothing but Odin. Odin created a big tree in the void, which was an extremely huge world tree. There is the giant Ymir in the tree, whose disintegration created the sky and the earth and the sun and the moon, which is the human world Mithgard. Odin is the supreme master of all, the sun is his creation, the giant Ymir is also his creation, so the human world Misgard is also from his hand.

But there are countless small worlds shining on the big tree, and Odin created more than just one world. Standing on the earth and looking up at the stars, there are small worlds, and there are also people from other worlds.

Valkyries travel around the world, selecting the souls of brave people to send to the Hall of Valor, and those good people will eventually be resurrected in Asgard.

Asgard is not mysterious, it is a certain point of light among the stars in the sky, and that is where everyone belongs.

Heroic spirits from various small worlds gather in the Hall of Valor in Asgard, and eventually, under the leadership of Odin, they will fight Ragnarok with the gods.

Rurik would like to use this description to construct the creation of Rus.

The cosmic explosion was described by Rurik as Odin's creation of the World Tree. Each galaxy is a giant like Ymir. The changes in galaxies and the birth of some living planets are the death of giants and the creation of mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, sun and moon. The sky full of stars is described as tiny worlds in the distance. And the end of everything, Ragnarok, is the heat death of the universe.

Rurik used his own knowledge to integrate mythology and create a set of words that can be easily understood by the people, thus explaining the birth and final outcome of the world.

His first audience was Ella.

The two of them slept on the pieced-together bed. Elal snuggled in her husband's arms and wanted to be happy, but the creation story described by her husband was too dramatic.

"Could it be that all the stars in the sky are different Misgards, with people like us?" Her curiosity arose and she must ask for the result.

"Those worlds are different from ours, but they are all created by Odin..." Rurik could only continue to make up stories to satisfy Ella's thirst for knowledge.

"Odin created the sun and the moon. Even if the Slavs and Finns have different opinions about the sun, it is ultimately due to some small issues with their beliefs. They just call Odin by another name, but Odin is Odin." Liuli Ke continued to explain, "He is the greatest god. Odin wants warriors and good people. The souls of the fallen, traitors, and thieves cannot go to Asgard, and they will fall to the lower end of the World Tree in the void. , wandering in the darkness..."

So according to the fundamental principles of this mythological system, warriors enter the Hall of Valor, and good people among ordinary people enter Asgard. So as long as you are kind to others while alive and implement a set of rules defined by Rurik, everyone in the kingdom will have a happy ending for their souls. Death is no longer the end, and the souls of good people ascend to Asgard, where they can live a happy life and meet all the people who have passed away. Death also becomes less terrifying, and the living no longer feel extremely sad.

Ella listened carefully to Rurik's explanation and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. She felt that she already knew the truth of the world: "It turns out that all of us are undergoing Odin's trial."

Rurik could clearly sense her tension and excitement, "You are very smart. We are all undergoing trials, and the truth of the world is this. In our world, Odin gave Rose the opportunity to prosper, and we must seize it. We must Write down the truth, prepare the manuscript first and then print it, so that our people can know the truth. In this way, they will go to Asgard for their souls and live a good life, and stick to order and morality."

"Compiling it... is indeed a difficult job." Ailaer forced a smile in his nervousness.

"You have done a good job so far. I will write the key part of "Los Saga". I will do this tomorrow, and you will be responsible for copying it."

"Yes. I can't wait even now..." Ella was in shock and suddenly lost her desire to be happy with her husband. She looked very anxious. Her body seemed to be under the control of God and she must pick up the feather. Write something with a pen.

Rurik was speechless and patted her head helplessly: "We will wait until daybreak to discuss everything. Stop thinking so much and go to bed first..."

Ella's body was still as tight as a piece of wood due to nervousness. Rurik didn't expect that his explanation of creation could frighten him, so he simply closed his eyes and said nothing.

It was daybreak, and Ella, who had stayed up late due to shock, was still sleeping. Rurik had already gotten up, walked out of the bedroom, found a quill and paper at his woman's desk, and started writing.

"Genesis. I just modified the Big Explosion and invented one based on Nordic mythology. Odin is the creator of all things, and Freya has become a Virgin-like character, hehe..." Rurik thought to himself, pointing. The sharp quill dipped in ink started to move.

The core chapters of the Ross Saga began to be written, even if somewhat hastily.

So at the beginning, Rurik solemnly wrote - This is the truth.

It is like the Bible is made up of an Old Testament mixed with various versions of the Gospels into a New Testament.

"Rossaga" will not be a thin book. Its core is the chapter "Odin's Creation" that Rurik is writing, which is the philosophical core of the myth.

So Odin just created everything, and his purpose is to select talented people from various worlds to fight against the great destruction called "Twilight of the Gods".

Therefore, Odin did not formulate all kinds of clear rules and commandments for mortals. He just buried wisdom in the world like a treasure, waiting for smart people to discover it. And this, this is Odin's way of selecting talented people.

Legends in the past believed that the Valkyrie was authorized by Odin to select brave and fierce warriors in the world to fight the doomsday battle as heroic spirits. This excludes a large number of non-warrior people, as if they were excluded from the mythological system. Then these excluded people will naturally look for a better faith, such as Catholicism, where everyone can go to heaven through practice.

If there is no new interpretation of Norse mythology and the source of the "doomsday heroes" can be expanded, the faith will have no vitality. The souls of all men and women who are kind to their friends, all those who fish hard, farm and weave, and all those who have committed no crimes in their lives will enter Asgard and become the people of the Holy Land. And if you become a warrior and fight for the kingdom, without betraying or surrendering, whether you die in battle or die in your hometown, your soul can directly enter the Hall of Valor.

It not only includes all Viking people, but also all Slavs, Finns, and anyone who surrenders to Russia and accepts this belief can have a happy ending.

Rurik then determined the theoretical core of Rus' faith based on this concept. The status of God Odin has been raised to an unparalleled height, and the other gods are all foils.

"At least all the tribes are willing to admit that Odin is a great god, as well as the Slavs and Finns. They are all willing to believe in a great creator." Rurik's words caused Ella to continue to tremble after waking up. .

When Ella woke up, she was surprised that the king had woken up and wrote a dense manuscript.

The paper was full of sentences written in Latin. She was surprised to see it and was convinced of its contents.

It was the saint Paul who processed the words of Jesus during his lifetime to create Ctrip's first gospel. It was the disciples who codified Confucius's sayings into the Analects.

Both works established a moral code for their civilization and ensured stability in society as a whole.

What about the Kingdom of Rus? The creation part of "Rossaga" is to establish a unique cosmology. To establish a set of common values ​​​​for the people of the entire kingdom, I am afraid that relying solely on the holy words of the saints is simply not enough. The kingdom needs a charter and a clear and as detailed law as possible.

Rurik then retreated here in Ella for three days, announcing to the outside world that "the king is communicating with Odin", just to obtain "all the truth" from the hands of God.

He made things very confusing, but the people were most curious about this. People didn't know what the "truth of everything" meant, so they continued the spring plowing, which was coming to an end, and used the retreat work between the king and the top scribe Ella as a source of conversation.

The people had more to talk about, and those returning Russian and Slavic warriors couldn't help but show off to their relatives and friends their experience in the Frankish expedition. They boasted about their great warriors one by one, and then described the war scenes in extremely grand terms.

After all, the number of combatants on both sides of the Glacier Decisive Battle reached 30,000. Such a scale was considered a major battle in Europe today, and it was too exciting for the people of Novgorod.

As the children listened to their father's talk, their hearts were deeply touched, and they dreamed of joining the army and serving the king. This way you not only become a well-informed warrior, but you can also actually get huge amounts of loot.

But the king suddenly disappeared.

Rurik needed a lot of time to revise and revise the "Genesis" manuscript he wrote, just to make it logically consistent. There is indeed only Ella who can help him with his affairs now. To be fair, besides King Rurik, the most knowledgeable person in Russia, Ella, the highest scribe and historian, can be redeemed.

She is a good student, and she is very eager to learn because she wants to know the truth about the world. She firmly believed that the system Rurik described was then polished together.

In three days, the "Genesis" chapter of "Ross Saga" was revised, and Ellajuan copied it beautifully on clean paper.

It was defined by Rurik as "All Truth" and is a part and core part of "Russian Saga".

"In this way, we are done." Ella put down her quill and suddenly felt dizzy. She suddenly lay down on the desk, and the oil lamp lighting her trembled violently.

It was late at night, and Rurik tapped her on the shoulder. "You're just too tired. Our work is done, you can take a good rest."

"I'm not tired. I'm just very nervous. I feel the power of God acting on me. Every word I write has divine power. This power... I can't bear it."

She was hinting at herself, admitting that compiling this was indeed very brain-intensive. Rurik felt secretly happy that she could think so. If she thought it was sacred, so would the people.

Ella rubbed her eyes. In fact, her vision had declined somewhat, but it was not enough to affect her life. This was proof that she was focusing on writing. She sat up slowly and said slowly: "We should keep the documents well, I'm afraid the paper will be damaged."

"It doesn't matter." Rurik said, "It's not enough that the original document is written in Latin. It must have versions in Norse and Slavic. You have to complete the matching translation, and then I will coordinate the printing."

"Okay." Ella's face looked a little haggard, "I want to eat something and go to bed quickly. I think I will be busy tomorrow."

"Then let's rest." After saying that, Rurik opened his hands and picked up this woman who had made great achievements, and entered the bedroom with a smile.

After a while, he took the supper from the waiter and took it into the bedroom. He saw that Ella had already fallen asleep.

In the past three days, Rurik completed the compilation of the core part of the mythology system, establishing a philosophical core for the scattered Norse mythology.

"Odin spreads wisdom into the world, and everyone can obtain the wisdom of God through learning." This was Rurik's explanation to the blacksmiths back then. Combined with a simple periodic table of elements, the craftsmen's mental imprisonment was over. In this way, Russia's metallurgical industry began to explode, which directly gave the army powerful military weapons.

Therefore, the royal family first received favor from Odin and was granted the right to rule by Odin. Therefore, the responsibility of the royal family becomes to help talents across the country successfully meet the selection standards of "People of Asgard", so that every good person's soul can enjoy happiness after death. Of course, while living here, we should try our best to discover wisdom and continuously improve our current life.

So the king is the greatest wise man, and the nobles must be role models.

There are also priests. The priests are all women. They are responsible for festival sacrifices and are also responsible for helping the king explain his faith. All priests are servants of Odin and even more so of the king.

The next day, the missing king appeared, and Ella continued in her office, translating the Latin document into two more editions.

Rurik looked serious and went straight to the palace to meet his father.

Old Otto's retirement life was originally ordinary. On the last day, Arik kept telling him stories about the expedition, which rekindled the dying old soldier's flame that was about to go out.

He complained a little about the disappearance of his son Rurik. Seeing his son return today, the old man couldn't help but scold him harshly.

There were only two people sitting in the palace lobby, father and son, avoiding everyone.

"Ella is indeed a very good girl, but... you make your queen a little unhappy." Old Otto's voice was hoarse and harsh.

Rurik had a look on his face, "Father, I have already announced the reason for seclusion. You... actually forgot?"

"I am indeed a little confused. Tell me, what is your result? What new revelation did Odin give you?"

"It's all the truth."

"Truth?" Otto's spirit was lifted, because he firmly believed that he had also been blessed by Odin, so he lived to this old age just to spend the rest of his life assisting Rurik in completing the rise of Ross.

"It's the truth. All the truth! Odin tells me all the truth. And Odin wants to command me..."

"How?" Otto's eyes widened with excitement.

"Odin commanded me to tell all the subjects of the kingdom all this. I commanded Ella to describe the commandments of the gods in three languages. It would be compiled into a book and printed. I would print it in large quantities so that our people could Direct access to Odin’s wisdom.”

The old man was trembling with excitement. His aging face looked up at the beams of the ceiling, and he shouted hoarsely: "Odin! Thank you for your love for Rose! I am your loyal servant!" He still didn't know what all the truth was and just wanted to thank Odin. Man.

Rurik, who was sitting cross-legged, still looked serious. He knew that he still had a lot to do.

Even just on the issue of printing, it is not just the three language versions of the existing subset of "Russian Saga", "The Only Truth" and each "Collection of Gods and Demons" that need to be printed with movable wood type. In the future, Rurik would also be willing to compile some articles advising people to be kind, to encourage people to trade fairly, and to teach farmers and mulberry trees, so as to make the territory more harmonious.

In addition, we should focus on the official version of the "War of 840" book that is popular among the public. It can be divided into "War Chronicles of Götaland", "Danish War Chronicles", "Frankish War Chronicles" and "Flanders War Chronicles". ", only introduces the war process that spans a whole year to the people, praises the bravery of the king and the greatness of the soldiers, and even announces one thing for all the subjects - Frank has opened the door to Ross, and Ross's hand of grabbing wealth has gone deep there, The opportunity to make a fortune has arrived.

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