Rising From The Technology System

Chapter 312: See you later

In fact, Xia Xiyue’s ability to do this is already the greatest decision she has made in her life. Although Xia Xiyue is the founder of Yunteng Group, she is visited by people from time to time in her office. She shared some secrets of success. Xia Xiyue has never known what to say. Although she has succeeded now, when she is really successful, all her abilities will be rewarded.

Xia Xiyue is a great woman in her career. The kind of night ethics that is unique to her is something other entrepreneurs do not have. As a successful woman, she never feels that the whole world is falling because of her success. In her eyes, there is only the difference between the strong and the weak, and there is no other further difference.

Although Xia Xiyue only sees the difference between the strong and the weak, the standard in her heart for judging the strong and the weak is different from our usual measure of the strong and the weak. In her heart, the strong is not in her own. There is great success in career or in a particular field of oneself, but whether this person is able to succeed.

In Xia Xiyue’s heart, Guo Zhenyu is a strong one. Guo Zhenyu has energy that Xia Xiyue never thought of. Although Guo Zhenyu seems to have nothing now, he still has the capital for his revolution, as long as Guo Zhenyu can recover. With his original memory, he may be successful. Success has always been only for people who are prepared, so Guo Zhenyu is now eager to try, making Xia Xiyue feel particularly safe.

Xia Xiyue glanced at Guo Zhenyu. She originally wanted to have a good relationship with Guo Zhenyu, a successful person, but when she saw the expression in Guo Zhenyu's eyes when she saw Shen Meier, she knew she was out of play. Although there are many miracles in this world, although she should have her own dream, although the possibility of her being with Guo Zhenyu is extremely small, although she knows that she should not just give up like this, but she also knows that if she doesn’t If you do this, you will really regret it. Xia Xiyue turned her head and looked at Shen Mei'er again. She felt that Shen Mei'er was still a particularly lucky woman. She didn't have that kind of luck. When she saw a woman who was more fortunate than herself, Xia Xiyue felt that she was too weak.

Originally, Xia Xiyue was not a pessimistic person. Xia Xiyue knows a lot of truths. Xia Xiyue always knows what she needs to do. But now with Guo Zhenyu’s problem, Xia Xiyue is the first time Feeling very confused in her life, her original life plan, the original rules and principles, suddenly became useless when it came to Guo Zhenyu. Xia Xiyue originally thought that no matter what issues she was able to maintain her original calm and rationality, but she found that she was still too tender, she just hadn't seen the world.

Regarding Guo Zhenyu’s issue, Xia Xiyue felt that she had no plans at all. Her original living habits and original lifestyle have now been changed by a man named Guo Zhenyu. Xia Xiyue is basically a little headless now. Like a fly, she can only grit her teeth and persevere. Although she doesn't know if she can win or if she is doing it right, she is rarely impulsive in life.

Xia Xiyue used to be very calm and calm when she did everything. Even when she was young, she had never been as impulsive as she is now. It is clear that this is the first impulse in her love life in her life. Because Xia Xiyue didn't know if she would have a second impulse, Xia Xiyue cherished the opportunity of this impulse.

When Guo Zhenyu saw that the two women in front of him suddenly became the best girlfriends in this way, the whole person was basically collapsed. Who could come and talk to him about what is going on? He was still angry just now. It’s not good. Now suddenly I can sit opposite each other so calmly and naturally, and become the best best friend with each other. Maybe this is the relationship between women, and the emotional world between women may be more complicated, otherwise Xia Xiyue wouldn't have become best friends with Shen Meier so easily, without any other conflicts.

"Since the two of you have developed to where you are now, what can I say? After all, you are happy. I don’t know what I’m here for when I came out today. I still feel that you have changed your face like this. I'm so flustered, I can't keep up with your footsteps, and you don't have to look at me like this. I am a relatively straightforward person. People I like just like them, and people who don't like them don't. There is no other reason. "

Although Guo Zhenyu doesn’t understand love, he still watched some so-called romance movies. The classic lines that Guo Zhenyu said just now often appear in them. The reason why they can be called classics is because these words are said very well Makes sense. The words Guo Zhenyu just said actually moved him to tears. Guo Zhenyu did not expect that he could be so literary. He looked at the two women in front of him and looked at the expressions on their faces. He felt that he didn't even know. That little bit of thought in women's hearts, if he could understand what they were thinking, it would be great.

"When did you say this? I really didn't expect you to say this. Are you still the Guo Zhenyu I know?" Shen Meier was also particularly shocked when she heard Guo Zhenyu's words, because she was already I have known Guo Zhenyu for so long, and I have never heard Guo Zhenyu say such things. Now she is really eye-opening.

Xia Xiyue couldn't help laughing after hearing this. She didn't intend to laugh at first, but then she found it difficult to hold back a laugh. She couldn't help her inner desire to laugh. . Xia Xiyue glanced at Guo Zhenyu, and she thought it might have been Guo Zhenyu's words. Such kind of Guo Zhenyu looks like a warm man. Isn't it the same for a warm man?

"Guo Zhenyu may have been stimulated by something, otherwise he has never said such a thing before. Today Guo Zhenyu can say such a thing, it is estimated that he has put a lot of effort into it. We should not let Guo Zhenyu's failure. With this painstaking effort, since he has been preparing for this sentence for so long, let's not trouble him anymore. I think he must be particularly entangled now, because both of them are beautiful women in front of him. He doesn't even know how he should weigh."

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