Rising To Grand Garden

Chapter 3 - New School Year I

When he arrives in the main hall, Matt looks around for the Headmaster's office so he can introduce himself to the school. The office is exactly on the opposite. So, he walks through the hall to the door, knocks, and enters the antechamber of the office, where he meets the secretary.

"We expected you. My name is Clara Moon, I'm the school secretary. Please go to the headmaster's office." She says kindly.

He nods smiling and continues.

"Wow!!! She is beautiful, just embarrassing I couldn't say a word" He thought.

Matt enters the office. The headmaster jumps from behind the door, made some spooky sounds but the try to scare Matt ended up in embarrassing silence. Both are staring at each other confused.

"What a jerk." Matt thinks.

"Crap I messed up." Says the headmaster with a fake laugh.

"Hello ... I'm the new one ... you wanted to talk to me ...." Matt says disturbed.

"My name is Roy Kaiser. You can call me Roy!" He introduces himself.

"Uhm... Why should I? You're the headmaster!" Matt complains.

"See it as an exception, no student gets the privileges. If you don't do, I force you to." Roy answers with a smile.

"all right. What do you want from me, Roy?" Matt answers annoyed.

"You're new at school so I have to classify you and since you don't seem out of our world, I should cause that we thoroughly examined you and tell you what skills you have to which race and to which rank you belong. So that you can also be divided into the corresponding living area." He Explained.

"I understand, but what about my class I come into?" Matt asks.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, your visiting class 1a from now on, the Monitor of your class will catch you up in the anteroom." Roy answers.

"Okay, then I'll go. I wish you a good day." Matt says.

"His voice sounds familiar to me ... where did I hear it? Could his voice be the one I heard before I came here? " Matt thinks.

Matt leaves the office and goes back to the anteroom. Without knowing that he will meet a familiar face. When he noticed that it was the girl from the morning who lost the shoe, he smiled jocularly. When she saw him, she blushes. She hadn't forgotten what happened this morning. She hoped that he forgot her or this incident, otherwise she would sink into the ground because she is embarrassed afterward.

"Hi, so we meet again!" He says laughing.

"Hi, I think so." She said uncomfortably.

The two leave the anteroom and went to the classroom. On the way the two talk.

"I'm Marie, the third daughter of the Osiris clan, who guarding the Grand Garden entrance. I am 15 years old and the Monitor of class 1a." She introduces herself.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Matt Fall, actually I shouldn't live anymore, but somebody really wanted me in this world." I'm 15 years old. " He also introduces himself.

Marie stops and looks at Matt confused.

"What's up, don't we have to go to class?" Matt says.

Marie stops and looks at Matt confused.

"What's up, don't we have to do it in class?" Matt says

"That's not funny! Are you stupid, you don't seriously think I believe you, don't blame me. Why should one of the gods summon a weak human." Marie says condescendingly.

"Ouch, that wasn't nice, I can't help it, that's unfortunately it. How do you know I'm a human?" Matt says smiling.

"My necklace tells me the race and power of life if I want to know. Whatever, we should go to class. You have to introduce yourself, but you better leave that part out or something else. You really should be careful, you're the only human here and you could get some troubles, we also have a few nasties discriminates the weaker. So better don't tell them you're a human." She says.

"If they don't realize that I am human." He contradicts.

"In any case, they won't notice unless you're doing something crazy like, for example, you mess with one of them." she replies.

"I´ll try." He says.

"So, we have reached the class, please stay here, I'll call you in then." Says Marie.

Marie enters the classroom and starts to speak to the class.

"Good morning dear class, today it is finally time, our new member has finally arrived. Come in!!!" Marie says.

Very comfortable, Matt enters the room with a big grin. It is murmured in the classroom by the number of mumbling students it isn't to be missed.

"Oh, he looks really good" mumbles a girl

"Yes, you're right, I hope the monitor hasn't snapped him yet." Replies a second girl mumbling.

"I was hoping it will be a girl." Says a boy

"Yes, unfortunately not. The bigger problem is that he looks good, so we never have a chance to land with the girls, dammit." A boy whispers to the other.

Matt started to giggle. Marie hits the desk with a pointing stick and the class is quiet and alert.

Matt started to introduce himself.

"Hi guys, I'm Matt Fall, 15 years old, I hope we all get on well together, I'm originally from another ...."

Before he could finish his sentence, he had Marie's elbow in his ribs and a bad look on him. He cleared his throat and continued his sentence.

"From an untitled village far in the north." He said very clearly and pronounced.

"Be nice to Matt, understand!" Marie says with a menacing but sweet smile.

After Matt introduces himself, the teacher enters the room as if he had been called after him, he was there on time to start his lesson.

"Good day Matt, I'm Mr. Bloom, I'm your class teacher, if you have any problems, just contact me in the staff room or talk to me after class, but I'm not with you every lesson. You will have some Lessons with other teachers too, but why am I telling you that, you probably know it." Mr. Bloom says with a monotone voice.

"Good day. I'll remember that, thank you." Matt says.

"Sit over there at the window there is still a free place, your bank neighbor hasn't yet appeared, she is unfortunately ill." he says bored.

Matt nods and goes over to his seat.

"I would like to sit next to him because I have no neighbors, is that possible?" Marie says without hesitation and with an expectant look.

"why not." Mr. Bloom answered.

You could see the whole class that they were all dissatisfied with this decision. When he reaches his seat, Matt sits down in his seat with a light wheeze and lays his head on the bench to hide his shocked look. He felt that a look with intense murder l.u.s.t bounced on him. He took a deep breath and straightened up again. Marie has taken her things from her old place and sits down to Matt. She unpacks her things for the class.

"Didn't you tell me not to make enemies, now you're making enemies of me, I don't think I'll survive a week at school, I don't want to die again." Matt whispered to Marie.

"Why, this is just the typical oh he/she is so cute I hope it works with us, crap. As if one of the guys from this class would arouse my interest, in addition, I am the monitor of this class I pass especially Take care of yourself. " She whispers back.

"Um, good if you mean. You can't tell me that I don't look extremely good right?" Says Matt confidently.

"I-I never said that ... b... but you can't protect me...." She stutters

"Who told you that?" He interrupted

"You have no abilities." She blushes.

"let's change the subject. Where is your school kit?" She complains.

"Good change, don't need... I already know everything, even everything from the university. As I said I was summoned into this world." He answers.

"Who believes it ... "She mumbles.

"Mr. Bloom, you don't want to say anything, my neighbor has nothing to write or read at the moment?" Exclaims Marie

"I don't care if he passes his exam. On the other hand, I know the circ.u.mstances, from the headmaster." He answers.

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