Ron Weasley: A Noble's Ascension

Chapter 9 - Employee Of The Week.

*"Working, what most people do to get by, many do it even when they hate what they do. Yet the money that it provides is what keeps people going, some jobs even have privileges. Like mine at Slug and Jiggers, after closing time I'm allowed to use one of their cauldron for free, alongside some cheap ingredients. That's also the only reason why I haven't bitch slapped the woman screaming at me right now.*"

"What do you mean, I can't return this Dandelion Root!? I don't need it anymore and I want my money back!"

"Ma'am, do you have a receipt?"

"I told you I lost it! But I know I bought it here, so give me my refund!!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, I can't give you a refund if you don't have your receipt. Next in line!"

"Oh, no you f.u.c.k.i.n.g don't! I want to talk to your manager!"


Ron then walked to the back of the shop and knocked on a door and a haired man walked out. Ron leaned in and whispered into his ear, after which the man nodded and walked towards the counter.

"Good morming ma'am, I'm the manger how can I help you?"

"This rude boy won't give me a refund!"

"Hmm, do you have a receipt ma'am?"

"No, I lost it, but I clearly remember buying it here."

"I see, well then I'm sorry but I cant help you... please read the sign."

Behind the counter hanged a sign that read in big bold letters: NO RECEIPT, NO REFUND.

"So as you can see, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store."

"Why you!! Humph!"

With fury the woman turned red and stormed out of the shop and slammed the door as she left.

"How many does that make?"

"She's the 9th sir..."





Dealing with stupid and illiterate people all day was taxing but at the end of the day when he was allowed to use the shops pewter cauldron, it almost felt worth it.

"Alright this will be the... 5th try. I added too much Deadlyius last time, this time I'll add a pinch of powdered Erumpent Horn."

This was what he'd done the last three days, modifying his hallucinogenic potion. Although he hadn't had any success yet, he hadn't given up continuously trying different ideas.

He had one hour to work on it, before his father would come and pick him up. He tried to explain to his parents that he could go back home alone but his mom wouldn't budge.


Before he could even look inside the cauldron, the putrid smell coming from inside it, made it very clear that it hadn't worked.


"It's another failure..."


Hearing knocking he knew that his father had arrived to pick him up, quickly cleaning the mess he'd made he then went to say goodbye to the Mr. Vin the manager before leaving. Outside his father stood with a smile seeing as his son ran out the door.

"How's the job treating you?"

"It's fine, although I'd like for more people to learn how to read."

"It was one of those days, huh?"


"You know that you don't have to work son, you should enjoy your youth and make friends, have fun."

Ron knew that his dad was right, if he was in his past life. Here, in the Wizarding World, that wasn't an option the strong ate the weak, the rich crushed the poor. He'd seen this before in his past life if you wanted to survive you'd have to struggle and be ready to do whatever's necessary to survive. That of course wasn't something he'd tell his father who just wanted to cheer him up.

"That's one if the reasons I'm doing this dad, working at the shop I get to meet new people and get to interact with them."

"Hmm, alright but remember that your mom only allowed you to work for this one week."

"Yeah, I know don't worry I don't plan to work there much longer."

Making their way to the Leaky Cauldron they used the Floo Network and went home.




The following four days went about the same he'd wake up early, eat breakfast go to Slug and Jiggers , work on his potion and then go back home. His progress with the potion was nonexistent and he began to doubt himself, those self doubting thoughts slowly began to eat at him. Soon no matter where he was or what he was doing they'd pop back into his head.

"*I've double and triple checked the recipe... what could I be overlooking!?"

Ron's deal with his mother to work at Slug and Jiggers ended today, and he still hadn't found what was wrong with his potion. He'd bet everything on his ability to make it, yet now it looked like it was impossible.

After work as he was getting ready to try to make the potion for the 12th time he almost felt like giving up, he was wasting all of his money and getting no results.


"*Maybe I should give up on making a Hallucegenic Potion and just sell rock again that'd be simpler. None of this Potion making stuff, back then it was just a Simple transaction... Simple... Why am I trying to make it simple!? I'm not some Muggle I'm a Wizard so why am I trying to replicate something so Simple!?*"

Continuing that train of thought he came to an answer which oddly was simple, the Room of Requirement.

"I may not like it but I'm going to have to wait until I go to Hogwarts, to finish my Drug."

Having said that, Ron took out a small parchment from his pocket and started looking around the shop for the ingredients written on it. Once he'd gathered all of the ingredients it was time to start brewing.

"*Put 3 pairs of Fairy Wings mortar and grind with pestle Add 6 measures of ground Fairy Wings to the cauldron Stir 3 times, clockwise Add 5 measures of Morning Dew to the cauldron Stir 10 times, anti clockwise Heat to a high heat for 15 seconds, a touch of my secret ingredient... and Voilà!*"

"*This aught to be good enough, and atleast with this my time here wasn't wasted.*"

Shortly after he heard his father knocking and he went down stairs to say goodbye to Mr. Vin.

"Bye, Mr. Vin my dad's here."

"Alright, take care now and don't think I didn't notice you taking some extra ingredients! I'll add them to your tab!"

"Thank you, I'll be sure to come around when I'm going to Hogwarts."

"Yeah, yeah, don't forget the Galleons!"

Having bid farewell Ron walked out the shop and met with his father.

"How was the last day?"

"Great, I actually learned something New! Oh dad I have to stop by Madam Malkin's I'm going to need a new robe."

When his father heard him, he stopped walking and turned towards with a real somber look.

"Ron are you sure you want to go ti that party? Those aren't nice people, they enjoy bullying those they deem weak, some of the are even evil. Are you sure you've thought this trought, I'd hate for you to have a bad experience."

Ron knew what his father ment, everyone that would attend that party would be Purebloods who openly hated and despised everyone else. That of course also meant him, not because of his blood but because of his parents. Yet for his plans to succeed he needed those ignorant bigots since they had the deepest pockets.

"I'm sure dad, don't worry us Weasleys have thick skin."

His dad stared directly at his eyes before sighing and going with him to Madam Malkin's.

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