Roulette World

Six hundred and eighty fifth chase

No matter the life that came in from any place, they immediately saw the huge shadow slowly rising from the center of Linhai.

At that moment, all beings felt extremely shocked.

Although in the world of roulette, the size of the body is not used to judge the strength of the strength, and this is not a customary standard.

However, the evolutionary life with a huge body does indeed mean that it is difficult and difficult to deal with in many cases.

Except for a few 'silly big guys', most of this type of beings are very powerful.

And when this kind of hugeness becomes particularly huge, it is almost certain that this is an existence with a very high degree of evolution and extremely powerful strength, without exception!

Just like the sky tree in the previous life, it was so huge that the canopy covered the entire city, and it would be captured by its aura from a distance. It already existed in its own world, and the nine-star evolutionary would not provoke it.

The same is true for this Yama tree that emerged from the ground.

On the huge trunk is the wildly dancing Suomingluo, which grows on the thick branches. The soft branches are the branches, and the hard ones are the branches.

Suomingluo is more like long and thin strands of hair to Yan Wangshu, but to humans, these strands of hair are enough to make you daunting.

In addition to these Suomingluo that grow on the main trunk, there are more plants of this kind that have their own root system and can move freely on the land at a fast speed, drilling in and out in every corner of the entire Linhai, slaughtering and touching All beings that come into contact absorb energy. And these energies are transmitted back through the root system connected to the Yama tree body underground, accelerating the evolution of this terrifying existence.

At the same time, large swaths of mummy shadows began to appear in various places near the sea, and they all walked in one direction with neat steps.

The group of corpses that entered from the seaside was the first to encounter the group of mummies. There happened to be a nest of mummies over there, and the mummies that swarmed out of it happened to bump into these former similar ones.

As the boss of this group of zombies, the sword armor zombie has encountered many opponents, including humans, similar species, monsters, and other mutant beings.

But it has never encountered such a dry existence that looks so similar to them. It already has wisdom and can feel that these things are different from itself, but it can't tell the difference.

But for the corpse group, there is a principle that must be obeyed.

When they met on a narrow road, even if they were both zombies, they would either join the group of corpses and become the subordinates of the sword armor, or fight desperately until one of them was wiped out.

As for not being of the same kind...then even the former possibility is not possible, and if you encounter it, you will fight!

So the sword armor let his subordinates do it.

What kind of scene would a six-figure zombie charge together? People who haven't seen it don't know, and those who have seen least for now, most of them are dead.

The number of these mummies is still quite a lot, at least more than 5,000. Usually, they are enough to run rampant in Linhai City, and no one dares to provoke them.

But now he has an opponent.

The mummy doesn't have much consciousness, and they are not afraid of death when they fight, but the zombies are also not afraid of death.

There are so many mummies that they have completely controlled Linhai. But this group of zombies is more numerous, and they came from outside, and they don't recognize your dominance at all.

What's more, compared to the slightly monotonous fighting style of the mummy, the abilities of the zombie are more diverse and powerful.

So when the two swarms collided with everything, the zombie swarm stopped for only a second before drowning the mummy swarm.

The battle lasted less than two minutes and ended, and the sword armor as the leader didn't even make a move.

Finding a mummy that looked unusually thick, the sword armor kicked away the men who wanted to get a share of the pie, and the sharp hand tore off a piece of the mummy's body, and stuffed it directly into its mouth.

After chewing, Jianjia spit out these things again. If he still had human consciousness, he would definitely say that it was just like eating poop.

This thing has no nutrition for zombies.

Sword Armor and its men, who have been wandering in the wilderness for a while, are in urgent need of energy replenishment, but obviously, these things can't give them.

However, the hunger of the sword armor sharpened its sense of smell. It raised its head, sniffed in the air, and then suddenly flew into the sky. There were no big trees, and then pointed in one direction and let out a loud roar, and the corpses immediately rushed towards that direction.

It, looking for a tempting treat!


Ye Zhongming didn't expect Yan Wangshu to find him so quickly, which made him even more eager to escape from here.

After all, Linhai is that guy's domain, and it's obviously not a wise choice to get entangled with him here.

In this case, there are still people blocking the way ahead, so Ye Zhongming will naturally not be polite.

With a thought in his mind, a small figure jumped out from behind and punched the survivor who was looking at Ye Zhongming with his neck stuck.

At the same level of five-level evolution, the silver corpse wearing Nuonuo's wild travel companion equipment was obviously stronger, and a big hole was punched out of the upper abdomen of this five-star evolutionary immediately!

The screams sounded immediately, and the evolutionary waved his right hand, and a light blade appeared on it, cutting directly at the silver corpse's head.

But the second small shadow appeared on the other side of Ye Zhongming. The puppet in his hand smashed the man's knees to pieces. The corpse's head bumped against it rudely, knocking down the man's face, the light blade in his hand could no longer be held and disappeared, his body lay on his back on the ground, twitching violently.

The silver corpse jumped over and bit him on the neck, absorbing a lot of energy.

A five-star evolutionary was killed like a weak chicken in front of the twins, making the human beings who had just been dominated by Suo Mingluo's fear temporarily quiet, and looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

Ye Zhongming, who had not moved all this time, suddenly pointed out a finger at this moment. The fine-level python finger was attached to the spiritual attack of Daqian Soul Refining Technique, and it instantly touched the throat of another five-star evolutionary. The finger only penetrated half an inch. A blood hole appeared from the back of the neck, and a large amount of blood sprayed from there to the crowd behind, and the warm and salty liquid sprinkled them all over.

"Go away!"

Ye Zhongming let out a low drink, and rushed over with the people. The dungeon survivors who wanted to extort money just now turned around and started to escape.

In a head-to-head battle, Ye Zhongming couldn't kill a five-star evolutionary so simply, but these two people stood carelessly within three meters in front of him, which was no different from courting death.

Behind him, Suo Mingluo got closer, and Yan Wangshu, after his entire body appeared on the ground, took the first step towards Ye Zhongming.

The chase has officially begun.

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