Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 140: help

The two companions brought over by Constantine from the parallel world probably have little knowledge.

Not only the curly-haired woman directly showed doubts on her face, even the black man shrugged his shoulders in disbelief.

On the other hand, Constantine's heartbeat accelerated a little. Although he was smiling on the surface, his eyes were always observing the expressions of Ke Wen and Lucifer.

He seemed to be afraid that Lucifer would get mad if he disagreed with him, and he was extremely wary of Ke Wen who could mix with Lucifer.

It wasn't until he saw that Lucifer and Ke Wen were both indifferent, that Constantine secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was about to speak to ease the atmosphere, but Lucifer continued talking.

With a cheerful and amused smile on his face, Lucifer slightly poked his head towards the curly-haired woman, and asked in his extremely magnetic voice, "Tell me, what do you desire?"

"I..." The curly-haired woman fell into confusion for a moment.

As if she had been hypnotized, she said hesitantly, "I long to save my father."

"Oh~" Lucifer pulled out a tone, and jokingly said: "Electra's little girl."


Constantine rushed to speak before the curly-haired woman could reply, and he immediately returned to the topic and said, "I don't know if there is an Oliver Queen in your world, but the one on our earth has got rid of the troubles of the world."


Lucifer nodded with a smile, and said to Ke Wen: "Look, Quinn, trading with mortals is interesting, because they can always bring you something new."

"Hurry up." Kewen raised his chin at the three of Constantine and urged, "Get over their business as soon as possible, I'm still in a hurry to get the answer from your old man."

"Okay ok...who made what you found more interesting?"

Lucifer responded with a laugh, looked back at Constantine and asked, "What help do you want from me?"

Constantine was tactful enough that he didn't ask Lucifer to simply bring Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow of their world, back to life.

Instead, he pointed to himself and his two companions, and said with a flattering smile: "We need to go to your place to meet Oliver, I want to persuade him to go back, he still has unfinished missions on him, and it is not yet during break."

"Is that so?"

Lucifer didn't expect the other party's request to be so simple, which made him less happy.

But this doesn't matter to Lucifer, as he said, he can find more fun in those fairy tale universes.

So Lucifer said directly to Ke Wen: "Lend me some strength."

Under Constantine's astonished expression, Ke Wen raised his left hand, and instantly condensed a group of soul-ruling power.

After looking at it, Lucifer shook his head and said, "Too many."

Ke Wen was slightly stunned, but he realized that Lucifer was trying to cheat people, so he recovered most of the energy, leaving only the size of a fingernail.

Satisfied, Lucifer took out a playing card from his pocket, and pressed the card on the small ball of energy.

A burst of red rose from the playing cards, and by the time Lucifer removed the cards, the energy had been completely absorbed.

Handing out the card between two fingers, Lucifer said to Constantine, who stretched out his hand: "Satan can always help people survive, hold this card."

After Constantine took the card with the pattern of "Satan playing the piano", Lucifer reminded again: "Your time in **** is limited, when the picture completely disappears..."

"I understand!" Constantine interrupted Lucifer, and he said with a look of indifference: "It's nothing more than nonsense that our souls will disappear."

"No, your souls will not disappear."

Lucifer didn't care about the other party's rudeness, but added the reminder: "It's that you will be trapped in **** forever, so I suggest you pay attention to your time."

Constantine was surprised at Lucifer's ease of speaking, but he also nodded to show that he remembered.

"Okay, okay." Lucifer clapped his hands, scanned the three people in front of him, and said, "Then we're even, little John, and you'll have to pay a price if you make a deal with me next time."

After speaking, Lucifer greeted Ke Wen, then turned and walked into the back door of the bar.

Ke Wen didn't follow up immediately. He glanced at the three of Constantine, then shook his head at Constantine and said, "You have really lowered the level of John Constantine's appearance."

After speaking, Ke Wen walked into the bar amidst Constantine's bewildered expression.

When the door was closed, the curly-haired woman couldn't help asking Constantine, "Do you know him? Who is he?"

Constantine shook his head in a daze, and after recovering, he said, "I don't know, but forget it, I suggest you don't delve into it, after all, it is an existence that can get along with Satan."

"Well, it really doesn't matter who he is."

The curly-haired woman sighed, and said to Constantine: "But we seem to have forgotten one thing. We forgot to ask that Satan what we should do."

"Don't overthink it, dear."

Constantine shook his head, and raised his hand to place the cards in front of him.

He poured a little of the magic power in his body into the cards, which made the cards suddenly turn red.

Clinking piano sounds came from the cards, and flames also began to emerge from the pictures of the cards, making the scene inside the cards quickly turn into a scorching hell.

In the next moment, the three of them were suddenly in a trance and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Ke Wen in the bar paused, and he turned his head to look at the back door.

"Leave them alone."

Lucifer in front greeted: "Come on, let's continue talking about those fairy tale universes."

Ke Wen looked away and followed Lucifer back to the bar.

"Then we start over."

After sitting down, Lucifer raised his hands, and while making a gesture of praying together, he called out: "Amani, respond to me!"

Invisible fluctuations instantly enveloped the entire bar.

The music stopped, and the crowd in the hall was also silenced on the dance floor and booths.

Amani's figure appeared beside Ke Wen and Lucifer out of thin air.

Amani, who appeared, first glanced at Cowen, and then turned his gaze indifferently.

He frowned and said to Lucifer in a deep voice: "I don't have time to play any games with you! Listen! You can't put all the work of getting your wings back on me! You should actively participate in the investigation yourself!"

"Ah, yes, yes." Lucifer was very perfunctory.

"Be serious! Lucifer!"

Amani shouted: "Don't you realize the seriousness of the matter?! Once your lost wings are successfully used by someone! It will cause chaos!"

"Lost your wings?" Ke Wen suddenly interjected and asked Lucifer.

"Yes, that's right." Lucifer spread his hands and shrugged, and said nonchalantly: "I don't know who stole it, but it doesn't matter. I will investigate slowly later. Your business is the most important thing now."

"Lucifer!" Amani roared angrily.

"Spare my eardrums, Oman." Lucifer raised his hand as a sign of restraint, and immediately said: "Listen to me first, we need your help now, my friend Ke Wen wants to communicate with the old man, so I need your help We convey."

Amani, who still wanted to continue to get angry, was taken aback.

He looked at Ke Wen in surprise: "Do you want to communicate with your father?"

"That's right." Ke Wen nodded: "I have some doubts and want to get answers."

"Then you can pray!" Amani reminded Kewen while enduring his anger towards Lucifer: "If father wants to communicate with you, then you will get a response."

"I don't want it." Ke Wen couldn't help showing a look of disgust.

Thinking of being played by God twice, he couldn't help but pouted and said, "I don't want to communicate directly with your old man, I'm afraid he will trick me again."


Amani was excited and wanted to say something, but he suddenly froze there.

The expression on his face quickly softened, and his eyes gradually filled with the depth of wisdom.

Beside, Lucifer's expression also became astonished.

He stared at Amani with wide eyes, and hesitated to speak: "Father, God?!"

"Son." Amani, who was possessed by God, looked at Lucifer, smiled slightly and said, "I'm very busy, so it would save time to come directly to you."

Hearing this, Lucifer's expression couldn't help but become very complicated.

Disgust, anger, resentment, but also hidden expectations.

He looked away from the stage, and said indifferently: "My friend wants to ask you some questions, please tell me, and then get out of my place quickly!"

God smiled again, and then slowly turned his head to look at Cowen.

Ke Wen couldn't help but raised his hand and touched the back of his head, then quickly withdrew his hand under God's playful gaze.

He cautiously asked: "What happened to those fairy tale universes? They shouldn't appear in this world."

"You should have guessed it, didn't you?" God smiled and said softly, "That's it, I found a neighbor through your nice armor, and we got along well, so we gave each other some small gifts, and we are still in love. Are you planning to engage in a fellowship?"

"I see…"

Ke Wen was stunned, and continued to ask: "If Alice finds out about the movie..."

Halfway through the question, Ke Wen suddenly realized that his question was completely The fairy tale world was brought here by God, so how could it be possible for Alice to find out that her own experience was compiled into a movie?

It is estimated that Alice will not find this problem at all, either she has completely forgotten everything in the fairy tale world, or she will not have the concept of detecting abnormalities at all.

Not to mention such trivial matters as God, even Kewen himself can easily make Alice unaware of anything.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen nodded politely and said, "Thank you, I have no doubts."

God smiled again, then looked at Lucifer and said, "Son, I need you to do me a favor."

These words made Lucifer and Ke Wen stunned at the same time...

Thanks to the monthly support of the two friends of "a name that no one else has used for the time being" and "book friend 170222210812465"!

(end of this chapter)

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